2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

'Never Lucky'

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Benjamin Lebor
Benjamin Lebor

Konstantin Voronin kicked off the hand with a raise from early position, only to face a three-bet from Benjamin Lebor, who made it 1,300 from the button. Hamza Nasir, in the small blind, wasn’t backing down and four-bet to 5,500. Voronin called, but Lebor decided there were too many players in the pot and shoved all in. Nasir followed suit, also going all in, which made Voronin fold, sending the hand to a showdown.

Benjamin Lebor: 88All in
Hamza Nasir: AK

When Lebor saw the cards, he muttered, "Oh, never lucky," and stood up, even though he was still ahead.

The flop came K63, giving Nasir top pair with kings. "See, never lucky," Lebor quipped, already half out the door. The A on the turn and the 10 on the river sealed it for Nasir, sending Lebor to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hamza Nasir gb
Hamza Nasir
Profile photo of Konstantin Voronin ru
Konstantin Voronin
Profile photo of Benjamin Lebor gb
Benjamin Lebor

Tags: Benjamin LeborHamza NasirKonstantin Voronin

Jones Takes Down the Pot with Kings After a Quiet Showdown

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Pingfeng Wu opened the action with a raise to 700 from under the gun, picking up three callers along the way.

The 275 flop didn’t spark much excitement, as all four players opted to check.

When the K hit the turn, Wu fired a bet of 1,600, which got called by everyone except Robert Kaggerud in the big blind, who bowed out.

The river brought the 10, and once again, the table checked around. Andrew Jones, sitting on the button, revealed KQ for a pair of kings, which was enough to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrew Jones gb
Andrew Jones
Profile photo of Robert Kaggerud no
Robert Kaggerud
Profile photo of Andrei Kaigorodtsev ru
Andrei Kaigorodtsev
Profile photo of Pingfeng Wu cn
Pingfeng Wu

Tags: Andrew JonesPingfeng WuRobert Kaggerud

Chernikov's Double Gutshot Falls Short, Litasov Scoops a Big Pot

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

PokerNews joined the action with the board showing 8107. Aleksandr Chernikov checked first, and Vladimir Litasov seized the moment, betting 3,000 into an already decent pot. Chernikov quickly responded, raising to 11,000 without a second thought. Litasov shot back with an all-in, and Chernikov called right away, taking the hand to showdown.

Chernikov revealed 95 for a double gutshot straight draw, while Litasov turned over A10 for a pair of tens.

The Q on the turn and the 8 on the river didn’t complete Chernikov’s hoped-for straight, sending him to the rail as Litasov scooped up a sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Vladimir Litasov ru
Vladimir Litasov
Profile photo of Aleksandr Chernikov ru
Aleksandr Chernikov

Tags: Aleksandr ChernikovVladimir Litasov

Level: 3

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 400

Shcherbakov's River Bluff Goes Awry, Moraru Chips Up

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

There were already around 13,000 chips in the pot on a full board of AJAK7 when Kirill Shcherbakov had shoved the river for around pot. Catalin Moraru had the decision and after some time in the tank, he dropped in the call.

Shcherbakov was already on his feet when he flipped QJ for a pair of jacks, but he seemed to know he was behind as Moraru tabled A10 for trip aces to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Catalin Moraru ro
Catalin Moraru
Profile photo of Kirill Shcherbakov ru
Kirill Shcherbakov

Tags: Catalin MoraruKirill Shcherbakov

NAPT, EPT and Women's Winter Festival Up for Grabs With Power Path in October

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
PokerStars Power Path
PokerStars Power Path

With the news that the Power Path is now a permanent addition to PokerStars, and that players can receive a $0.50 Step 1 Power Path ticket every single day as part of the new PokerStars Rewards program, there's never been a better time to have a look at how the Power Path can reward you and where it can take you.

Both live and online events have featured in the Power Path since its launch last summer, with Special Edition Gold Passes sending lucky players to the NAPT and Las Vegas Grand Prix last December.

This month, we look at the various Passes on offer, including both Gold and Silver Passes for the NAPT festival in Las Vegas, the Women's Winter Festival and the European Poker Tour stop in Prague.

Find More Information Here

Tamm's Jacks No Good in Three-Way All-In, Lipnitskii Scoops

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Vladimir Lipnitskii
Vladimir Lipnitskii

Taago Tamm was already all-in for just over 9,000, and had been called by both Vladimir Lipnitskii & Stefanos Kehagias.

They went to a flop of K28 where Lipnitskii made a bet, which Kehagias called. They both checked the 3 turn to the K river where Lipnitskii fired, 5,000, and Kehagias called.

Lipnitskii then showed QQ for a pair of queens, which beat the 77 of Kehagais for the side pot. Tamm showed JJ, which meant Lipnitskii also took the main pot, as Tamm hit the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Vladimir Lipnitskii ru
Vladimir Lipnitskii
Profile photo of Stefanos Kehagias gr
Stefanos Kehagias
Profile photo of Taago Tamm ee
Taago Tamm

Tags: Stefanos KehagiasTaago TammVladimir Lipnitskii

Demydenko Hits Two Pair on the River to Boost His Stack

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

With about 3,500 in the pot and the board showing K23, Traian Stanciu and Mykhailo Demydenko both checked to Vitalii Viunchenko, who bet 1,000. Both players made the call.

The turn brought the 6, and the action was the same: two checks from Stanciu and Demydenko, followed by Viunchenko betting 4,000, which they both called again.

On the river, with the 4 on board, everyone checked one more time, leading to a showdown. Stanciu revealed 88 for a pair of eights, but Demydenko had the better hand, showing 64 for two pair. He added to his already decent stack with that lucky turn of events.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mykhailo Demydenko ua
Mykhailo Demydenko
Profile photo of Traian Stanciu
Traian Stanciu
Profile photo of Vitalii Viunchenko ru
Vitalii Viunchenko

Tags: Mykhailo DemydenkoTraian StanciuVitalii Viunchenko

Bernhauser Folds After Long Deliberation

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

With the board showing 346AQ, the pot had grown to around 27,000. Fabian Bernhauser was first to act and checked, leaving the door open for Ali Zebarjad, who took the opportunity to go all-in for about 25,000. Bernhauser, with only 15,000 chips left behind, found himself in a tough spot, weighing the risk of putting his tournament life on the line.

He took his time, deep in thought for about four minutes, contemplating whether to call or let it go. After a lengthy deliberation, he ultimately decided to fold, giving up a massive pot to Zebarjad.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ali Zebarjad au
Ali Zebarjad
Profile photo of Fabian Bernhauser at
Fabian Bernhauser

Tags: Ali ZebarjadFabian Bernhauser

Pro Check-Shoves Turn

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

A board of 2953 was showing with around 12,000 in the middle when Gonzalo Pro checked it over to Arnaldo Barbosa, who fired 8,500. Pro then responded with an all-in wager, which gave Barbosa a decision for his remaining stack of around 16,000. After some time thinking, Barbosa elected to fold, and Pro added to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Gonzalo Pro es
Gonzalo Pro
Profile photo of Arnaldo Barbosa pt
Arnaldo Barbosa

Tags: Arnaldo BarbosaGonzalo Pro