2017 Caribbean Poker Party Festival

$5,300 Millions Main Event ($5 Million Gtd.)
Day: 4
Event Info

2017 Caribbean Poker Party Festival

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
6,000,000 / 12,000,000

Bojang Goes from the Nuts to Drawing Dead

Level 23 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Ismael Bojang
Ismael Bojang

The flop read {k-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and the pot had around 3.5 million in the middle already. Felipe Ramos checked from the small blind and Ismael Bojang bet 1.5 million out of the big blind. Ramos check-raised to 5.225 million only to have Bojang shove all in. Ramos quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Felipe Ramos: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}
Ismael Bojang: {j-Spades}{10-Spades}

Bojang flopped the nut straight but Ramos held a pair of kings with a flush draw. The turn brought the {j-Diamonds} and Ramos completed his flush, leaving Bojang drawing dead to the river. Bojang was ousted while Ramos continues to grow his chip stack.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Ismael Bojang de
Ismael Bojang
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Felipe RamosIsmael Bojang

Double For Malm

Level 23 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Michael Malm doubles up
Michael Malm doubles up

Michael Malm opened with a raise to 1,050,000, with Shyngis Satubayev putting in a 3-bet to 2,400,000, and Pavel Gonchakov finding the cold 4-bet to 6,000,000. Malm moved all in for his last 7,600,000, putting Satubayev to a decision. He opted to fold, leaving Gonchakov with no choice but to call off the rest and the cards were on their backs.

It was a flip situation, with Malm's {j-Diamonds}{j-Spades} looking to hold versus Gonchakov's {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}. It all looked good for Malm to double in the {9-Spades}{6-Spades}{2-Spades} flop, with the dealer making it dead certain on the {j-Hearts} turn. The {5-Spades} finished the board and completed Malm's flush as he doubled up to around two-thirds average.

Player Chips Progress
Pavel Gonchakov ru
Pavel Gonchakov
Michael Malm ca
Michael Malm
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Michael MalmPavel GonchakovShyngis Satubayev

Blanco Holds Versus Vahlis

Level 23 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Lucas Blanco (pictured) holds versus Roberto Vahlis
Lucas Blanco (pictured) holds versus Roberto Vahlis

Lucas Blanco moved all in for his last 4,800,000 and got action from Roberto Vahlis, with the rest of the table folding. Blanco's {a-Spades}{k-Clubs} just needed to dodge three outs versus Vahlis' {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}.

Both players paired up on the {7-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{q-Hearts} flop, with Blanco holding on the {2-Clubs} turn and {6-Hearts} river to secure the double-up.

Player Chips Progress
Roberto Vahlis co
Roberto Vahlis
Lucas Blanco es
Lucas Blanco

Tags: Lucas BlancoRoberto Vahlis

Shatilov Triples Up In a Three-Way All In

Level 23 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Andrey Shatilov raised to 1.1 million from early position and Harri Hamalainen pushed all in for 9.35 million on the button. Pavel Gonchakov was in the small blind and made the call after asking for a count. With the action back on Shatilov, he also stuck the last of his chips for a total of 7.75 million.

Andrey Shatilov: {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}
Harri Hamalainen: {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}
Pavel Gonchakov: {a-Diamonds}{q-Spades}

The board ran out {j-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{4-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Shatilov's pocket kings held on to give him a full triple up. Hamalainen took down the side pot but is still left with under 10 big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Andrey Shatilov ru
Andrey Shatilov
Pavel Gonchakov ru
Pavel Gonchakov
Harri Hamalainen fi
Harri Hamalainen

Tags: Andrey ShatilovPavel Gonchakov

Level: 24

Blinds: 300,000/600,000

Ante: 600,000

Dubini Almost Doubles

Level 24 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante

It all went in pre-flop between Jan Bednar, and partypoker sponsored pro Richard Dubini. Bednar's {a-Spades}{q-Spades} needed to find one of three outs versus Dubini's {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}, a task that became infinitely more difficult as Dubini hit top pair on the {8-Hearts}{k-Spades}{2-Diamonds} flop.

The {j-Spades} turn offered Bednar outs to a straight, but he bricked on the {5-Hearts} river. As the stacks were counted out, it was confirmed that Dubini had Bednar covered by just 25,000 chips, and Bednar was sent to the payout desk as Dubini dragged in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Richard Dubini ar
Richard Dubini
Jan Bernard
Jan Bernard

Tags: Jan BednarRichard Dubini

Maria Ho Saved by a King

Level 24 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Maria Ho
Maria Ho

Maria Ho shipped all in for 6.75 million from the hijack and Josef Snejberg called from the big blind. Ho tabled {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts} and was dominating Snejberg's {a-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}. The dealer fanned the flop with the {8-Spades} in the window but was quickly followed by the {k-Diamonds} and the {3-Hearts}.

The {6-Clubs} on the turn and the {q-Clubs} on the river changed nothing, and Ho's pair of kings secured her a double up through Snejberg.

Player Chips Progress
Josef Snejberg cz
Josef Snejberg
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho

Tags: Josef SnejbergMaria Ho

Zhang Gets Three Streets

Level 24 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante

On a {2-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{k-Spades} flop, with around 2,500,000 in the middle, Josafat Cruz put out a bet of 900,000 and was quickly raised to 2,250,000 by Michael Zhang. The dealer burned and turned the {7-Spades} which Cruz checked over to Zhang, who continued for 4,100,000. Cruz called again, and they went to the {5-Spades} river.

After Cruz checked, Zhang fired out again, this time for 6,400,000. Cruz thought for a moment before making the call and getting shown the {k-Clubs}{q-Spades}. Cruz mucked and Zhang dragged in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Zhang gb
Michael Zhang
Josafat Cruz mx
Josafat Cruz

Tags: Michael ZhangJosafat Cruz

Diaz Runs Out of Chips

Level 24 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante

The action folded to Gilbert Diaz in the cutoff who shoved all in for 3.65 million. Maduka Meragal was on the button and quickly announced a call. Both of the blinds folded and the two hands were tabled.

Maduka Meragal: {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}
Gilbert Diaz: {q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}

Diaz was unable to find any help on the board of {10-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{4-Clubs} and he was sent to the payout desk to collect his winnings.

Player Chips Progress
Maduka Meragal ca
Maduka Meragal
Gilbert Diaz fr
Gilbert Diaz

Tags: Gilbert DiazMaduka Meragal