2017 Marrakech Poker Open

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2017 Marrakech Poker Open

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Lionel and Benoit Grobocopatel Still in the Field

Level 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Lionel (l) and Benoit (r) Grobocopatel
Lionel (l) and Benoit (r) Grobocopatel

The father and son pair were seated at neighbouring tables all of yesterday, and the random seating draw for Day 2 has looked kindly on the Grobocopatels with the pair seated at Table 24 and 25 respectively today.

Lionel, the elder of the two, still has young Benoit out-chipped. I'm sure there will be plenty of competition between the pair of them today.

Player Chips Progress
Lionel Grobocopatel fr
Lionel Grobocopatel
Benoit Grobocopatel fr
Benoit Grobocopatel

High Roller Champion Fadhil Farag Eliminated by Lasse Jacobsen

Level 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Fadhil Farag
Fadhil Farag

We noticed High Roller champion Fadhil Farag, who had bought in as expected at the start of the day, no longer sitting in his seat at a table with Leo Margets and Achille Voltolina.

He was eliminated in a hand by Lasse Jacobsen, who has now eliminated two players today and boosted his stack to up over 100,000.

Jacobsen said that he opened to 2,200 with {k-}{j-} from middle position, and Farag raised to 4,000 from the big blind. Jacobsen called and the flop came {k-}{8-}{3-}. Both players checked.

The turn was the {5-} and Farag bet 10,000. Jacobsen called.

The river was another {k-} and Farag checked. Jacobsen moved all in and Farag called with {a-}{a-} to hit the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Lasse Jacobsen dk
Lasse Jacobsen
Fadhil Farag ma
Fadhil Farag

Tags: Fadhil FaragLasse Jacobsen

Early Double for Ludovic Geilich

Level 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Ludovic Geilich
Ludovic Geilich

A player opened from the hijack to 2,300. The cutoff three-bet to 5,500 before Ludovic Geilich four-bet to 14,000 from the big blind. Both players folded and he added yet more chips to his stack.

You wouldn't have thought it but Geilich bought in at the start of the day, and now sits on just about average. He told us that he raised to 2,500 from the small blind with {k-}{q-} and the big blind called.

The flop came [axkxkq] and he bet 5,000 and his opponent called. The turn was a {5-} and Geilich moved all in for his remaining 17,000. His opponent called with {a-}{9-} and there was no help with the {3-} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Ludovic Geilich gb
Ludovic Geilich

Tags: Ludovic Geilich

Pierre Neuville Eliminates a Player

Level 11 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Pierre Neuville
Pierre Neuville

We said earlier that Pierre Neuville was soaring on a table with the chip leader Abdellah El Ghrari, and even after that table broke the November Niner is still going strong.

He told us how he bet 8,000 with {9-}{9-} on a flop of {10-}{8-}{7-} and his opponent raised to 39,000. A third player in the hand tank-folded before Neuville called.

The turn was a {6-}, and his opponent moved all in for another 39,000. Neuville called, and his opponent's {a-}{10-} couldn't snatch a chop on the river and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Pierre Neuville be
Pierre Neuville

Tags: Pierre Neuville

Fawz Bennis Eliminated by Khalil Hassan Ali

Level 14 : 1,200/2,400, 300 ante
Khalil Hassan Ali
Khalil Hassan Ali

We have a new chip leader. Fawz Bennis got his remaining chips in the middle with {9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} against the {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds} of Khaslil Hassan Ali.

The board ran out {6-Spades}{5-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{q-Clubs} and Bennis was eliminated. Khalil Hassan Ali already had a stack in excess of 350,000 but is now up over 475,000 after this latest elimination.

"Do you always have it?" asked his tablemate, as Ali raked in his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Khalil Hassan Ali dk
Khalil Hassan Ali
Fawz Bennis us
Fawz Bennis

Leo Margets Doubles Through Khalil Hassan Ali

Level 14 : 1,200/2,400, 300 ante
Leo Margets
Leo Margets

"But we're good friends," said Leo Margets, rubbing Khalil Hassan Ali's arm as if to console him as she stacked her chips.

[Removed:432] opened to 2,200 from middle position. Ali called on the button, and Margets called from the small blind.

The flop came {q-}{5-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and it checked to [Removed:433] who continued. Ali then raised and Margets moved all in. [Removed:433] folded and Ali called.

Margets held {q-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Ali {q-}{5-}. The turn was a brick, but the river was the {j-Hearts} and Margets doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Khalil Hassan Ali dk
Khalil Hassan Ali
Leo Margets es
Leo Margets
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Leo MargetsKhalil Hassan Ali

Leo Margets Eliminated in 23rd Place (€1,578)

Level 17 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Leo Margets - 23rd Place
Leo Margets - 23rd Place

On a flop of {a-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{2-Spades} Leo Margets checked and [Removed:432] bet 21,000. Margets then raised to 55,000 and [Removed:433] called.

The turn was the {3-Clubs} and both players checked.

The river was the {6-Diamonds} and Margets moved all in for her remaining 208,000. [Removed:433] thought before calling. Margets showed {k-}{k-} and [Removed:433] showed {4-Clubs}{4-Spades} for a set of fours and took down the pot, and soared to the top of the chip counts.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:432] fr
Leo Margets es
Leo Margets
WSOP 1X Winner

Nine-High for [Removed:432]

Level 20 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Nine-High for [Removed:432]
Nine-High for [Removed:432]

[Removed:432] raised to 23,000 from under the gun. Valeryi Chupin defended his big blind.

The flop came {q-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and both players checked.

The turn was the {a-Spades} and Chupin checked to [Removed:433] who bet 30,000. Chupin then raised to 80,000 and his opponent called.

Chupin checked the river, which was the {2-Diamonds} to his opponent who bet 80,000. Chupin folded.

[Removed:433] went to muck his cards, but Jerome Zerbib shouted out from the other end of the table in french: "Ace-Queen!"

"He's found me out!" said [Removed:433], as he turned over {9-Diamonds}{7-Spades} for nine-high.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:432] fr
Valeryi Chupin ru
Valeryi Chupin

Houssine El Otmani Eliminated in 14th Place (€2,645)

Level 20 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Houssine El Otmani - 14th Place (€2,645)
Houssine El Otmani - 14th Place (€2,645)

Houssine El Otmani had been all in and doubled up a couple of times already since the redraw to two tables, however it was always for a sub-five big blind stack.

This time he was all in for around that much, 56,000 holding {q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} against the {a-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} of Andrei-Salustin Luncan.

The board ran out {a-Spades}{9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and El Otmani was eliminated in 14th Place.

Player Chips Progress
Andrei-Salustin Luncan ro
Andrei-Salustin Luncan
Houssine El Otmani ma
Houssine El Otmani

Tags: Houssine El OtmaniAndrei-Salustin Luncan

Benoit Grobocopatel Eliminated in 13th Place (€3,156)

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante
Benoit Grobocopatel
Benoit Grobocopatel

[Removed:432] raised to 25,000 from middle position. Benoit Grobocopatel moved all in for 17,000 on the button. Abdellah El Ghrari called in the big blind and the three all saw a flop of {q-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}

[Removed:433] and El Ghrari checked, and repeated the action on the turn of the {7-Diamonds}. The river was the {j-Clubs} and El Ghrari checked to [Removed:433] who bet 10,000 and his opponent folded.

[Removed:433] showed {j-Spades}{10-Diamonds} for trip jacks, and Grobocopatel shrugged and showed {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts} and was eliminated in 13th place.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:432] fr
Benoit Grobocopatel fr
Benoit Grobocopatel

Tags: Benoit GrobocopatelAbdellah El Ghrari