2021 GG Spring Festival

H-41: $25,500 Sunday 5 Million
Day: 1
Event Info

2021 GG Spring Festival

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Dominguez Pulls One from Holz

Level 12 : 1,800/3,600, 450 ante

Action fell on Fedor Holz who raised it up to 7,560 from middle position and Juan Pardo Dominguez defended his big blind to see the {10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} flop. Both players checked through to the {4-Clubs} turn where Dominguez bet 27,000.

Holz called and a {q-Diamonds} then completed the board. Dominguez bet 21,600 and he was quickly called by Holz who tabled {a-Diamonds}{9-Spades} for a pair of nines. Dominguez then showed {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for a higher pair of dimes to scoop the pot, dropping Holz back under starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo Domingues
Juan Pardo Domingues
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz

Demirjian Finds Fortuitous Runout to Drop Eibinger

Level 13 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

"xyzpoker" opened to 7,200 just before the blinds were about to jump and Mark "Chasseneige" Demirjian three-bet for a total of 30,150. Matthias Eibinger four-bet shoved 84,664 and action folded back to Demirjian who called the extra 54,514, putting Eibinger at risk.

Matthias Eibinger: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Mark "Chasseneige" Demirjian: {10-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

The queens of Eibinger were in an absolutely dominating spot and a {j-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} left Eibinger in the lead. An unfortunate {7-Hearts} peeled off on the turn, smashing Demirjian with two pair to take the lead and a {4-Clubs} river cemented it. Demirjian pulled in the pot and Eibinger took another exit.

Player Chips Progress
Mark "Chasseneige" Demirjian lb
Mark "Chasseneige" Demirjian
Matthias Eibinger at
Matthias Eibinger

Greenwood Holds on with Rockets

Level 13 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

An under the gun raise of 8,000 came from Sam Greenwood, Lev "LevMeAlone" Gottlieb called and Stephen Chidwick then three-bet shoved 52,779. Greenwood pushed over the top for a total of 98,500 and Gottlieb called both.

Stephen Chidwick: {a-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Sam Greenwood: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}
Lev "LevMeAlone" Gottlieb: {k-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

The flop came down {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}, hitting everyone with Greenwood smashing it the hardest with his set of rockets. A {7-Spades} turn and {3-Clubs} river bricked out the board and Greenwood pulled in the pot to drop Chidwick.

Player Chips Progress
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Lev "LevMeAlon" Gottlieb
Lev "LevMeAlon" Gottlieb
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Adams Flops Large and Holds On for a Double

Level 14 : 2,250/4,500, 550 ante

A 9,900 raise from Timothy Adams who was in middle position saw Rue Ferreira three-bet to 31,050 in the cutoff. Adams called and a {q-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{6-Clubs} flop hit the board. Ferreira bet 18,313 after action checked to him and Adams check-raised to 54,573.

Ferreira elected to push 227,161 and Adams instantly called for less, putting in his 86,627 stack and he was then at risk of elimination.

Timothy Adams: {q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}
Rui Ferreira: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

Adams flopped top two and was well on the way to secure a double. A scary {k-Clubs} peeled off and Ferreira picked up some more outs. The {5-Clubs} bricked out the river thought, shipping the pot to Adams who flopped top two to secure a double.

Player Chips Progress
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
Rui Ferreira pt
Rui Ferreira
WSOP 1X Winner

Canadian's Have Themselves a Classic Race

Level 15 : 2,500/5,000, 600 ante

Mike Watson raised to 9,000 from under the gun and TImothy Adams three-bet to 31,950. Watson shoved 93,350 and Adams snap-called, putting his fellow Canadian at risk.

Mike Watson: {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Timothy Adams: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

The flop rolled out {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Watson was still ahead with queens. The {3-Hearts} turn and {9-Diamonds} river shifted nothing and Watson held on with his queens to land a double through Adams.

Player Chips Progress
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
WPT 1X Winner
EPT 2X Winner

Elias Takes Down Gottlieb's Rockets

Level 15 : 2,500/5,000, 600 ante

A 10,000 under the gun raise by Lev "LevMeAlone" Gottlieb was called by Darren Elias on the button and Vlada "Vlada2108" Stojanovic in the big blind. A {q-Hearts}{10-Spades}{9-Diamonds} flop landed on the virtual felt and action checked to Gottlieb, he bet 27,975 and Elias was the only caller.

A {k-Spades} turn brought out a 75,000 bet by Gottlieb and Elias instantly shoved 130,829. Gottlieb called his last 375 into the pot and tabled {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs} for an overpair. Elias turned over {j-Hearts}{9-Hearts} for a turned straight and the {6-Clubs} river card sealed it for Elias as Gottlieb's chip count hit zero.

Player Chips Progress
Darren Elias us
Darren Elias
$25K Fantasy
WPT 4X Winner
Lev "LevMeAlone" Gottlieb
Lev "LevMeAlone" Gottlieb

Garagnani On the Better End of a Cooler

Level 16 : 2,750/5,500, 650 ante

Pedro Garagnani opened to 11,000 from middle position and Andras Nemeth then three-bet to 46,750. Garagnani four-bet shoved 183,461 and Nemeth called, putting Garagnani at risk.

Pedro Garagnani: {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}
Andras Nemeth: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

The cooler had Garagnani in the lead with his aces and the {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{q-Hearts} runout changed not a thing, sending the monster pot to Garagnani thanks to his rockets.

Player Chips Progress
Pedro Garagnani br
Pedro Garagnani
Andras Nemeth hu
Andras Nemeth

Nolet Sitting On Top of the Field

Level 16 : 2,750/5,500, 650 ante

Michael Addamo opened to 11,000 and Arsenii Malinov ripped 95,054 into the middle. Guillaume Nolet pushed his 487,789 into the middle and Addamo quickly ducked out, leaving just two for a showdown.

Arsenii Malinov: {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Guillaume Nolet: {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}

Ladies were in front but a {k-Spades}{q-Spades}{10-Spades} flop quickly changed that, giving Malinov a straight. The {3-Hearts} was a non-factor but a {10-Clubs} river was huge for Nolet who hit a boat, overcoming the flopped straight of Malinov to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Guillaume Nolet ca
Guillaume Nolet
Michael Addamo au
Michael Addamo
WSOP 4X Winner
Arsenii Malinov ru
Arsenii Malinov

Hyman Fails to Take Down the Jacks of Greenwood

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 750 ante

Sam Greenwood opened to 12,000 from under the gun and Matthew "Nator" Hyman jammed 123,602 from teh small blind. Greenwood called his last 57,259 and the two tabled their hands.

Sam Greenwood: {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Matthew "Nator" Hyman: {a-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

The board came down {q-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{4-Spades} and a clean board sent a double to the Canadian.

Player Chips Progress
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Matthew "Nator" Hyman mx
Matthew "Nator" Hyman

Miscikowski Finds Optimal Spot vs. Petrangelo

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 750 ante

Nick Petrangelo opened to 12,000 from the button and David Miscikowski jammed 143,087 from the big blind. Petrangelo called and Miscikowksi was at risk of elimination.

David Miscikowski: {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Nick Petrangelo: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

The johnnies of Miscikowski stood tall and a {9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{4-Spades} flop left them leading the way. A {4-Clubs} turn and {k-Spades} river cemented it Miscikowksi who landed a complete double through Petrangelo.

Player Chips Progress
David Miscikowski us
David Miscikowski
WSOP 1X Winner
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner