2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€2,200 Eureka High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Kozieja Rivers Flush to Leave Larsen Short

Level 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Dan Larsen raised to 800,000 from the small blind and Grzegorz Kozieja called in the big blind.

The flop came 58A. Larsen continued for 400,000 and Kozieja called. The turn was the 3. Larsen bet out again for 1,500,000 and Kozieja called again.

The river was the 2. Larsen pushed all in and Kozieja immediately made the call with the shorter stack.

Larsen showed A8x for two pair. Kozieja, however, flipped over Q4. He'd picked up a flush draw with backdoor straight draw on the turn and made his flush on the river. Kozieja raked in a huge pot, leaving Larsen with just 1,200,000.

Player Chips Progress
Grzegorz Kozieja pl
Grzegorz Kozieja
Day 2 Chip Leader
Dan Larsen dk
Dan Larsen

Tags: Dan LarsenGrzegorz Kozieja

Larsen Turns Broadway

Level 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Dan Larsen moved all in for 1,225,000 from under the gun. Safwane Bahri flat called in the cutoff.

Dan Larsen: AJ
Safwane Bahri: 99

The flip fell in the favour of Larsen as the board ran out 210KQK. Larsen flopped a gutshot straight draw that materialised on the turn, doubling him up.

Player Chips Progress
Safwane Bahri fr
Safwane Bahri
Dan Larsen dk
Dan Larsen

Tags: Dan LarsenSafwane Bahri

Sokratis Linaras Eliminated in 6th Place (€95,120)

Level 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Sokratis Linaras
Sokratis Linaras

Sokratis Linaras shoved all in from under the gun on the six-handed table for 1,675,000 and was called by Jason Wheeler the next seat across. The rest of the table folded and the players flipped their cards, with Linaras at risk.

Sokratis Linaras: Q10
Jason Wheeler: KJ

The board ran out 794A9. Neither player improved their hand and so Wheeler held with the nines on board and his king-high.

The hand before, Wheeler had made a four-bet shove to chip up and, after winning the all in, he chipped up to over 10,000,000.

Linaras was eliminated from the tournament in sixth place for €95,120.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Wheeler us
Jason Wheeler
Sokratis Linaras gr
Sokratis Linaras

Tags: Jason WheelerSokratis Linaras

Kozieja Shoves River into Wheeler

Level 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Grzegorz Kozieja raised to 600,000 from the button and Jason Wheeler called in the big blind.

The flop came 35J. Wheeler checked and Kozieja made a bet, which Wheeler called. The turn came the Q and both players checked.

The river brought the 8. Wheeler led out for 1,000,000 and Kozieja moved all in for the rest of Wheeler's stack, around 7,000,000. Wheeler made the fold and Kozieja scooped another pot.

Player Chips Progress
Grzegorz Kozieja pl
Grzegorz Kozieja
Day 2 Chip Leader
Jason Wheeler us
Jason Wheeler

Tags: Grzegorz KoziejaJason Wheeler

Level: 35

Blinds: 200,000/400,000

Ante: 400,000

Players Discuss Pausing Play

Level 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante

The Eureka High Roller had been playing for 13 and a half hours. Players discussed pausing for the night to return tomorrow. Two players weren't keen on the idea and so play will continue. Either way, the tournament director has suggested that action will stop at 4 a.m. local time.

Volkmann and Kozieja Play a Big Pot

Level 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante

Bruno Volkmann raised to 850,000 from the button. Grzegorz Kozieja defended in the big blind.

Kozieja check on the 4J4 flop. Volkmann continued for 400,000 and Kozieja check-raised to 1,100,000. Volkmann clicked it back to 1,900,000. Kozieja called.

The K and 5 runout checked through to a showdown. Kozieja tabled KJ for two pair, winning him this pot.

Player Chips Progress
Grzegorz Kozieja pl
Grzegorz Kozieja
Day 2 Chip Leader
Bruno Volkmann br
Bruno Volkmann

Tags: Bruno VolkmannGrzegorz Kozieja

Larsen Doubles Through Wheeler

Level 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante

Dan Larsen moved all in for 1,450,000 from the cutoff. Jason Wheeler made the call in the big blind.

Dan Larsen: AK
Jason Wheeler: Q8

The board ran out K92JJ. Larsen's two pair was good for a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Wheeler us
Jason Wheeler
Dan Larsen dk
Dan Larsen

Tags: Dan LarsenJason Wheeler

Dan Larsen Eliminated in 5th Place (€123,640)

Level 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Dan Larsen
Dan Larsen

Safwane Bahri raised to 800,000 and Dan Larsen moved all in from the big blind for 3,100,000. Bahri got the count and then made the call. The players flipped their cards, with Larsen at risk.

Dan Larsen: AQ
Safwane Bahri: KJ

Bahri's rail cheered out for his cards. The board ran out 5109J10. Bahri paired his jack on the turn and held to win the pot. Larsen was eliminated from the tournament in fifth place for €123,640.

Player Chips Progress
Safwane Bahri fr
Safwane Bahri
Dan Larsen dk
Dan Larsen

Tags: Dan LarsenSafwane Bahri