2024 Merit Poker Western Series

$5,300 High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Merit Poker Western Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Kaukua Falls to Amsellem, Kirichenko Takes the Lead

Level 18 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Toni Kaukua
Toni Kaukua

Paul Amsellem opened to 25,000 from the hijack and Toni Kaukua moved all in for roughly 160,000 from the hijack. Amsellem called to put Kaukua at risk.

Toni Kaukua: A10
Paul Amsellem: QQ

The board ran out 6543J. Amsellem's pocket-queens held up and he scored nearly a full double up while sending Kaukua to the rail.

Also seated at this table is Aleksandr Kirichenko, who recently took a massive lead over the rest of the field. According to the other players at his table, Kirichenko was involved in a colossal preflop raising war with another opponent that lead to both players being all in preflop for a pot worth roughly 1,500,000. Kirichenko held pocket-aces against his opponent's pocket-kings and remained ahead to capture the biggest pot of the tournament so far.

Player Chips Progress
Aleksandr Kirichenko ru
Aleksandr Kirichenko
Day 2 Chip Leader
Paul Amsellem fr
Paul Amsellem
Toni Kaukua fi
Toni Kaukua

Tags: Paul AmsellemToni Kaukua

Held and Luo Over One Million

Level 17 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Justus Held
Justus Held

Justus Held had opened from the hijack and received calls from Giorgiy Skhulukhiya in the small blind and Ghassan Bitar in the big blind.

The flop came K37 and Bitar lead out with a bet of 16,000. Skhulukhiya folded and Held raised to 45,000. Bitar made the call.

Bitar check-called another bet from Held on the 10 turn, this time for 42,000.

On the 6 river Bitar checked and Held bet 175,000. Bitar, who had 320,000 left in his stack, went deep into the tank.

After several minutes had gone by Bitar flicked in a call and tabled 33 for a flopped set turned into a small flush on the river. Held turned over AA for an overpair, turned into the nut-flush on the river to scoop a gargantuan pot.

Meanwhile at another table, Fausto Tantillo was recently eliminated at the hands of Xixiang Luo, who is the only other player in the field with over one million chips.

Player Chips Progress
Justus Held de
Justus Held
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner
Ghassan Bitar lb
Ghassan Bitar
Fausto Tantillo it
Fausto Tantillo

Tags: Fausto TantilloGhassan BitarGiorgiy SkhulukhiyaJustus HeldXixiang Luo

Hrabec Pays Off Yang

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Peng Yang
Peng Yang

With two players seeing a board of 89AQ3 and roughly 90,000 already in the middle, Peng Yang bet 93,000 from the hijack. Roman Hrabec, seated in the cutoff, went into the tank.

After roughly two minutes Hrabec flicked in a call. Yang tabled J10 for a queen-high straight which was good enough to take down a massive pot while making a serious dent in Hrabec's stack.

Elsewhere in the tournament area, Nina Krasilnikova was recently eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Peng Yang cn
Peng Yang
Roman Hrabec cz
Roman Hrabec
WSOP 1X Winner
Nina Krasilnikova ru
Nina Krasilnikova

Tags: Peng YangRoman Hrabec

Hrabec Reduces the Field by One

Level 12 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Roman Hrabec
Roman Hrabec

Justus Held limped in from under the gun and Jianwei Lin raised to 13,000 from the button. Roman Hrabec four-bet to 32,000 and after about one minute of consideration Lin moved all in for roughly 80,000. Hrabec snap-called to put Lin at risk.

Jianwei Lin: A8
Roman Hrabec: AQ

Lin was in rough shape with a dominated ace but did pull ahead on the 86J flop, although Hrabec did pick up the nut-flush draw. The flush came in on the 5 turn leaving Lin drawing dead and after the 10 river he was sent to teh rail while Hrabec collected the last of his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Justus Held de
Justus Held
Roman Hrabec cz
Roman Hrabec
WSOP 1X Winner
Jianwei Lin cn
Jianwei Lin

Tags: Jianwei LinJustus HeldRoman Hrabec

Sun Running Cold Against Yang

Level 11 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Yunsheng Sun
Yunsheng Sun

Peng Yang opened to 10,000 from the cutoff and Yunsheng Sun moved all in for 50,000 from the big blind. Yang thought for about 30 seconds before calling with a covering stack to put Sun at risk.

Yunsheng Sun: 99
Peng Yang: J10

Sun was in good shape on the 567 flop but the 10 turn left him drawing to six outs. The 4 river was a brick and Sun made his exit from the tournament area while Yang continued to accumulate chips.

Player Chips Progress
Peng Yang cn
Peng Yang
Yunsheng Sun cn
Yunsheng Sun

Tags: Peng YangYunsheng Sun

Skrbic Coolers Chilaud

Level 10 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Maxime Chilaud
Maxime Chilaud

Maxime Chilaud opened to 4,000 from the hijack and Milos Skrbic three-bet to 12,000 from the button. Skrbic made the call.

The flop came Q73 and Chilaud check-called a 6,000 continuation bet from Skrbic.

Chilaud check-called another bet on the 5 turn, this time for 28,000.

On the 7 river Chilaud checked once more and Skrbic moved all in, covering Chilaud's remaining stack of roughly 110,000. Chilaud snap-called and turned over 78 for rivered trips only to be shown the bad news when Skrbic fliped over QQ for a full house to take down a pot worth over 200 big blinds and send Chilaud to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Milos Skrbic rs
Milos Skrbic
Maxime Chilaud fr
Maxime Chilaud

Tags: Maxime ChilaudMilos Skrbic