2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

World Cup
Day: 1
Event Info

2015 GPI Global Poker Masters

Final Results Event Info
Level Info
3,000 / 6,000

Red Wine and Three Bet Pots

Level 4
Philipp Gruissem
Philipp Gruissem

It's nine o' clock, it's already a long day, and there's a lot of play ahead. So what's better than to order a little drink? The players on table 1 sure agree as the waiter just brought wine and whisky for most of them.

"One more whisky" Haxton said when he was overlooked by the waiter the first time around.

In the meantime, Price opened for 500 and Philipp Gruissem on the button three bet to 1,225. Both blinds folded and Price made the call.

"I got the wine, I got the three bet pot in position," Gruissem laughed, "What more can you ask for?"

It wasn't the most interesting hand of the evening. Both players checked the entire board of {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{A-Spades}{2-Clubs} and Price tabled {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}. Gruissem showed {10-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds} so not only had he a nice red wine, he also got some extra chips. What a life!

Tags: Philipp GruissemOliver PriceIsaac Haxton