2018 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

$100,000 Super High Roller
Day: 3
Event Info

2018 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Sam Greenwood Eliminated in 7th Place ($248,720)

Level 18 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Sam Greenwood
Sam Greenwood

Hand 6: Ivan Luca opened for 110,000 with {Q-Hearts}{J-Clubs} but folded to Sam Greenwood's 805,000 shove with {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}.

Hand 7: Isaac Haxton opened under the gun plus one for 110,000 with {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}. In the hijack, Sam Greenwood called with {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}. Daniel Negreanu, in the small blind, had the same hand as Haxton and squeezed to 450,000 with {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}.

The big blind folded and Haxton asked how much Negreanu had behind. When he found out it was 2.1 million behind, he called. Action was now on Greenwood and he started counting his chips. He used a time bank card before he let it go.

Negreanu was first to act and bet 275,000 into 1,095,000 on {3-Spades}{K-Clubs}{7-Hearts}. Haxton let it go.

Hand 8: Action folded to Justin Bonomo in the small blind and he limped in with {10-Clubs}{5-Clubs}. Ivan Luca in the big blind with {4-Spades}{4-Clubs} shoved all in. Bonomo folded right away.

Hand 9: We missed this hand because of a segment on the stream. Isaac Haxton in the big blind won the hand with {Q-Clubs}{5-Clubs}.

Hand 10: Bryn Kenney opened for 110,000 with {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds} under the gun. Action folded around to Sam Greenwood in the big blind and he woke up with {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}. With a stack of just 895,000, Greenwood moved in. Kenney wasted no time calling.

The board ran out {6-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{J-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} and Greenwood shook hands with Kenney before exiting the tournament room.

Greenwood takes home almost $250,000, the remaining six players are guaranteed $307,940 from here on out.

Player Chips Progress
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
WSOP 1X Winner
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Sam Greenwood