2013 International Stadiums Poker Tour Wembley Stadium

€3,000 Main Event
Day: 2a
Event Info

2013 International Stadiums Poker Tour Wembley Stadium

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Barry Price - An Amateur takes on the Pros

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante

Squeezed between Jamie Burland and Matt Frankland is amateur player Barrie Price.

Barry played the first qualifying Saturday at DTD, buying in for £260.

For a while he held the lead on day one, with the final tally showing he had 183,800, second only behind chip leader Juen Alban.

I’m about to grab a word with Barry when Tony G arrives and promptly takes his seat at the same table.

Barry tells me he’s had a rough day and is down to half his starting stack, about 9,0000.

“Tough table Barry?” I ask him.

“No, not really. I’ve seen them all on TV so I know pretty much how they play. I just need a few good hands now and I’ll be alright.” He replied with a smile.

Go get ‘em Barry.

Tags: Barry PriceJamie BurlandMathew FranklandTony G

Double Check-Raise Folds Out Trigg

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante

Ross Boatman had to check-raise the turn and the river in order to fold out Richard Trigg.

Boatman opened for 1,600 from middle position, Trigg called in the cutoff and Erwann Pêcheux came along for the ride in the big blind. The trio shared a {K-Spades}{A-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} flop. Pêcheux checked its arrival and Boatman bet 3,500. Trigg, who was feverishly typing the WiFi password into his iPad, called. Pêcheux folded.

The turn was the {K-Diamonds} and Boatman checked its arrival. Trigg was in no mood for checking and he bet 5,000. Boatman then sprung into life and check-raised to 12,000. Trigg quickly called.

The river card was the {6-Diamonds} and Boatman checked again. Trigg bet again, making it 12,000 and Boatman asked how much Trigg had behind. Trigg spread out his stack (78,900) and no sooner had he done so Boatman check-raised again, this time to 35,000. Trigg looked puzzled by the fact he'd been check-raised twice and his cards hit the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Ross Boatman gb
Ross Boatman
Richard Trigg gb
Richard Trigg

Tags: Ross BoatmanRichard Trigg

A Pinch from Casalt

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante
David Benyamine
David Benyamine

Well something is certainly going right for the Frenchman and ISPT ambassador.

Benyamine had bet 4,700 on the turn of a {7-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} board with Frederic Casalta making the call to see the {6-Diamonds} on the river. Benyamine thought for a moment and checked and Casalta checked behind him.

Benyamine showed {K-Hearts}{K-Clubs} and Casalta mucked his hands as the former began to stack up the chips. Casalta then did a double take and saw that Benyamine didn't have a diamond.

Casalta's hands quickly resided on his head in disbelief, "Oh no!" - Clearly he'd thought Benyamine had the {K-Diamonds} but Casalta could only direct his frustration inward.

Benyamine quietly continued to stack the chips from the pot, he's probably feeling slightly luckier than he was before.

Shaio Coolered On The RIver

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante

Lesser players than Ramey Shaio would have no doubt gone bust in the spot that he just found himself in.

Shaio led for 5,500 from the small blind on a {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{8-Spades}{4-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds} board and was sat contemplating what to do because Toby Lewis had raised that bet to 16,400. Eventually, Shaio called and turned over {Q-Spades}{Q-Hearts} for rivered boat, but was crushed by the {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts} of Lewis.

Tags: Toby LewisRamey Shaio

Barry Price Gets a Hand

Level 7 : 400/800, 100 ante

Barry Price had just called a raise in the small blind and folded to an ace high flop, wearily showing his {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades}. He was about to get involved in the next hand though.

Matt Frankland made it 2,000 UTG and was 3-bet by seat 1, Mark Gardner, to 5,000. It’s folded around to Barry who counts out the chips and pushes them over the line. Frankland quickly gets out of the way and we see a flop.

{4-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {k-Spades} Barry checks as he had the previous hand. Gardner makes it 6,000 only to face a check raise to 16,000.

A minute goes by. Gardner asks how much Barry has left. Barry spreads the chips, in no mood to give the exact number.

“All in.” Says Gardner and Barry pushes the rest of his chips over the line to call, the player at risk.

Barry shows {A-Diamonds} {A-Spades} The hand he’s been waiting for.

Gardner has {K-Hearts} {10-Hearts}

The dealer quickly puts out the turn and the river. It takes a second or two to sink in.

{Q-Spades} {J-Clubs}

Gardner makes the straight and cracks the aces. Barry is out, the dream is over.

“Seat open, thirty one.” The dealer calls and the game resumes.

Tags: Barry PriceMathew Frankland

Level: 8

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 100

It Goes Wrong for Wright

Level 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Nick Wright
Nick Wright

Nick Wright, erstwhile poker write and all-around good egg has become the latest casualty of the day.

He'd opened to 2,000 from middle position holding {Q-Hearts}{J-Spades} with his French opponent defending in the big blind. The flop was {Q-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and Wright's 3,000 continuation bet was check-raised to 8,000. Wright made the call to see the {10-Spades} where his opponent bet 12,000. Wright moved all in for just 10,000 more and he was quickly called by the big blind's {8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. The {A-Clubs} river changed nothing and 'Wrighty' was on his way home.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Wright
Nick Wright

Keys Unlocked

Level 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

James Keys' tournament is over, unless he re-enters tomorrow afternoon.

"I had a bad one," explained Keys to one of his friends, "I had a bad one all day, really."

Our friends at Blonde Poker told us Keys moved all-in with {K-}{J-} and was called by former World Series of Poker Main Event champion Peter Eastgate and his lowly ace-three offsuit.

Eastgate was already ahead and went further so when he spiked an ace on the flop and although Keys picked up a gutshot straight draw on the turn, it failed to appear and he heads for the rail.

Tags: Peter EastgateJames Keys