2023 NAPT Las Vegas

$5,300 NAPT High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 NAPT Las Vegas

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Berk Bombs the Turn

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

The action was opened under the gun to 500 before the button called and action was on Michael Berk in the small blind. He took a moment and then put out a three-bet to 3,100. Michael Wang was in the big blind and quickly cold-called. The under the gun player and the button surprisingly got out of the way and just the blinds were off to a flop heads up.

The 267 flop landed and action slowed down and checked through to a 6 turn. Berk sat in the tank for a moment before putting out an over-bet of 8,000.

Wang took a second but thought better of a call and mucked. Berk snagged the pot and chipped up early in the day.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Berk us
Michael Berk
Michael Wang us
Michael Wang
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Michael BerkMichael Wang

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/300

Ante: 300

Mullaly Takes an Early Pot

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Myles Mullaly
Myles Mullaly

A player in late position raised to 500 and Myles Mullaly called from the cutoff before Rodriguez Jimenez came along from the big blind.

The flop was 9A3 and the player in late position bet 1,000. Mullaly called and Jimenez raised to 3,400, which sent the late position player into the muck. Mullaly called the raise and the turn was K.

Both players checked the turn to see 7 on the river. Jimenez fired 7,500 and Mullaly used two time banks before he tossed out the chips to call. Mullaly turned over AJ to take the pot with a pair of aces while Jimenez showed 42 and tossed it in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Myles Mullaly us
Myles Mullaly
Rodriguez Jimenez es
Rodriguez Jimenez

Tags: Myles MullalyRodriguez Jimenez

Moreno Gets Around the Four-Bettor

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

The action was opened in middle position to 500 before Andrew Moreno three-bet from the button to 1,600. It then folded back to the middle position player who sat in the tank and went over his options. After about a minute in the tank he opted to put in a four-bet to the tune of 4,500.

Moreno flat called the four-bet fairly quickly and they were off to a AJ10 flop. The middle position player continued for 2,500 and Moreno called.

The 10 rolled off on the turn and the middle position player slowed down with a check. Moreno didn't take long and then put out a bet of 10,200.

The middle position player tanked for about a minute but eventually found a fold. Moreno dragged another pot after hanging tough against the four-bettor while in-position.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Moreno us
Andrew Moreno

Tags: Andrew Moreno

Stamm Has Opponent Pipped

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

It folded all the way to the small blind who limped before David Stamm raised to 1,200 from the big blind. The small blind called and they were off to a flop heads up.

The 9Q4 flop landed and action checked to Stamm who checked back on their way to a 3 turn. The action checked through once more and the 8 rolled off on the river.

The small blind opted to lead this card for 1,300. Stamm thought it over for a moment and then called. The small blind tabled K8 and Stamm tabled A8 for the slightly better pair of eights.

As the hand was finishing recent phenom Jeremy Becker took a day off from the dailies and sat down at the table in the $5,300 High Roller.

Player Chips Progress
David Stamm us
David Stamm
Jeremy Becker us
Jeremy Becker
$25K Fantasy

Tags: David StammJeremy Becker

Early Traction for Konnikova

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Maria Konnikova
Maria Konnikova

Maria Konnikova, one of PokerStars' newest ambassadors, has chipped up in the early levels at Table 13. She is accompanied by her "emotional support shark," which doesn't appear to have a name yet.

The table has speculated about the unknown object in the shark's fin. Most believe it is a racing helmet, but that is also unknown at this time.

Player Chips Progress
Maria Konnikova us
Maria Konnikova

Tags: Maria Konnikova

Sverko Wins With River Bet

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

A player in the under-the-gun position raised to 700 and Maureen Bloechlinger called from late position before Gregor Sverko came along from the big blind.

The flop was 4J3 and Sverko checked into a 900 bet from the player under the gun. Bloechlinger called and Sverko came along before the turn was 9.

All three players checked the turn and 7 fell on the river. Sverko tossed out 4,000 and took the pot when the other two players went into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Gregor Sverko hr
Gregor Sverko
Maureen Bloechlinger ch
Maureen Bloechlinger

Tags: Gregor SverkoMaureen Bloechlinger

Hickey Sets the Trap

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Jason Hickey
Jason Hickey

After an open from under the gun, the action folded to Jason Hickey who defended his big blind and they were off to a flop heads up.

The 663 flop landed and action checked in flow to the original raiser, who continued for 700. Hickey only took a moment before putting in the check-raise to 1,900. The under-the-gun player called and the 9 hit the turn.

Hickey continued the story for 3,500 and once again the original raiser called on their way to a 7 river.

Hickey sat in the tank for a moment and then gathered enough chips to put out a large bet of 9,000. The original raiser thought it over for about a minute and then put in the chips.

Hickey tabled KK for a premium that he slow-played preflop and the under-the-gun player mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Hickey us
Jason Hickey

Tags: Jason Hickey

Two Loose Cannons: Find Out Who Won $50k Stakes to Play PokerStars Big Game

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Via an American Idol style competition, Nikki Limo and Lily Newhouse were chosen as the first PokerStars Big Game "loose cannons" in over a decade. As such, they will receive a $50,000 stake to compete in a high-stakes cash game against pros and entertaining recreational players.

The contest began on Sunday from the PokerStars North American Poker Tour (NAPT) with a free qualifier shootout poker tournament at Resorts World in Las Vegas. Each table winner — 20 players — then advanced to an intense interview process on Monday judged by Nadya Magnus, Joe Stapleton, and James Hartigan.

Magnus was one of the original loose cannons when the popular show first aired in 2010-2011. She won over $60,000 on that day, her first introduction to televised poker. Stapleton and Hartigan will commentate on the show when it airs in 2024. Filming will take place at Resorts World this week, however.

The purpose of the audition phase was to find the two individuals who best exemplify a true loose cannon — is at least a somewhat competent poker player, would benefit greatly from winning a significant amount in the game, and has a colorful personality.

Click here to learn more about what happened!