Kornuth Misses a Big Draw
Hand #94 Diego Ventura opened on the button with and saw Kevin Schulz make it 675,000 in the small blind with . Ventura opted to flat-call, and it was Schulz nailing the flop. Schulz's continuation-bet took it down.
Hand #95: Chance Kornuth and Ventura saw the flop for the minimum in the blinds, and Kornuth bet the flop with , causing his opponent to muck .
Hand #96: Ventura completed and then called a raise to 420,000 from Schulz. The flopped, and both Ventura () and Schulz () missed. Ventura check-folded to Schulz's bet.
Hand #97: Schulz raised with in the small blind, and Kornuth mucked his big blind.
Hand #98: Kornuth had in the small and completed, while Ventura checked the . Both hit the , and Kornuth bet his combo draw for 180,000. Ventura called in position, seeing a fall. Two checks followed, and Kornuth bricked the . Ventura won a free river showdown.
Hand #99: Schulz got a walk.