2010 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

2010 PCA Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2010 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Hand #65 - Barry Shulman

Ryan D'Angelo has the button in Seat 2. Benjamin Zamani limps into the pot from under-the-gun and Barry Shulman checks his option in the big.

The flop comes down {A-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{A-Clubs} and Shulman checks to Zamani who fires a 125,000 continuation bet. Shulman then jacks it up to 700,000 and Zamani quickly folds.

Tags: Barry ShulmanBenjamin Zamani

Hand #62 - Harrison Gimbel

Harrison Gimbel
Harrison Gimbel
Barry Shulman has the button in Seat 6. Harrison Gimbel raises to 275,000. Benjamin Zamani calls from the small blind and Ty Reiman calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down {10-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} {7-Spades}. Zamani is first to act and he checks. Reiman reaches and fires 420,000. Gimbel calls and then Zamani folds.

The turn card is the {9-Spades} and pairs the board. Both players check.

The river is the {6-Hearts} and Reiman checks. Gimbel bets 1.1 million. Reiman calls and is shown a straight when Gimbel rolls over {K-Clubs} {8-Clubs}. Reiman mucks his hand and sends over the chips.

Tags: Benjamin ZamaniHarrison GimbelHarrison Ian GimbelTy ReimanTyler Reiman

Side Action

Deeb considering going pro in Chinese
Deeb considering going pro in Chinese
There's a lot of action going on inside the arena that doesn't directly pertain to the game running on the big table in the middle of the room.

We mentioned earlier that Harrison Gimbel's peanut gallery have been betting props on flop colors, and that action seems to be really heating up. During the previous hand, the innocuous {K-Diamonds} hit the river, and a huge eruption of noise came from the far section of the stands. "Oh, diamonds, baby!" yelled someone. His buddy yelled, "5K, that's 5K!"

Across the stage from them sits another group of action junkies. Shaun Deeb, Brent Roberts, and two others have resorted to a more traditional side game, though: Chinese Poker. We're not sure what the stakes are over there, but their half of the room is a bit better behaved than the prop-betting half.

UPDTATE: $20 a point, if you're scoring at home.

Hand #60 - Benjamin Zamani

Ryan D'Angelo has the button in Seat 2. Benjamin Zamani raises to 250,000. Ty Reiman folds and takes a sip from his drink before action falls on D'Angelo. He reraises to 575,000. Play folds back over to Zamani and he makes the call.

The flop comes {8-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {4-Clubs} and Zamani checks. D'Angelo checks behind.

The turn card is the {9-Clubs} and Zamani checks. D'Angelo fires 375,000. Zamani makes the call.

The final card is the {K-Diamonds}. Zamani ignores the prop-betting cheers from off to his right and stays focused, firing 575,000. D'Angelo calls.

Zamani rolls over {A-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} and D'Angelo turns up {Q-Clubs} {6-Clubs}. D'Angelo immediately stands from the table and begans yelling out, "What are you doing?!? What are you doing?!?"

"That's street poker!" yells a spectator from off in the crowd as Zamani scoops the pot with ace high.

Tags: Benjamin ZamaniRyan D'Angelo

Hand #59 - Ryan D'Angelo

Ty Reiman has the button in Seat 8. Action folds around the table to Ryan D'Angelo in the small blind who completes the bet and Harrison Gimbel checks his option in the big.

The two see a {9-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{K-Clubs} flop and both players check.

The {9-Diamonds} falls on the turn and D'Angelo fires a 150,000 bet which is called by Gimbel.

The river brings the {2-Spades} and D'Angelo bets 400,000. Gimbel reluctantly folds and D'Angelo takes down the pot.

Tags: Harrison GimbelRyan D'Angelo