2013 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

$100,000 Super High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2013 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Jensen Mixing It Up

Amateur-player Greg Jensen is swimming with sharks here in the Super High Roller, but there is no doubt that he came to play.

After seeing Justin Bonomo open to 3,500 from the cutoff, Eugene Katchalov three-bet to 9,500 from the button, and Jonathan Duhamel four-bet to 23,500 from the small blind, Jensen five-bet to 45,000 from the big blind.

Bonomo and Katchalov folded immediately, while Duhamel gave it some thought before folding as well.

Player Chips Progress
Greg Jensen us
Greg Jensen

Tags: Greg Jensen

Katchalov Crushes Quoss Early

We arrived at Table 3 in the midst of few preflop raises between Eugene Katchalov and Fabian Quoss.

With action on Katchalov and 22,500 of his chips in the pot, he called Quoss' reraise to 45,000 and a {Q-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{2-Spades} flop came down. Katchalov check-called 40,000 from Quoss to see the {10-Diamonds} turn, which both players checked. The {9-Hearts} river completed the board, and Katchalov checked for a third time. Quoss took about 90 seconds before moving the rest of his stack into the middle.

Katchalov quickly dropped in calling chips and tabled {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts} for top set, besting Quoss' {A-Spades}{A-Hearts} to score the first double up of the Super High Roller. Katchalov's chips were counted out and his all-in call was worth 140,600. He's now the chip leader with over 450,000.

Player Chips Progress
Eugene Katchalov ua
Eugene Katchalov
Fabian Quoss de
Fabian Quoss

Tags: Eugene KatchalovFabian Quoss

Selbst Takes a Load of Chips From Stein

There was already 40,000 in the pot when we caught the action over at Table 1. The board read {5-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{10-Clubs}{A-Hearts} and Team PokerStars Pro Vanessa Selbst had just bet 24,800 from the under-the-gun position. Sam Stein called from the button, and then the {7-Hearts} completed the board on the river. Selbst, who got engaged just last night here at the Atlantis, took a few moments before putting out a bet of 58,500.

Stein thought for a solid two minutes before making the call, but he simply mucked when Selbst tabled {3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} for a flopped set.

Player Chips Progress
Vanessa Selbst us
Vanessa Selbst
Sam Stein us
Sam Stein

Tags: Sam SteinVanessa Selbst

Level: 2

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 200

Perkins Shoves and Ivey Calls Off

Level 1 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

"Rebuy!" we heard Bill Perkins yell from over at Table 4. Although he was standing, Perkins was merely joking around with good friend Antonio Esfandiari. "The rebuy's for later," Perkins said with a smile. Little did he know, he would get all his chips in on the very next hand.

We happened upon the action with approximately 18,000 in the pot and a board reading {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. Phil Ivey had bet 15,000 and Perkins, who was to his direct left, put in a raise to 60,000. Ivey eyed up his opponent before making the call, and then he promptly checked the {5-Clubs} river. Perkins, who was bouncing up and down in his seat, then bet two green T25,000 chips for a bet of 50,000. Ivey responded with a quick check-raise to 100,000, and Perkins said, "All in." Ivey quickly called off and tabled the {J-Clubs}{10-Clubs}, and Perkins held the same Broadway straight with the {J-Diamonds}{K-Spades}.

We know chopped pots aren't overly entertaining, but it was the first all in and a call of the tournament, so we wanted to make note of it.

Tags: Bill PerkinsPhil Ivey

What Should I Do?

Level 1 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Bryn Kenney opened to 2,500 from middle position, Justin Bonomo three-bet to 8,500 on his left, and Antonio Esfandiari cold four-bet to 18,200 from the hijack seat. Only Bonomo called.

The dealer fanned the {10-Clubs}{10-Spades}{6-Spades}, and both players checked. The turn was the {k-Diamonds}, the two knuckled again before the {9-Hearts} completed the board. Bonomo tossed out six blue T5,000 chips, making it 30,000 to go, and Esfandiari went into the tank.

"What should I do?" he eventually asked Bonomo.

Bonomo didn't answer, but rather sat silently staring at the felt. Esfandiari eventually folded, and Bonomo raked in the pot.

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariBryn KenneyJustin Bonomo

Lucky Chewy Pushes Out Kid Poker

With 16,000 in the pot and a flop reading {A-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{4-Spades}, Team PokerStars Pro Daniel "Kid Poker" Negreanu bet 8,500 from middle position and received a call from Andrew "Lucky Chewy" Lichtenberger on the button. Negreanu slowed down with a checked on the {K-Hearts} turn, and then called a bet of 18,500 from Lichtenberger.

When the {Q-Diamonds} peeled off on the river, Negreanu checked for a second time, and Lichtenberger thought for a couple of minutes before gently setting out a bet of 47,500. Negreanu double checked his cards several times before tossing them to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Lichtenberger us
Andrew Lichtenberger
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerDaniel Negreanu

Set Over Set for Steven and Ladouceur

Vanessa Selbst opened to 2,500 from the cutoff and Marc-Andre Ladouceur called on the button. Brandon Steven popped it to 7,700 from the big blind, forcing a fold from Selbst. Ladouceur called and the flop came down {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}.

Steven kept it consistent, betting 7,700. A call from Ladouceur landed the {Q-Spades} turn where Steven bet 14,700 this time. Ladouceur called again and the {K-Clubs} hit the river. Steven quickly checked to Ladouceur who bet 15,500. Steven called immediately, and after Ladouceur tabled {J-Hearts}{J-Spades}, Steven turned over {A-Spades}{A-Hearts} to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Marc-Andre Ladouceur ca
Marc-Andre Ladouceur
Brandon Steven us
Brandon Steven

Tags: Brandon StevenMarc-Andre LadouceurVanessa Selbst