2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

€2,200 FPS High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Parmar Flips For it All

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Taran Parmar moved all in for 275,000 under the gun as action folded around to Aliaksei Boika who reshoved in the small blind, forcing out the rest of the table.

Taran Parmar: A10
Aliaksei Boika: 88

"We've got a flip for our life," Parmar said into his phone as he began vlogging the action. The flop came 447. "How about a ten," Parmar said as the 9 fell on the turn.

"Close," he added and the J river was also no help. "How much did I win?" Parmar asked a tournament official as he went off to collect his payout.

At the same table, Jesse Lonis has crossed the 2,000,000 milestone.

Player Chips Progress
Jesse Lonis us
Jesse Lonis
Aliaksei Boika by
Aliaksei Boika
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Taran Parmar ca
Taran Parmar

Tags: Aliaksei BoikaTaran Parmar

Darie Takes Out Two

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Vlad Darie
Vlad Darie

Konstantin Farber and Gerard Rubiralta were alread all-in preflop and at risk against Vlad Darie, who had both covered by a significant margin.

Konstantin Farber: Q9
Gerard Rubiralta: AQ
Vlad Darie: K4

Rubiralta looked poised to more-than double up on the 239 flop and 7 turn, but the K river paired Darie’s king — who was sent the sizable pot in dramatic fashion.

Player Chips Progress
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
Konstantin Farber de
Konstantin Farber
Gerard Rubiralta es
Gerard Rubiralta

Tags: Gerard RubiraltaKonstantin FarberVlad Darie

Luck is With Tamasauskas Again; Kamphues Takes Out Almeida Arias

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Jean Delorme raised to 200,000 in the cutoff before Vladas Tamasauskas moved all in from the button. Delorme had around 60,000 remaining and tanked for a few minutes before calling.

Jean Delorme: KQ
Vladas Tamasauskas: 77

"Who wants it," tablemate Ehsan Amiri said, moving his genie's bottle in between them. The flop came QJ7 and Delorme hit a pair, but Tamasauskas made a set and left Delorme drawing dead after the 4 turn. The Q fell on the river and Delorme was eliminated.

At the same time at another table, Gonzalo Almeida Arias bet 75,000 from under the gun on a flop of 384 and Lars Kamphues moved all in from the small blind. The clock was eventually called on Almeida Arias before he called for 450,000.

Gonzalo Almeida Arias: A6
Lars Kamphues: 99

Almeida Arias was on a flush draw as the 9 turn gave Kamphues a set. Almeida Arias missed the 6 river and Kamphues scooped the pot to send him off to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Lars Kamphues de
Lars Kamphues
Vladas Tamasauskas lt
Vladas Tamasauskas
Jean Delorme fr
Jean Delorme
Gonzalo Almeida Arias ar
Gonzalo Almeida Arias

Tags: Gonzalo Almeida AriasJean DelormeLars KamphuesVladas Tamasauskas

Glogar Gets Di Giacomo

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Claudio Di Giacomo
Claudio Di Giacomo

Action folded to Alexander Glogar in the small blind, and he asked to see the stack of his opponent in the big blind, Claudio Di Giacomo.

Di Giacomo obliged and after a brief period of thought, Glogar moved all in. Di Giacomo made the quick call and was at risk.

Claudio Di Giacomo: AQ
Alexander Glogar: AA

Di Giacomo had been extremely unfortunate to run his ace-queen into Glogar's aces in a blind on blind spot, and although he hit a queen on the Q65 flop the 4 turn and K river were bricks, sending Di Giacomo to the exit and a nice pot to Glogar.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Glogar at
Alexander Glogar
Claudio Di Giacomo it
Claudio Di Giacomo

Tags: Alexander GlogarClaudio Di Giacomo

Ace From Space Spells the End For Oubaaous

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Adil Oubaaous moved all in for 220,000 on the button and Mathew Frankland called under the gun.

Adil Oubaaous: KK
Mathew Frankland: A10

Oubaaous had woken up with kings and was a favorite to double up as the flop came J6Q. The turn, though, was the A and Oubaaous flung his arms in the air in frustration.

The Q completed the board and Frankland sent Oubaaous to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Mathew Frankland gb
Mathew Frankland
Adil Oubaaous ma
Adil Oubaaous

Tags: Adil OubaaousMathew Frankland

Niazi Eliminates Ribeiro

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Bruno Ribeiro moved all-in from middle position for around 205,000 and Ahmad Niazi called in the big blind, with Ribeiro at risk.

Bruno Ribeiro: AJ
Ahmad Niazi: 1010

Ribeiro was behind in a race but he bricked the 943Q8 board despite having a better diamond draw than Niazi after the all diamond flop, and duly made for the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Ahmad Niazi nl
Ahmad Niazi
Bruno Ribeiro br
Bruno Ribeiro

Tags: Ahmad NiaziBruno Ribeiro

Leibgorin Gets a Good Look at His River Suckout

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Michel Leibgorin raised to 60,000 under the gun, then called when Ivan Uzunov moved all in for around 480,000 in the small blind.

Ivan Uzunov: A10
Michel Leibgorin: AQ

Leibgorin stood up with a giant magnifying glass and looked through it at the 2JJ flop that gave Uzunov a flush draw. The turn was the 10 and Uzunov improved to two pair, while the K fell on the river.

Leibgorin prepared to hand over the pot until the table pointed out that he made a straight to bust Uzunov.

Player Chips Progress
Michel Leibgorin fr
Michel Leibgorin
Ivan Uzunov bg
Ivan Uzunov

Tags: Ivan UzunovMichel Leibgorin

Bianchetti Busts Petleshkov

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Around 500,000 was in the middle on a board of 886JQ in a hand between Yves Bianchetti and Viliyan Petleshkov.

Petleshkov only had one 25,000 chip behind and the players appeared to have agreed to give the hand a certain period of time before a money jump was reached, as Bianchetti said "There it is", and Petleshkov immediately put his last chip in and Bianchetti called.

Petleshkov had A10 for ace-high and Bianchetti had KJ for a pair of jacks, with Petleshkov taking his leave. Bianchetti moved over the 1.5 million mark.

Player Chips Progress
Yves Bianchetti br
Yves Bianchetti
Day 1A Chip Leader
Viliyan Petleshkov bg
Viliyan Petleshkov

Tags: Viliyan PetleshkovYves Bianchetti