2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Nasreddine Overtakes Lin on the Turn

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Rania Nasreddine
Rania Nasreddine

Rania Nasreddine led out for 50,000 from the big blind on a board of J754 and Jianwei Lin called under the gun.

The river was the 2 and Nasreddine bet another 155,000. Lin again called and Nasreddine showed J4 for two pair. Lin flashed AJ as he mucked.

"Fours are lucky for me," Nasreddine said.

"No gift for you," Lin told her.

"You said you were going to give me a gift. You can't take it back now. We're working on US-China relations," Nasreddine replied as the two opponents shared a laugh after the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Rania Nasreddine us
Rania Nasreddine
Day 5 Chip Leader
Jianwei Lin cn
Jianwei Lin

Tags: Jianwei LinRania Nasreddine

Moene Plays Hero

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Jelle Moene
Jelle Moene

On a completed board of J2K48, Javey Timmer had bet 135,000 into a pot of 410,000 in early position.

Jelle Moene in the cutoff was his opponent, and he spent two time banks before finding a call.

Timmer showed AQ for ace-high before Moene triumphantly slammed his 55 on the table, having called down with just a pair of fives. He raked in the pot and soared above the two-million mark.

Player Chips Progress
Jelle Moene nl
Jelle Moene
Javey Timmer nl
Javey Timmer

Tags: Javey TimmerJelle Moene

Kiani Falls to Coleman

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Kian Kiani
Kian Kiani

Kian Kiani in the big blind. had pushed all in on for 315,000 on a flop of 5J10 and was called by David Coleman in the cutoff, who only had Kiani covered by 25,000.

Kian Kiani: J7 All in
David Coleman: J10

Kiani was drawing near-dead against Coleman's two pair. The A turn brought some chop outs, but the 8 river sealed his fate.

Kiani remained seated for a few moments, soaking in the final moments of his Main Event run. Eventually, he stood up and said his goodbyes as he left the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
David Coleman us
David Coleman
Kian Kiani gb
Kian Kiani
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: David ColemanKian Kiani

Baranski Picks Up Kings to Double

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Marcin Baranski
Marcin Baranski

Marcin Baranski raised to 30,000 in early position and Oscar Mas three-bet to 90,000 in the cutoff. Baranski then moved all in for 325,000 and Mas quickly called.

Marcin Baranski: KK All in
Oscar Mas: 1010

Baranski had Mas dominated with his kings and was poised for a double up as the board ran out A3AQ7 to earn him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Marcin Baranski pl
Marcin Baranski
Oscar Mas es
Oscar Mas

Tags: Marcin BaranskiOscar Mas

Nasreddine Bluffs Big Against Sinclair

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Rania Nasreddine
Rania Nasreddine

Rania Nasreddine had raised to 25,000 as first to act when Jack Sinclair three-bet to 75,000 with AK in the hijack. The action folded back to Nasreddine, who called with K10.

The Q27 flop saw Sinclair continue for 45,000, which Nasreddine raised to 100,000. Sinclair stuck around to the 3 turn with his ace-king, where both players checked.

The 7 completed the board on the river. Nasreddine slid in a bet of 150,000, sending Sinclair into the tank. After two time banks, he eventually mucked his cards and granted the pot to his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Rania Nasreddine us
Rania Nasreddine
Day 5 Chip Leader
Jack Sinclair gb
Jack Sinclair

Tags: Jack SinclairNadia Nasreddine

Zhechev Bets Big on the River

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Ivan Zhechev
Ivan Zhechev

Around 200,000 was already in the pot as Vladimir Erceg and Ivan Zhechev went to the turn on a board of 8339. Zhechev then bet 140,000 from the big blind and Erceg called in the hijack.

The river was the J and Zhechev bet 325,000. Erceg went deep into the tank, burning through multiple time banks before calling. Zhechev then showed 95 for a flush and Erceg mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Zhechev bg
Ivan Zhechev
Vladimir Erceg rs
Vladimir Erceg

Tags: Ivan ZhechevVladimir Erceg

Kuzmanovic Scores Huge Double Through Eychenne Before Break

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Boris Kuzmanovic
Boris Kuzmanovic

Boris Kuzmanovic and Thomas Eychenne are heading to break in drastically different moods following their massive pot as the level ended.

Eychenne raised to 25,000 from under-the-gun and got three-bet to 75,000 by Kuzmanovic in the cutoff. Eychenne responded with a four-bet to 250,000. Kuzmanovic called and a massive pot that was about to get even bigger was brewing.

The flop came JJ9 and Eychenne bet 125,000. Kuzmanovic called and the turn double-paired the board with the 9.

Eychenne bet again, this time for 200,000. Kuzmanovic called again with each holding between 300,000 and 400,000 chips for the river.

It was the 9, completing a full house on board. Eychenne moved all in, slightly covering Kuzmanovic who called and the massive cooler was revealed.

Boris Kuzmanovic: AAAll in
Thomas Eychenne: KK

The stacks were counted down, and Eychenne had just under 100,000 left after sending the massive double-up to Kuzmanovic.

Player Chips Progress
Boris Kuzmanovic hr
Boris Kuzmanovic
Thomas Eychenne fr
Thomas Eychenne

Tags: Boris KuzmanovicThomas Eychenne

Former Chip Leader Hollak Eliminated by Zabrodotskyi

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Joost Hollak
Joost Hollak

After Joost Hollak defended his button to a preflop raise from Yurii Zabrodotskyi, the duo saw a flop of 1094.

Zabrodotskyi continued for 35,000 and got called by Hollak to see the 7 on the turn.

Again, Zabrodotskyi bet, this time for 90,000. Another call from Hollak followed.

The river brought the 4 and Zabrodotskyi moved all in, covering Hollak's roughly 360,000 remaining chips.

The Day 1a chip leader thought for a bit and then tossed in what would be his last call of the tournament.

Zabrodotskyi showed JJ for two pair, jacks and fours. Hollak could only show 88 for an inferior two pair which sent him out the door.

Player Chips Progress
Yurii Zabrodotskyi ua
Yurii Zabrodotskyi
Joost Hollak nl
Joost Hollak
Day 1A Chip Leader

Tags: Yurii ZabrodotskyiJoost Hollak

Varonen Smacks the Flop, Ubierna Hits the Turn to Double

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Pablo Ubierna
Pablo Ubierna

Jorge Artiga-Pacheco raised to 25,000 in middle position before Lauri Varonen three-bet to 80,000 in the hijack. Pablo Ubierna then moved all in for 203,000 in the small blind and Artiga-Pacheco folded, while Varonen used a time bank before calling.

Pablo Ubierna: QQ All in
Lauri Varonen: A5

The AJ5 flop gave Varonen two pair, but Ubierna hit the 9 on the turn to make a flush. The K fell on the river and Ubierna doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Lauri Varonen fi
Lauri Varonen
Jorge Artiga-Pacheco ca
Jorge Artiga-Pacheco
Pablo Ubierna es
Pablo Ubierna

Tags: Jorge Artiga-PachecoLauri VaronenPablo Ubierna

Cunha Rivers a Straight to Take Down Sorainen's Flopped Set

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Gabriel Cunha de Medeiros
Gabriel Cunha de Medeiros

Gabriel Cunha opened from the hijack to 25,000 and Mateusz Wozniak three-bet to 70,000 in the cutoff. Luka Sorainen then four-bet from the small blind to 170,000. Cunha wasn't done yet and made a five-bet to 280,000, which got Wozniak to fold, but Sorainen called.

On the 9J6 flop, both players checked to see the 8 hit the turn. Sorainen bet 215,000, and Cunha called.

A 10 on the river made the board a little scary and Sorainen checked, then Cunha shoved for 354,000. Sorainen gave it some thought but eventually elected to call.

Cunha tabled QQ for a rivered straight, and Sorainen flashed JJ for top set.

Player Chips Progress
Gabriel Cunha br
Gabriel Cunha
Luka Sorainen fi
Luka Sorainen
Jan Eric Schwippert de
Jan Eric Schwippert
Yunkyu Song us
Yunkyu Song

Tags: Gabriel CunhaLuka SorainenMateusz Wozniak