2017 Marrakech Poker Open

Main Event
Day: 1
Event Info

2017 Marrakech Poker Open

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

The Marrakech Poker Open Main Event Gets Underway

Welcome to the Casino de Marrakech for the latest installment of the Marrakech Poker Open. Last year this event garnered 220 entrants, with 27 of them making the money. The winner, after a heads-up deal, was Portuguese pro Henrique Pinho who took home €35,800 for his efforts.

The Marrakech Poker Open got underway earlier this week, and has already seen stellar numbers fo its deep stack and bounty events, as well as the High Roller. In fact, the High Roller is still as yet unfinished. The three remaining players Fadhil Farag, Said El Yousfi and Phu Truong will reconvene after the conclusion of the Main Event today to settle the result there. Be sure to check out our live updates from yesterday's play as we wait for Day 1 of the Main Event to get well and truly underway.

Tournament officials have announced that there will be nine levels of 45 minutes today, with no dinner break, meaning there will be a slightly shorter day than many expected. Stay tuned to PokerNews for all the updates throughout the day.

Barny Boatman Turns a Boat, Man

Level 3 : 100/200, 0 ante
Barny Boatman
Barny Boatman

After being one of the first here this afternoon at the start of play, Barny Boatman has had more than enough time to get into spots. We saw the experienced British pro bet 3,000 on a board of {k-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} and his opponent called. The river was the {5-Clubs} and he bet 7,500. His opponent appeared as if he was looking at someone, but was instead just staring into space, and eventually called. Boatman quickly flipped over {k-Hearts}{q-Spades} for a full house.

In the very next hand Lionel Grobocopatel opened from early position to 450 and Boatman called on the button, as well as the blinds. The flop came {q-Spades}{5-Spades}{3-Spades}. It checked to Boatman who bet 600. The blinds both folded and Grobocopatel raised to 1,550. Boatman called.

The turn was the {a-Clubs}. Grobocopatel bet 3,000 and Boatman raised to 6,000. After some thought his opponent re-raised to 14,000. "Nice hand," said Boatman, before folding.

Player Chips Progress
Barny Boatman gb
Barny Boatman
Lionel Grobocopatel fr
Lionel Grobocopatel

Tags: Barny BoatmanLionel Grobocopatel

November Niner Pierre Neuville Up and Running

Level 4 : 100/200, 25 ante
Neuville in Action Earlier in the Week
Neuville in Action Earlier in the Week

Four players saw a flop of {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{7-Hearts} including Pierre Neuville. Two players checked to him in middle position and he bet 3,200. Erdal Turker called on the button and the remaining two players both folded.

The turn was the {6-Clubs} and both players checked. The river was the {j-Clubs} and Neuville thought before betting 4,500. Turker called and Neuville turned over {j-Diamonds}{10-Spades} for a rivered pair of jacks. Turker shook his head and showed {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades} as the pot was awarded to Neuville.

Player Chips Progress
Pierre Neuville be
Pierre Neuville
Erdal Turker tr
Erdal Turker

Tags: Pierre Neuville

Paul Guichard vs Benoit Grobocopatel

Level 5 : 150/300, 25 ante
Paul Guichard
Paul Guichard

In a four-way limp pot, the flop was {8-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. It checked to Anas Elamrani who bet 1,200. Paul Guichard and Benoit Grobocopatel called.

The turn was the {4-Clubs} and Grobocopatel bet out for 1,600. Elamrani called and Guichard raised to 10,000. Both his opponents called.

The river was the {3-Diamonds}. It checked to Guichard who moved all in for 25,000. Grobocopatel called and Elamrani folded.

Grobocopatel: {7-Hearts}{2-Clubs}
Guichard: {j-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

Both players had an eight-high straight so the pot was split, with Guichard perhaps feeling as if he could have got more, had a third club rolled off.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Guichard fr
Paul Guichard
Benoit Grobocopatel fr
Benoit Grobocopatel

Kalidou Sow Eliminated by Pierre Neuville

Level 5 : 150/300, 25 ante
Kalidou Sow
Kalidou Sow

We've just been informed that Kalidou Sow has been eliminated by Pierre Neuville in an interesting hand. Sow opened to 1,000 and Neuville three-bet in position to 3,500. Sow called and the flop came {k-}{5-}{2-} with one diamond.

Sow checked and Neuville bet 4,000. Sow check-raised to 11,000 and was all in and Neuville called. Sow held {8-}{8-} and Neuville {5-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}. We didn't get the river cards, but we were told that they were both diamonds, giving Neuville a flush and eliminating Sow.

Player Chips Progress
Pierre Neuville be
Pierre Neuville
Kalidou Sow fr
Kalidou Sow

Tags: Kalidou SowPierre Neuville

Like Father Like Son for the Grobocopatels

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
The pair talk after Benoit's double-up
The pair talk after Benoit's double-up

A surname like Grobocopatel is going to draw your attention regardless of the scenario, but when there are two in the field you're going to start asking some questions.

Table 19, Seat 1: Benoit Grobocopatel
Table 20, Seat 1: Lionel Grobocopatel

A quick check reveals that they are indeed father and son. Lionel is doing a lot better than his son for the moment. Benoit just eliminated Paul Guichard when his {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades} bested his opponent's {8-Clubs}{9-Clubs} on a {j-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{8-Spades} run out. Benoit's father Lionel immediately turned around to confer with his son. It remains to be seen just how far the pair of them can go...

Player Chips Progress
Lionel Grobocopatel fr
Lionel Grobocopatel
Benoit Grobocopatel fr
Benoit Grobocopatel

Tags: Benoit GrobocopatelLionel Grobocopatel

Francisco Vargas Doubles Through Jerome Sgorrano

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Jerome Sgorrano
Jerome Sgorrano

Francisco Vargas raised to 1,800 from the button. The small blind called and Jerome Sgorrano three-bet to 5,700 from the big blind. Vargas four-bet to 18,900 and the small blind folded.

Sgorrano four-bet all in and Vargas called.

Sgorrano: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Vargas: {j-Clubs}{j-Hearts}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{7-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Vargas doubled through Sgorrano, who finished 5th in yesterday's High Roller.

Player Chips Progress
Francisco Vargas es
Francisco Vargas
Jerome Sgorrano be
Jerome Sgorrano

Abdellah El Ghrari Leads After Marrakech Poker Open Main Event Day 1

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Day 1 Chip Leader Abdellah El Ghrari
Day 1 Chip Leader Abdellah El Ghrari

When Barny Boatman walked into the Casino de Marrakech, it must have been a strange sensation with barely a dozen players ready to take their seats. However, just over seven hours later, that number had swelled to 170 total entrants, 94 of which will be coming back tomorrow to continue their Main Event campaign.

Boatman (25,800) was joined in the Main Event by a whole host of regulars to Marrakech, including Leo Margets (86,000), Mathieu Selides (49,000) and Pierre Neuville (41,000).

Neuville was constantly in the action over the course of the day. Whether it was rivering pairs against Erdal Turker in Level 4 or eliminating Nassima Ouberdous in Level 8, the Belgian November Niner was always ready to get involved.

Another November Niner also joined the field. Fernando Pons didn’t have it all his own way, but he battled hard to bag up 45,800.

Leading the way is Abdellah El Ghrari with an astonishing 244,400. No one in the field comes close to him apart from perhaps Robert Escribano (143,000) or Jens Erik Ostergaard (116,000)

There were also several of the players who cashed in last night’s Main Event who joined the party, with Abdelhadi Kondah, [Removed:432], Jerome Sgorrano , Paul Guichard, Houssein El Otmani and Said El Yousfi all entering. El Yousfi managed to bag up 73,000 despite also being in the High Roller where he eventually busted in second place.

A nice sub-story to the day was that father and son duo Lionel Grobocopatel and Benoit Grobocopatel both advancing to Day 2, bagging up 52,200 and 29,200, respectively. Lionel had most of the chips throughout the day, with Benoit relying on opportune moments, and of course, the elimination of Guichard to stay alive.

Other notables include Kully Sidhu (79,600), Sonny Franco (63,000), and Guichard (25,000).

Play resumes tomorrow at 1:00 p.m., so stay tuned to PokerNews for full chip counts, and of course the conclusion of the Marrakech Poker Open Main Event.

Tags: Barny BoatmanBenoit GrobocopatelFernando PonsLeo MargetsLionel GrobocopatelMathieu SelidesPaul GuichardPierre Neuville