2010 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

2010 PCA Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2010 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Hand #90 - Benjamin Zamani

Ryan D'Angelo has the button in Seat 2. Benjamin Zamani is first to act and he raises to 360,000. Action folds around the table to Harrison Gimbel in the small blind and he makes the call, as does Barry Shulman in the big blind.

The flop comes down {6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and action is checked to Zamani who fires a 440,000 continuation bet. Both Gimbel and Shulman fold, giving Zamani the checkmark.

Tags: Barry ShulmanBenjamin ZamaniHarrison Gimbel

Hand #87 - Barry Shulman Doubles

Barry Shulman
Barry Shulman
Barry Shulman has the button in Seat 6. Ryan D'Angelo open-raises to 375,000 under the gun, and Harrison Gimbel takes a long pause in the next seat over. He cuts out chips from his stack and fires out a reraise to 1.120 million. Not to be outdone, Shulman announces an all in for 2.175 million total.

When it comes back to Harrison, he shakes his head. "What is it? Like a million more?... I call." With Shulman in danger, the cards are turned up:

Gimbel: {5-Hearts} {7-Clubs}
Shulman: {A-Clubs} {Q-Spades}

D'Angelo tells Shulman he mucked pocket sevens, taking away two of Harrison's help cards. From the rail, Jon Aguiar couldn't resist chiming in: "Oh, why would you say that?! Five-seven is like a 70% favorite now. He's definitely making a straight."

Shulman is sweating, but the board runs clean: {4-Diamonds} {2-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} {10-Spades} {3-Hearts}. That secures him a big double up back over 4 million.

Tags: Barry ShulmanHarrison Gimbel

Zamani All In and Dominated

Hand #85 - Benjamin Zamani

Ryan D'Angelo has the button in Seat 2. Benjamin Zamani starts the action with an open-shove all in for his last 2.655 million chips. The table quickly folds around to the big blind where Barry Shulman instantly announces a call, putting his opponent squarely at risk of elimination. And the news was not good for Zamani as the cards were rolled over:

Zamani: {A-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds}
Shulman: {A-Spades} {K-Hearts}

Emcee Neil Johnson waits for the voices in his head before he gives the dealer the command to run out the flop: {7-Diamonds} {5-Spades} {8-Spades}. The turn card is a dramatic {2-Diamonds}, adding nine more outs to Zamani's cause. He's looking for any diamond or any jack to stay alive.

River: {3-Diamonds}!

Zamani makes his runner-runner flush on the river, doubling up and essentially trading stacks with Shulman.

Hand #83 - Ryan D'Angelo

Benjamin Zamani has the button in Seat 7. The table folds around to the blinds where Ty Reiman and Ryan D'Angelo are content to see a friendly flop.

It brings {2-Hearts} {J-Hearts} {9-Spades}. Both men check, and the {10-Diamonds} turns on fourth street. They heck-check it again, and the river comes the {Q-Spades}. After a third check from Reiman, D'Angelo fires out 250,000 and wins the pot with no call.

Tags: Ryan D'AngeloTy Reiman

Hand #82 - Ryan D'Angelo

Barry Shulman has the button in Seat 6. Ryan D'Angelo opens with a raise to 375,000 from under-the-gun. Action quickly folds around the table to Ty Reiman in the big blind and he three-bets to 875,000. D'Angelo makes the call and the two go heads-up to a {J-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop.

Reiman follows up with a 1.2 million continuation bet and with little hesitation, D'Angelo moves all in over the top, prompting Reiman to lay down his hand.

Tags: Ryan D'AngeloTy Reiman

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