Clas Thorsell - 12th Place
Bernardo Dias opened with an under-the-gun raise to 45,000. Ernesto Panno made the call in middle position, and the tabled folded around to the tiny-stacked Clas Thorsell. He had just 59,000 chips left including the big blind he had posted, and he elected to just flat-call.
The flop brought , and Thorsell put his remaining 14,000 chips into the pot. Dias and Panno quickly called, though the floor made them each put in the minimum bet of 20,000. They would check-check through the turn and the river .
"Flush," said Panno, tabling . Thorsell seemed a bit upset as if he would have won the hand barring Panno's clubs. In any event, he quietly wished his table luck and headed off to the payout desk to collect 12th-place money.