2020 PokerStars Blowout Series

Blowout Series: $109 NLHE [8-Max, The Big Blowout!], $5M Gtd.
Day: 1
Event Info

2020 PokerStars Blowout Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
7,000,000 / 14,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

"E6yperoff" Takes Two Out

Level 26 : 7,000/14,000, 1,750 ante
E6yperoff vs Angry Oak vs kda30
E6yperoff vs Angry Oak vs kda30

"E6yperoff" raised to 28,000 from the hijack and "Angry Oak" three-bet shoved for 67,129 from the cutoff. "kda30" four-bet shoved for 265,005 which "E6yperoff" also called.

"Angry Oak": {q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
"kda30": {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
"E6yperoff": {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}

The board ran out {4-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{9-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} for "E6yperoff" to hold with the jacks for two pair to take out both opponents.

Player Chips Progress
E6yperoff ua
Angry Oak ru
Angry Oak
kda30 ru

"07-27-08LIFE" Loses All in a Chip Lead Pot to "mizzB111"

Level 28 : 10,000/20,000, 2,500 ante
07-27-08LIFE vs mizzB111
07-27-08LIFE vs mizzB111

"07-27-08LIFE" raised to 40,000 from the early position and "mizzB111" three-bet to 140,000 from the cutoff. The action folded back to "07-27-08LIFE" who called.

The flop came {6-Hearts}{2-Spades}{j-Diamonds}, "mizzB111" continued with a bet of 140,000 for "07-27-08LIFE" to check-raise to 280,000. "mizzB111" shoved with the bigger stack and "07-27-08LIFE" called for the 1,192,940 they had behind.

"07-27-08LIFE": {a-Clubs}{j-Spades}
"mizzB111": {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds}

"07-27-08LIFE" had flopped top pair but "mizzB111" held the overpair with the aces.

The rest of the board was completed with the {q-Diamonds} on the turn and the {6-Clubs} on the river for "mizzB111" to grab the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
mizzB111 nl
07-27-08LIFE ca

Segebrecht Busts Before End of the Day

Level 31 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante
cipyclimbb vs Segebrecht
cipyclimbb vs Segebrecht

"cipyclimbb" raised to 70,000 from the hijack and Claas "ssicK_OnE" Segebrecht three-bet to 280,000 from the small blind. The big blind folded and "cipyclimbb" made the call.

The flop came {10-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}, Segebrecht continued with a bet of 206,745 for "cipyclimbb" to raise to 726,740 and was called.

The turn was the {j-Clubs}m Segebrecht checked and then called the shove of "cipyclimbb" for the 1,597,842 he had behind.

Claas "ssicK_OnE" Segebrecht: {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
"cipyclimbb": {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}

They had both flopped top pair but "cipyclimbb" was ahead with the higher kicker but both players also held the straight draws.

The river completed the board with the {4-Diamonds} to send Segebrecht out of the tournament before the end of the night.

Player Chips Progress
cipyclimbb ro
Claas "ssicK_OnE" Segebrecht
Claas "ssicK_OnE" Segebrecht

588 Players Survived Day 1 of the PokerStars Blowout Series: $109 NLHE – The Big Blowout!

Level 32 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
PokerStars Blowout Series: $109 NLHE – The Big Blowout! Day 1 Top Ten
PokerStars Blowout Series: $109 NLHE – The Big Blowout! Day 1 Top Ten

After almost nine hours of play, Day 1 of the first of four The Big Blowout events has come to an end on PokerStars with 588 players making it through to Day 2. The tournament featured a huge $5,000,000 guaranteed prize pool for the $109 price tag that came with participating in the event.

There were 25,505 unique players who took a shot or two, or three, or even four to get to 37,673 entries which meant that there was a big overlay in this tournament. There were 5,263 players who would cash at least $259 while the winner will walk away on Tuesday, December 29 with $485,827 which would be an amazing return on investment for any player in this tournament.

Claiming the Day 1 chip lead is Russia's "ZERGA_77" with 6,885,381 in chips which will be worth 172 big blinds at the start of Day 2. Following them in the top five are "samot54" (6,552,197), Gabriel "aaurelio" Moura (5,876,013), "cipyclimbb" (5,728,658), and "trzcinsky" with 5,505,941.

Other familiar names to have made it through to Day 2 include Alex "AlexGelinski" Gelinski, Nicolas "PKaiser" Fierro, Daniel "dougiedan678" McAulay, Patrick "pads1161" Leonard, Daniel "Oxota" Dvoress, Diego "Die Ventura" Ventura, Sean "MonkeyBudg" Prendiville, and Fabiano "Kovalski1" Kovalski with an above-average stack.

But not everyone was fortunate enough to virtually bag for Day 2, players like Bert "girafganger7" Stevens, Guilherme "Guizãoo_" Carmo, Simon "DaDumon" Grabenschweiger, Claas "ssicK_OnE" Segebrecht, and Pavel "MountainRo$e" Veksler all busted in the last hour of the day.

All players have already secured $894 for their bankrolls but will all be eyeing those pay jumps on Day 2 and set their targets on making it to the final 27 players for Day 3 where a prize of at least $6,249 will be waiting for them.

Day 2 will resume at 6:05 p.m. GMT on Monday, December 28 with around 10 minutes left of Level 32 which features a small blind of 20,000, a big blind of 40,000, and a running ante of 5,000. Level duration will remain at 15 minutes each until the start of Day 3 when there are 27 players left. The level duration will then increase to 20 minutes.

PokerNews will be there from the start till the end for all the action so make sure to keep following along.