2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Event Info
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
200 / 400
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Level: 3

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 400

Chernikov's Double Gutshot Falls Short, Litasov Scoops a Big Pot

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

PokerNews joined the action with the board showing 8107. Aleksandr Chernikov checked first, and Vladimir Litasov seized the moment, betting 3,000 into an already decent pot. Chernikov quickly responded, raising to 11,000 without a second thought. Litasov shot back with an all-in, and Chernikov called right away, taking the hand to showdown.

Chernikov revealed 95 for a double gutshot straight draw, while Litasov turned over A10 for a pair of tens.

The Q on the turn and the 8 on the river didn’t complete Chernikov’s hoped-for straight, sending him to the rail as Litasov scooped up a sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Vladimir Litasov ru
Vladimir Litasov
Profile photo of Aleksandr Chernikov ru
Aleksandr Chernikov

Tags: Aleksandr ChernikovVladimir Litasov

Jones Takes Down the Pot with Kings After a Quiet Showdown

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Pingfeng Wu opened the action with a raise to 700 from under the gun, picking up three callers along the way.

The 275 flop didn’t spark much excitement, as all four players opted to check.

When the K hit the turn, Wu fired a bet of 1,600, which got called by everyone except Robert Kaggerud in the big blind, who bowed out.

The river brought the 10, and once again, the table checked around. Andrew Jones, sitting on the button, revealed KQ for a pair of kings, which was enough to take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrew Jones gb
Andrew Jones
Profile photo of Robert Kaggerud no
Robert Kaggerud
Profile photo of Andrei Kaigorodtsev ru
Andrei Kaigorodtsev
Profile photo of Pingfeng Wu cn
Pingfeng Wu

Tags: Andrew JonesPingfeng WuRobert Kaggerud

'Never Lucky'

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Benjamin Lebor
Benjamin Lebor

Konstantin Voronin kicked off the hand with a raise from early position, only to face a three-bet from Benjamin Lebor, who made it 1,300 from the button. Hamza Nasir, in the small blind, wasn’t backing down and four-bet to 5,500. Voronin called, but Lebor decided there were too many players in the pot and shoved all in. Nasir followed suit, also going all in, which made Voronin fold, sending the hand to a showdown.

Benjamin Lebor: 88All in
Hamza Nasir: AK

When Lebor saw the cards, he muttered, "Oh, never lucky," and stood up, even though he was still ahead.

The flop came K63, giving Nasir top pair with kings. "See, never lucky," Lebor quipped, already half out the door. The A on the turn and the 10 on the river sealed it for Nasir, sending Lebor to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hamza Nasir gb
Hamza Nasir
Profile photo of Konstantin Voronin ru
Konstantin Voronin
Profile photo of Benjamin Lebor gb
Benjamin Lebor

Tags: Benjamin LeborHamza NasirKonstantin Voronin

PokerStars Announces Inaugural Live Spin & Go Championship

Level 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Spin & Go Championship
Spin & Go Championship

PokerStars is bringing Spin & Go's to the live arena for the first time and you don't have long to wait to see them in action because The Spin & Go Championship debuts during the upcoming European Poker Tour (EPT) Prague festival.

The Spin & Go Championship is scheduled for December 14-15 and will see 81 players lock horns in three-handed tournaments and do battle for a slice of the €100,000 prize pool. Although the Spin & Go Championship field is invite-only, you can qualify for this ground-breaking event.

The 81-strong field consists of 74 PokerStars Spin & Go qualifiers plus seven yet-to-be-announced special guests. A series of Spin & Go leaderboards will award 33 seats to PokerStars dotcom players, 24 to Southern Europe (France and Spain) qualifiers and 17 to qualifiers in Italy.

Find Out How to Qualify Here

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/300

Ante: 300

Forced Fold After All-In on the River

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

With around 4,000 already in the pot and the flop showing QA6, Pablo Silva checked as first to act. Sensing an opportunity, Julien Sitbon bet 800, but Silva wasn’t backing down and raised it to 2,600, which Sitbon called.

The 7 landed on the turn, and Silva fired a bet of 5,500. Sitbon stuck around with another call.

Silva checked when the 4 hit the river, leaving the door open for Sitbon to shove all-in for about 18,600. Silva thought it over but eventually folded, giving Sitbon the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Julien Sitbon fr
Julien Sitbon
Profile photo of Pablo Silva br
Pablo Silva

Tags: Julien SitbonPablo Silva

Wu Becomes Day’s First Bust Out

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

The pot was sitting at around 1,200 when the flop came down 465. First to act, Pingfeng Wu bet 500, only for Georgy Komarov to raise it up to 1,500. Wu responded with a three-bet to 2,500, and Komarov made the call.

The 2 turn saw Wu fire a hefty 7,500 into the pot. Komarov quickly shoved all-in, and Wu snap-called.

Wu showed 44 for a set of fours, but Komarov revealed 87 for a flopped straight. The A on the river didn’t change anything, leaving Wu with just 100 chips.

On the very next hand, Wu was all-in from the small blind by default. Pavel Popov raised to 500 from the button, but nobody else joined the action, so it went straight to a showdown.

Pingfeng Wu: Q3All in
Pavel Popov: K5

The flop brought Popov a pair of kings, sealing Wu's elimination from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Georgy Komarov ru
Georgy Komarov
Profile photo of Pavel Popov ru
Pavel Popov
Profile photo of Pingfeng Wu cn
Pingfeng Wu

Tags: Georgy KomarovPavel PopovPingfeng Wu