2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€2,200 Eureka High Roller
Day: 1a
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Hatipoglu Has Aces

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

PokerNews caught up with the action as Evgeniy Golenko, who was in early position, was all in and at risk for his remaining 18,000 against Bahadir Hatipoglu, in the big blind.

Evgeniy Golenko: KJ
Bahadir Hatipoglu: AA

The board ran out A27Q9. While the turn breathed some life into Golenko's nearly dead hand on the flop, his gutshot didn't come to fruition and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Bahadir Hatipoglu tr
Bahadir Hatipoglu
Evgeniy Golenko kz
Evgeniy Golenko

Tags: Bahadir HatipogluEvgeniy Golenko

Abussamra Scoops Postflop Three-Way All-In

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Elias Abussamra
Elias Abussamra

Elias Abussamra, Soufiane Sadji, and Pieter De Necker were on a turn on 2345. Abussamra checked from the big blind, after which Sadji shoved all in for 13,900 from under the gun.

De Necker called from middle position before Abussamra came over the top to risk his own stack of 30,600. De Necker sighed as he put in the call and all three players showed their cards.

Soufiane Sadji: AK
Elias Abussamra: 65
Pieter De Necker: 44

Abussamra had the best hand but still had flush and full house outs to contend with. However, the river came the Q, which meant that he scooped the entire pot, elevating his stack to six figures.

Player Chips Progress
Elias Abussamra br
Elias Abussamra
Pieter De Necker za
Pieter De Necker
Soufiane Sadji dz
Soufiane Sadji

Tags: Elias AbussamraPieter De NeckerSoufiane Sadji

Kavoukis Gets Nikolaisen Off the Hand

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Efstathios Kavoukis raised to 2,000 from middle position and Espen Nikolaisen called, in the cutoff.

Kavoukis slowed down on the 943 flop. Nikolaisen took the lead for 4,000 and Kavoukis called.

The Q turn saw a repeat of the action, this time Nikolaisen sized up to 11,000.

The river landed the 3 and Kavoukis chose to lead for a small bet of 5,000. Nikolaisen snap-folded.

Player Chips Progress
Efstathios Kavoukis gr
Efstathios Kavoukis
Espen Nikolaisen no
Espen Nikolaisen

Tags: Efstathios KavoukisEspen Nikolaisen

Mazur Shoves River

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Davis Mihelsons raised to 2,100 from under the gun, Yuliia Mazur called on the button, and the player in the big blind called.

The flop came 974. The big blind checked and Mihelsons bet 5,000. Mazur called and the big blind folded. The turn was the 9. Mihelsons checked and Mazur bet 7,000, which Mihelsons called.

The river came the 5. Mihelsons checked and Mazur shoved all in, forcing Mihelsons to fold to win Mazur the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Davis Mihelsons lv
Davis Mihelsons
Yuliia Mazur ua
Yuliia Mazur

Tags: Davis MihelsonsYuliia Mazur

Querido Martins Wins Three-Bet Pot

Level 7 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Pascal Frezza raised to 2,000 from the cutoff before Rui Querido Martins put in a three-bet to 6,000 from the button. Frezza made the call and both players checked the subsequent 9105 flop.

Frezza then fired a large bet of 11,500 on the 6 turn, which Querido Martins called. The 5 river saw Frezza check again, and this time it was Querido Martins who made a bet, of 18,000.

Frezza gave it some thought but ended up folding his hand, awarding the pot to his neighbor.

Player Chips Progress
Pascal Frezza fr
Pascal Frezza
Rui Querido Martins mt
Rui Querido Martins

Tags: Pascal FrezzaRui Querido Martins

Level: 8

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Mouawad Makes Set in Three Way All In

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Joseph Mouawad
Joseph Mouawad

Action was on the flop on a board of J56. Following a check, Joseph Mouawad bet 5,000, then Audrius Daugvilavicius pushed all in for 14,300. Samuel Luginsland shoved over the top from the button with the biggest stack and Mouawad called for 28,800. The three players flipped their cards.

Audrius Daugvilavicius: KJ
Joseph Mouawad: 66
Samuel Luginsland: AJ

Luginsland had Daugvilavicius beat with his pair and higher kicker. He let out a groan as Mouawad revealed his set of sixes.

The turn came the 5 and the river was the 8. Mouawad held to win the pot and triple up. Luginsland won the side pot but was reduced to just 12,000 chips. Daugvilavicius, meanwhile, was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Mouawad lb
Joseph Mouawad
EPT 1X Winner
Samuel Luginsland de
Samuel Luginsland
Audrius Daugvilavicius lt
Audrius Daugvilavicius

Tags: Audrius DaugvilaviciusJoseph MouawadSamuel Luginsland

Haverstad Short After Preflop Encounter

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Fabian Schmidt opened for 2,000 chips and, after two calls, Thomas Haverstad shoved all in for 31,000 chips. Schmidt called for his stack of 20,200 and the other players laid their hands down.

Fabian Schmidt: QQ
Thomas Haverstad: A4

Haverstad flopped some opportunities on 234, but the 6 replaced some scoop outs with chop outs. The Q river upgraded Schmidt to a set, and he raked in the pot to double up, leaving his opponent with 11 big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Fabian Schmidt de
Fabian Schmidt
Thomas Haverstad no
Thomas Haverstad

Tags: Fabian SchmidtThomas Haverstad

Kamel Gets Dumortier Off a Premium

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Tamer Kamel raised to 2,000 from middle position, Clement Dumortier three-bet to 6,500 from the hijack and Kamel moved all in, putting Dumortier to the test for his remaining 21,000.

Dumortier thought for several minutes before folding JJ face up.

Kamel simply raised his eyebrows, mucked his cards facedown and raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Tamer Kamel gb
Tamer Kamel
Clement Dumortier fr
Clement Dumortier

Tags: Clement DumortierTamer Kamel

Zerdev Cracks Martirosyan's Kings

Level 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Konstantin Zerdev was all in preflop for 37,000 against Vahe Martirosyan, who had him covered as players flipped their cards.

Konstantin Zerdev: AQ
Vahe Martirosyan: KK

The board ran out 37A4Q. Zerdev paired his ace on the flop and made two pair on the river to crack Martirosyan's kings. He won the pot and doubled up his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Konstantin Zerdev bg
Konstantin Zerdev
Vahe Martirosyan am
Vahe Martirosyan

Tags: Konstantin ZerdevVahe Martirosyan