2010 PokerStars.net LAPT Punta del Este

LAPT Punta del Este Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net LAPT Punta del Este

Final Results
Jose Ignacio Barbero
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

I Will Not Name This Post "Nacho Chips"

An unknown player under the gun open-shoved for his short stack of about 27,000. He almost made it all the way around the table, but big stack Nacho Barbero announced the call from the big blind, turning up {6-Clubs} {6-Spades}. The all-in player appeared to be content to race for his tournament life with his {A-Diamonds} {J-Hearts}.

The board ran down blank, coming {9-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds} {2-Clubs} {6-Clubs} {3-Spades}. That failed to improve the overcards of the at-risk (and now-eliminated) player, and he wished his table luck before departing.

Barbero raked in yet another pot, and he's very quickly approaching 300,000 after adding those chips to his pile.

Tags: Nacho Barbero

A Setback for Zapiello

We walked up to Table 7 to see a big pot brewing between two of the big stacks. On the turn, the board showed {4-Hearts} {3-Hearts} {7-Clubs} {J-Hearts}, and there were already about 45,000 chips in the pot. Daniela de Lima Zapiello fired out 25,000, and Ernesto Panno went into the tank for a minute. It was hard to tell, but it looked like a pretty non-convincing acting job as Panno seemed to be pained by the bet. Finally, he called.

The river filled out the board with the {10-Diamonds}, and Zapiello passed this time. After spending another minute with a scowl on his face, Panno fired out 60,000 at the pot, and Zapiello's cards instantly hit the muck.

We never saw Panno's cards, but he seemed quite disappointed in his opponent's fold. Despite that setback, Zapiello still has the chip lead with about 335,000.

Tags: Daniela de Lima ZapielloErnesto Panno

Chreem Churning Chips From Chidwick

Helio Chreem has won three hands in about ten minutes from Stephen Chidwick, knocking the young pro from 210,000 to about 65,000.

In the biggest of the three, Chidwick raised to 6,600 from the hijack and Chreem defended his big blind. The flop came down {4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{6-Spades} and Chreem check-called 8,500 from Chidwick. The turn was the {9-Hearts} and again he check-called a bet from Chidwick, this time 15,000.

The river brought the {3-Clubs} and Chreem checked it once again. Chidwick bet 28,000, but was met with an immediate all in. Chidwick folded and Chreem turned up {9-Spades}{7-Spades}.

The late rush has boosted Chreem's stack to 270,000.

Tags: Helio ChreemStephen Chidwick

Level: 15

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 400

Humberto Doubles Up Very Quietly

Humberto Brenes
Humberto Brenes
In very un-Humberto fashion, he doubled up and the rest of the room probably doesn't know about it for once.

The player in the small blind put in a raise and Humberto shoved for an additional 24,900 more from the big blind. After a short tank, the small blind called with {10-Clubs}{10-Spades} and was trailing Brenes' {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}.

The board ran out {A-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{A-Spades}{A-Hearts}{K-Spades} and Humberto is back up to 70,000

Tags: Humberto Brenes

Saved! But Still Grumpy

We didn't want to ask his name -- he's looking rather cross at the moment -- so we'll call him John Doe for now. Mr. Doe lost all but a few of his chips when his {A-Diamonds} {Q-Diamonds} ran into an opponent's {A-Clubs} {K-Spades} in a preflop all in.

Down to just 3,200 tiny chips, that remainder went into the next pot when Mr. Doe found himself in the small blind. He was up against two opponents, and they checked through a board of {8-Hearts} {K-Diamonds} {9-Hearts} {6-Clubs} {7-Hearts}. John Doe, still frustrated, flipped over a saving {5-Diamonds} {8-Spades}, having made a life-saving straight.

He's quadrupled up, and that raggy straight may end up being the difference between a bubble finish and a not-too-shabby payday.