2024 Merit Poker Dolce Vita Series

$2,200 La Notte Degli Assi
Day: 1cd
Event Info

2024 Merit Poker Dolce Vita Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 1cd
Players Left

Abdallah Eddine Storms to the Overall Lead on Day 1c of the $2,200 La Notte Degli Assi

Level 9 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Abdallah Eddine
Abdallah Eddine

Abdallah Eddine finished his opening flight of the first event of the Merit Poker Dolce Vita Series, the $1,100 IPO Master, in second place. Today on Day 1c of the $2,200 La Notte Degli Assi, he did one better.

Eddine vaulted to the top of the chip counts with a massive stack of 1,157,500 that placed him firmly in the chip lead over the rest of the field heading into tomorrow’s Day 2. Eddine sat to the direct left of Vasilii Shvarev during the later stages and constantly got the better of his fellow big stack, including one hand where he called Shvarev down with a pair of eights.

Day 1c Top 10 Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Abdallah EddineLebanon1,137,500455
2George RabahieLebanon725,000290
3Mircea FluturRomania671,500269
4Evgenii TambovtsevRussia627,000251
5Hassan NasharSenegal515,500206
6Recep AydemirTurkey460,000184
7Vasileios PanagiotidisGreece410,000164
8Ahmed SlimenTurkey397,000159
9Carmel HaloonIsrael396,500159
10Anthony KhouzamiLebanon390,500156

Only 99 players out of a starting field of 224 survived the day. Other players who built up a big stack included George Rabahie (725,000) and Mircea Flutur (671,500). Hassan Nashar busted Selahaddin Bedir on one of the last hands after promising to pay for Bedir’s next entry as he ended up with 515,000, while Recep Aydemir made quads to crack Traian Stanciu's queens on his way to 460,000.

Mircea Flutur
Mircea Flutur

Cheng Zhao (354,000), Azamat Tulepbergenov (273,500), Fausto Tantillo (268,000), Antoine Hasbani (248,000), Hady El Asmar (225,000), Merit Poker Western Series runner-up Nichan Khorchidian (219,500), and Maksim Skripkin (203,000) also bagged up for Day 2.

The large field that gathered inside the Merit Crystal Cove Hotel and Casino today pushed the overall number of entries to 830 through three starting flights. There is still a turbo Day 1d flight to be played later tonight, while late registration remains open through Level 14 on Day 2.

Everyone left combines into one for Day 2 at noon local time tomorrow, with the possibility that new arrivals and late entries boost the field past 1,000 by the time the prize pool is announced.

Stay tuned as PokerNews returns tomorrow for all the action as the massive field finds out what they are playing for.

Tags: Abdallah EddineAntoine HasbaniAzamat TulepbergenovCheng ZhaoFausto TantilloGeorge RabahieHady El AsmarHassan NasharMaksim SkripkinMircea FluturNichan KhorchidianRecep AydemirVasilii Shvarev

Aydemir Makes Quads to Eliminate Stanciu

Level 9 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Recep Aydemir
Recep Aydemir

Traian Stanciu, who had just scored a knockout with pocket queens, fired a bet of 30,000 into the middle on the J62 flop. Recep Aydemir then moved all in and Stanciu called off his stack.

Traian Stanciu: QQ All in
Recep Aydemir: 66

Aydemir had flopped a set of sixes, improving to quads when the 6 fell on the turn. The 9 completed the board, as Stanciu's pocket queens were no good this time.

Player Chips Progress
Recep Aydemir tr
Recep Aydemir
Traian Stanciu ro
Traian Stanciu

Tags: Recep AydemirTraian Stanciu

Dandachi Loses a Flip to Rabahie

Level 8 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Jad Dandachi
Jad Dandachi

George Rabahie opened to 5,500 before Jad Dandachi three-bet to 25,500 on his immediate left. Action folded back around to Rahabie, who moved all in.

Dandachi snap-called and the cards were turned up.

Jad Dandachi: AK All in
George Rabahie: QQ

Rahabie found a set on the 9Q4A3 runout, denying Dandachi a double and sending him to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
George Rabahie lb
George Rabahie
Jad Dandachi lb
Jad Dandachi

Tags: George RabahieJad Dandachi

Hasbani Forces Lakhdari to Commit His Last Chips

Level 8 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Antoine Hasbani
Antoine Hasbani

A player under the gun raised to 5,000 before Omar Lakhdari three-bet to 35,000 in the cutoff, leaving himself only a few chips behind. Antoine Hasbani called in the big blind, while the under-the-gun player got out of the way.

"Check, check the flop? Lakhdari proposed as the dealer turned over 510Q, but Hasbani didn't oblige and put Lakhdari all in. Lakhdari quickly called.

Omar Lakhdari: 66 All in
Antoine Hasbani: 99

Lakhdari was dominated by Hasbani's pocket pair as the board ran out J8, sending Lakhdari to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Antoine Hasbani lb
Antoine Hasbani
Omar Lakhdari dz
Omar Lakhdari

Tags: Antoine HasbaniOmar Lakhdari

Unlu Coolers Mocydlarz For a Massive Double

Level 8 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Milosz Mocydlarz
Milosz Mocydlarz

Around 90,000 was in the middle as Milosz Mocydlarz and Sinan Unlu went heads-up to the turn on a board of 4J5A. Mocydlarz then bet 35,000 from the hijack.

Unlu moved all in for 120,000 in middle position and Mocydlarz snap-called, turning over AJ for two pair. Unlu, though, had 55 for a set and held up on the 9 river to earn the massive double up.

Player Chips Progress
Sinan Unlu tr
Sinan Unlu
Milosz Mocydlarz pl
Milosz Mocydlarz

Tags: Milosza MocydlarzSinan Unlu

Chouity Fires Thrice

Level 7 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Nicolas Chouity
Nicolas Chouity

Nicolas Chouity opened to 4,000 in early position and found a call from the hijack.

The 27J flop saw Chouity lead out for 4,000, which was called to the 6 turn. Another bet from Chouity of 14,000 was enough to take it down, as the fold was made.

Player Chips Progress
Nicolas Chouity lb
Nicolas Chouity
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Nicolas Chouity

Shimon Hero-Calls Chouity

Level 6 : Blinds 700/1,500, 1,500 ante
Noam Shimon
Noam Shimon

Nicolas Chouity bet 5,500 from the cutoff on a flop of 386 and Noam Shimon called in the hijack.

The turn was the 9 and Chouity bet 16,500. Shimon again called and they saw the 8 fall on the river. Chouity then bet 38,000.

Shimon called once more and turned over 65 for two pair. Chouity flashed a jack as he mucked.

"Unbelievable call," tablemate Golam Lakkhosravi told Shimon.

Player Chips Progress
Noam Shimon il
Noam Shimon
Nicolas Chouity lb
Nicolas Chouity
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Nicolas ChouityNoam Shimon

Tabiyev Coolers Skripkin For a Double

Level 5 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Boris Tabiyev
Boris Tabiyev

Jad Dandachi bet 3,500 from the button on a flop of QK5 and Boris Tabiyev called in the small blind, as did Maksim Skripkin in the cutoff.

The turn was the Q and Dandachi bet another 5,000. Tabiyev then raised to 25,000, Skripkin moved all in, and Dandachi folded. Tabiyev, though, snap-called for 87,000.

Skripkin had QJ for trips, but Tabiyev showed 55 for a full house. The river was the 9 and Tabiyev doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Boris Tabiyev kz
Boris Tabiyev
Maksim Skripkin ru
Maksim Skripkin
Jad Dandachi lb
Jad Dandachi

Tags: Boris TabiyevJad DandachiMaksim Skripkin

Lakkhosravi Gets Paid on the River

Level 4 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Golan Lakkhosravi
Golan Lakkhosravi

Golan Lakkhosravi and an opponent were heads-up on a board of 767Q when Lakkhosravi bet 20,000 from the small blind. His opponent called on the button.

The river was the J and Lakkhosravi bet another 26,000. The button quickly called and Lakkhosravi turned over A3 for a flush. His opponent mucked and Lakkhosravi took down the big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Golam Lakkhosravi ir
Golam Lakkhosravi

Tags: Golan Lakkhosravi

Palandiuk Doubles Off Zelenkin in Classic Cooler

Level 4 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Vasyl Palandiuk
Vasyl Palandiuk

Denis Zelenkin raised to 2,200 in the hijack and Alain Hajj called on the button. Vasyl Palandiuk then three-bet to 11,200 in the small blind. Zelenkin four-bet to 27,500, Hajj folded, while Palandiuk moved all in for 102,500. Zelenkin snap-called.

Vasyl Palandiuk: AA All in
Denis Zelenkin: KK

Zelenkin had run his kings into Palandiuk's aces and watched helplessly as the board ran out 55499. Palandiuk doubled up while Zelenkin, already on his second bullet of the day, was left on a short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Vasyl Palandiuk it
Vasyl Palandiuk
Alain Hajj lb
Alain Hajj
Denis Zelenkin ru
Denis Zelenkin

Tags: Alain HajjDenis ZelenkinVasyl Palandiuk