2015 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2015 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Main Event

Day 4 Started

Day 4 Table and Seat Draw

11Naoya Kihara509,000
14Niklas Hambitzer367,000
15Tim Reilly540,000
16Louis Boutin73,000
17Mario Puccini83,000
18Chance Kornuth1,165,000
21Andrew Wayman238,000
22Maurice Hawkins226,000
23Corey Hochman302,000
25Amos Ben Haim137,000
26David Eldridge527,000
27Jim Collopy889,000
28Alexander Venovski176,000
31Edward Sorensen262,000
32Walter Fisher427,000
34Tyler Cornell241,000
35Gabe Patgorski252,000
36Willliam Arruda393,000
37Jason Mercier447,000
38Benjamin Pollak552,000
41Ole Schemion147,000
42Michael Dietrich138,000
43Shannon Shorr135,000
44Pratyush Buddiga589,000
45Noah Schwartz558,000
46Trevor Pope270,000
47Thomas Muhlocker317,000
51Diego Ventura643,000
52Olivier Busquet201,000
53Rami Boukai625,000
54Scott Baumstein135,000
55Eugenio Mattar607,000
56Hugh Drummond329,000
58Juan Martin Pastor930,000
61Carter Swidler583,000
62Ratharam Sivagnanam340,000
63Ambrose Ng877,000
64Rodrigo Rishmague83,000
66JC Alvarado490,000
67Juan Etcheverry1,704,000
68Stefan Jedlicka355,000
71Christopher Lockhart467,000
73Jonathan Duhamel266,000
74Mayu Roca547,000
75Felipe Ramos318,000
76Andreas Samuelsson496,000
77Carlos Chadha416,000
78Shyam Srinivasan203,000
81Adam Reynolds159,000
82Tony Baggio271,000
83Uwe Ritter101,000
84Josue Sauvageau142,000
85Kevin Schulz1,165,000
86Dylan Linde294,000
87Alex Klimashin377,000
88Emrah Cakmak815,000

Etcheverry Leads The Final 57; Ronaldo Still In The Mix

Chip Leader Juan Etcheverry
Chip Leader Juan Etcheverry

Welcome to Day 4 of PokerNews' coverage of the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event.

The starting field of 816 entrants is down to just 57 players, each with hopes of capturing this prestigious title, as well as the first-place prize of $1,491,580. On top of the chip counts by a solid margin is Juan Etcheverry with 1,706,000. Rounding out the top five is Chance Kornuth (1,165,000), Kevin Schulz (1,1,65,000), Juan Martin Pastor (930,000) and Jim Collopy (889,000).

Others still in the field include Rami Boukai (625,000), Pratyush Buddiga (589,000), Noah Schwartz (558,000), soccer legend Ronaldo (512,000), PokerStars Team Online's Naoya Kihara (509,000), Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier (447,000), Team PokerStars Pro Jonathan Duhamel (266,000), Olivier Busquet (201,000) and Shannon Shorr (135,000), to name a few.

The plan for the day is to play another five levels or to play down to 16 players. The cards will be in the air at noon local time, roughly 35 minutes from now.

Keep it here at PokerNews throughout the day for live updates on all of the exciting action as the quest to crown the next PCA Main Event champion continues!

Level: 19

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 1,000

Ritter Doubles Through Schulz

Level 19 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

It was folded to a short-stacked Uwe Ritter who was in the cutoff. He moved all in for his last 99,000 and was called by the big stack of Kevin Schulz in the small blind. The big blind folded and Ritter tapped the table and stood up, knowing his tournament life was on the line. He tabled {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and was pleased when he saw that he was ahead of the {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds} that Schulz held.

The flop came {8-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{3-Hearts} keeping Ritter in the lead. The turn changed nothing as it was the {4-Clubs}.

The dealer put out the {9-Diamonds} on the river and Ritter did a double fist pump.

"Yea, come on," he said quietly as he took his seat, tapping the table, and then letting out a big exhale.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Schulz us
Kevin Schulz
EPT 1X Winner
Uwe Ritter de
Uwe Ritter

Tags: Uwe RitterKevin Schulz

Rishmague Doubles Through Jedlicka

Level 19 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Stefan Jedlicka
Stefan Jedlicka

Stefan Jedlicka opened for 17,000 under the gun and called the shove of Rodrigo Rishmague, who had only 77,000.

Rishmague: {a-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Jedlicka: {q-Hearts}{9-Hearts}

A flop of {6-Hearts}{a-Spades}{7-Clubs} was as good as Rishmague could have hoped for, and the {k-Hearts} turn and {3-Spades} river meant he doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Stefan Jedlicka at
Stefan Jedlicka
Rodrigo Rishmague cl
Rodrigo Rishmague

Tags: Rodrigo RishmagueStefan Jedlicka

Baumstein Doubles Through Busquet

Level 19 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Olivier Busquet has some work to do
Olivier Busquet has some work to do

It was folded to Olivier Busquet on the button who opened to 18,000. Scott Baumstein moved all in from the big blind for 124,000.

"124 is the total?" asked Busquet. The dealer confirmed that was the amount.

"Can you pull the 18 in?" requested Busquet. The dealer did so.

"How much?" Busquet said. "106," answered the dealer.

"Call," replied Busquet, flipping over {3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}. Baumstein turned over {A-Hearts}{10-Spades} and stood up, putting his backpack over his shoulder. He wouldn't have to stand long, however, as the dealer put out a flop of {K-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and no two-outer arrived to send him to the rail. Baumstein doubled up to 260,000 and it is now Busquet riding the short stack with just 120,000 left behind.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Baumstein us
Scott Baumstein
Jaka Coaching
Olivier Busquet us
Olivier Busquet
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Olivier BusquetScott Baumstein