2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
500 / 1,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Wilf Calls Voronin's River Bluff

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action was on the river on a board of 7973Q with around 25,000 in the middle. Konstantin Voronin had moved all in and Saar Wilf was in the tank, carefully considering his move before making the call.

When he did call, Voronin showed A10 for a bluff and Wilf flipped over JJ for a pair of jacks, two pair with the sevens on board to win the pot.

"You can't have trips everytime," said Felix Schneiders, sitting in seat 8.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Saar Wilf il
Saar Wilf
Profile photo of Felix Schneiders de
Felix Schneiders
Profile photo of Konstantin Voronin ru
Konstantin Voronin

Tags: Felix SchneidersKonstantin VoroninSaar Wilf

Cabrera Binks River

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

David Cabrera opened to 500 under the gun and received a call from Aren Bezhanyan in the big blind.

On the Q85 flop, Bezhanyan check-called versus a bet of 700 from Cabrera.

Both players elected to check the 4 turn. On the 3 river, Bezhanyan led out with a bet of 800, only to be faced with a raise to 4,200 from Cabrera.

After around 90 seconds of thought, Bezhanyan made the call, but was shown the bad news when Cabrera tabled A2 for the rivered wheel straight.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of David Cabrera ad
David Cabrera
Profile photo of Aren Bezhanyan am
Aren Bezhanyan

Tags: Aren BezhanyanDavid Cabrera

Zebarjad Rivers a King, Picks Off Marsh's Bluff

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Luke Marsh
Luke Marsh

Ali Zebarjad had opened the cutoff and Luke Marsh three-bet from the small blind before Zebarjad responded with a four-bet to 7,500. Marsh called.

The two went to a flop of 599 where Marsh check-called a bet of 2,500 from Zebarjad.

Both checked the J turn to the K river, where Marsh took a while before he announced a bet of 8,000. Zebarjad needed just two seconds before he put in the chips and called.

Marsh flipped a pair of tens with 1010, but Zebarjad had the winner with AK with a rivered pair of kings.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ali Zebarjad au
Ali Zebarjad
Profile photo of Luke Marsh gb
Luke Marsh

Tags: Ali ZebarjadLuke Marsh

Turn Bet Wins Pot for Babeyev

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Francisco Pena open raised to 600 from middle position, Walid Bou Habib called in the small blind, and Agharazi Babayev raised to 3,300 from the big blind. Pena folded and Habib called.

The flop came KQ6 and Habib checked. Babeyev checked and Habib bet 2,500, which Babeyev called.

The turn was the 4 and Habib checked again. Babeyev sized up to 9,500 and Habib folded to give him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Agharazi Babayev az
Agharazi Babayev
Profile photo of Walid Bou Habib lb
Walid Bou Habib

Tags: Agharazi BabayevWalid Bou Habib

If Looks Could Kill

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action was on the turn on a board of A4J9 and Christoforos Chrysochoidis made a bet of 3,200. Fouad Toujani raised it up to 11,200 and then glared across at his opponent like he wanted a fight. Chrysochoidis didn't seem scared, but opted to fold his hand anyway and conceded the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Fouad Toujani fr
Fouad Toujani
Profile photo of Christoforos Chrysochoidis gr
Christoforos Chrysochoidis

Tags: Christoforos ChrysochoidisFouad Toujani

Erstenyuk and Sediakin Both Flop the Nuts

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

There were already around 8,000 chips in the pot on a flop of JQ10 when Mykhaylo Erstenyuk fired 3,500, which got Leonidas Kostagiolas to fold. Andrei Sediakin then put in a raise to 8,500, and Erstenyuk shoved for around 19,000. Sediakin snap-called.

Mykhaylo Erstenyuk: AK All in
Andrei Sediakin: AK

It was no surprise to see that both players had that same hand, but Erstenyuk did have a freeroll with his backdoor heart draw. However, the 4 turn put an end to that tiny bit of equity that Erstenyuk had, and the K fell on the river, which meant they both chopped up the chips.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrei Sediakin ru
Andrei Sediakin
Profile photo of Leonidas Kostagiolas gr
Leonidas Kostagiolas
Profile photo of Mykhaylo Erstenyuk ua
Mykhaylo Erstenyuk

Tags: Andrei SediakinLeonidas KostagiolasMykhaylo Erstenyuk

Huberman Bests Koks

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Andrey Koks opened to 400 from early position, and Alon Huberman defended his big blind.

The 1076 flop was checked through. On the 10 turn, Huberman led out with a bet of 600, and Koks called.

The river brought the 6, and after some thought, Huberman fired out a bet of 2,500, leading to a swift fold from Koks.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrey Koks ee
Andrey Koks
Profile photo of Alon Huberman il
Alon Huberman

Tags: Alon HubermanAndrey Koks

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Demirkol Scoops the Pot, Keeps His Cards a Mystery

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

Mehmet Demirkol opened the action from the cutoff with a raise to 300, only to be three-bet by Vladislav Dubanov in the big blind to 1,200. Unfazed, Demirkol four-bet to 3,600, and Dubanov made the call.

The flop came 984, and Demirkol continued with a bet of 1,600, which Dubanov check-called.

Both players opted to check on the 5 turn.

The river brought the 6, and this time Dubanov took control with a hefty bet of 7,500. Demirkol went deep into the tank, thinking it over for a good three minutes before making the call. Dubanov double-checked his cards at showdown but ultimately decided to muck, allowing Demirkol to scoop the pot without revealing his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mehmet Demirkol tr
Mehmet Demirkol
Profile photo of Vladislav Dubanov ru
Vladislav Dubanov

Tags: Mehmet DemirkolVladislav Dubanov

Okolovich Takes Four-Bet Pot

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

Aimar Gonzalez opened to 300 from early position, and Sergei Bortsov pumped it up to 1,100 from the button. Iurii Okolovich was in the small blind, and he produced a cold four-bet to 2,800. Gonzalez got out of the way, but Bortsov called.

On the A94 flop, Okolovich continued with a bet of 1,700, which Bortsov called.

The 3 turn was checked through. On the 10 river, Okolovich fired out a bet of 3,700, and Bortsov went into the tank.

After about two minutes, he open folded QQ, and Okolovich flashed the A as he raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Iurii Okolovich ru
Iurii Okolovich
Profile photo of Sergei Bortsov ru
Sergei Bortsov
Profile photo of Aimar Gonzalez es
Aimar Gonzalez

Tags: Iurii OkolovichSergei Bortsov