2018 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

$100,000 Super High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Seth Davies on the Rise

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Igor Kurganov raised to 13,000 from early position and Seth Davies called from the big blind. Both players checked the {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} flop, and then Davies bet 33,000 on the {6-Hearts} turn.

Kurganov called and then called a bet of 85,000 on the {Q-Clubs} river. Davies tabled the {5-Clubs}{2-Clubs} for a turned straight, and it was good as Kurganov sent his hand to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
$25K Fantasy
WPT 1X Winner
Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov

Chidwick Sends Tollerene to the Rail

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Ben Tollerene on Day 1
Ben Tollerene on Day 1

With 109,000 already in the pot and a flop of {4-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{7-Spades}, Ben Tollerene checked from the small blind and Stephen Chidwick did the same from the cutoff.

After the dealer burned and turned the {9-Spades}, Tollerene led out for 70,000 and Chidwick burned a time extension before moving all in for 233,000.

Tollerene had a bit less than that, and he used two time extensions of his own before calling off.

Tollerene: {k-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}
Chidwick: {a-Spades}{8-Spades}

Tollerene was ahead with a pair of sevens, but Chidwick had both an open-ended straight and flush draw. The {10-Spades} river was just what he was looking for, and Tollerene had no recourse but to make a beeline for the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene

Tags: Stephen ChidwickBen Tollerene

Kurganov Almost Doubles

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Steve O'Dwyer opened under the gun plus one for 13,000 and saw Igor Kurganov three-bet to 35,000 from the button. The blinds folded, O'Dwyer called.

O'Dwyer check-called a bet of 21,000 on {3-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Clubs} before they both checked the {7-Spades} on the turn. The {J-Diamonds} completed the board and O'Dywer checked again. Kurganov bet 87,000, leaving himself just a couple of thousand behind. O'Dwyer called rather quickly.

Kurganov showed {K-Spades}{K-Hearts} and O'Dywer mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov

Tags: Igor KurganovSteve O'Dwyer

Start-of-Day Chip Leader Gone Early

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Scott Seiver on Day 1
Scott Seiver on Day 1

After losing a big pot to David Peters, start-of-the-day chip leader Scott Seiver was finished off by Argentina's Ivan Luca.

A preflop raising war resulted in Seiver getting all in for 607,000 against Luca, who had him covered.

Luca: {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs}
Seiver: {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

Both players held big pairs, but Luca's was best. Seiver was looking for some lady love, but he didn't get any as the board ran out a dry {10-Clubs}{3-Spades}{5-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}.

Just like that, the 2013 PCA $100K Super High Roller champ hit the rail

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Luca ar
Ivan Luca
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ivan LucaScott Seiver

Bonomo Busts Aldemir

Level 9 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Koray Aldemir on Day 1
Koray Aldemir on Day 1

A short-stacked Koray Aldemir limped from early position and Kevin Hobbs raised to 21,000 from the hijack. Daniel Dvoress called from the cutoff and then Justin Bonomo made it 88,000 to go from the big blind.

Aldemir then moved in for 95,000 total, both Hobbs and Dvoress folded, and Bonomo called.

Bonomo: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Aldemir: {j-Hearts}{j-Clubs}

Aldemir was looking for a third jack, but he was left wanting as the board ran out an unhelpful {9-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{4-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{q-Spades}.

Player Chips Progress
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Justin BonomoKoray Aldemir

Level: 10

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 1,000

Dvoress Busted

Level 10 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Daniel Dvoress
Daniel Dvoress

Daniel Dvoress opened under the gun plus one for 14,000 and saw Bryn Kenney three-bet to 47,000 from the cutoff. The button and blinds folded and Dvoress called to see a flop.

On {J-Spades}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}, Dvoress checked. Kenney bet 41,000 and Dvoress called.

Dvoress check-called a bet of 85,000 on the {Q-Clubs} turn before checking again on the {6-Diamonds} river. Kenney moved in and Dvoress was left with the decision for his 219,000 stack.

Dvoress didn't need too long, he never touched his two time bank chips, as he called with 15 seconds left to act. Kenney showed {K-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}, Dvoress mucked his {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts}.

Player Chips Progress
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Daniel DvoressBryn Kenney

Kevin Hart Shoves on Sam Greenwood

Level 10 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Kevin Hart raised to 16,000 from under the gun and Sam Greenwood, who was next to act, responded with a three-bet to 50,000.

Action folded back to Hart, and with the cameras surrounding the table, he called to see a {6-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{a-Hearts} flop. Hart check-called a bet of 25,000 and then check for a second time when the {6-Clubs} turn paired the board.

Greenwood tossed out 70,000 and Hart check-raised all in for around 240,000. It did the trick as Greenwood flashed just the {10-Diamonds} and folded.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Hart us
Kevin Hart
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Sam GreenwoodKevin Hart