2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€2,200 Eureka High Roller
Day: 1a
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Nikolaisen Loses Flip

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Espen Nikolaisen moved all in from early position for 12,500 and Valeri Savov shoved over the top from the small blind. Players turned over their cards.

Espen Nikolaisen: 44
Valeri Savov: AK

The board ran out 5K61010. Savov made a pair of kings on the flop and two pair by the river with the tens on board. Nikolaisen lost the flip and was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Valeri Savov bg
Valeri Savov
Espen Nikolaisen no
Espen Nikolaisen

Tags: Espen NikolaisenValeri Savov

Koloszar Scoops Big

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Daniel Koloszar
Daniel Koloszar

The pot had already swelled to approximately 38,000 with two players looking at a flop of 9Q10.

Daniel Koloszar bet out for 13,000 from under the gun. Masato Kashiwabara, to Koloszar's direct left, made the call.

The turn laned the 3 and Koloszar moved all in for approximately 50,000, sending Kashiwabara deep into the tank.

The clock was soon called on Kashiwabara, ultimately resulting in him tossing his cards to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Koloszar hu
Daniel Koloszar
Masato Kashiwabara jp
Masato Kashiwabara

Tags: Daniel KoloszarMasato Kashiwabara

Kyte Loses Some Chips

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Javier Fernandez Alonso open-raised from the cutoff before the action folded to Jon Kyte, who was waiting in the big blind with a large stack. He put forward a three-bet to 7,600, after which Fernandez Alonso quickly jammed his 26,000 stack in the middle.

Kyte took one more look at his cards before passing them to the dealer, forfeiting the pot to Fernandez Alonso.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Javier Fernandez Alonso es
Javier Fernandez Alonso

Tags: Javier FernandezJon Kyte

Level: 10

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Vinayagamoorthy Keeps Chipping Up

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

The pot stood at approximately 21,000 with two players looking at a board that read 2KQ10.

David Vinayagamoorthy, in early position, check-called a bet of 16,800, from opponent Daisyke Ogita, in the hijack.

The 8 river checked to a showdown. Vinayagamoorthy tabled AK, for top pair; good enough to send Ogita's cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
David Vinayagamoorthy no
David Vinayagamoorthy
Daisuke Ogita jp
Daisuke Ogita

Tags: Daisuke OgitaDavid Vinayagamoorthy

Patti Rivers Flush

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of 1034. Tsugunari Toma was all in against Gabriele Patti, who had Toma covered as players revealed their cards.

Toma had JJ for a pair of jacks. Patti showed K6 for a flush draw and overcard.

The turn came the 3 and the river was the 5, which completed Patti's flush to give him the pot and send Toma to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Gabriele Patti it
Gabriele Patti
Tsugunari Toma jp
Tsugunari Toma

Tags: Gabriele PattiTsugunari Toma

Autran Eliminates Lazar in Two Hands

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Jean Autran got his stack of 17,500 in preflop against Adrian Lazar.

Jean Autran: AJ
Adrian Lazar: AK

Autran flopped a jack on J69 to take the lead. The Q turn brought some chop outs, but the 7 river was a blank and Autran was awarded the pot.

Lazar got up, ready to go, but he was notified that he had 3,000 chips still in his possession. Those went in the next hand, and again it was Autran who looked him up.

Adrian Lazar: K7
Jean Autran: A7

This time, the dominating hand would hold on the 102995 runout, sending Lazar home.

Player Chips Progress
Jean Autran fr
Jean Autran
Adrian Lazar ro
Adrian Lazar

Tags: Adrian LazarJean Autran

Dramatic Runout for Peters

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Umberto Zaffagnini raised to 2,500 from middle position, Jean-Patrick Delorme three-bet to 7,200 from the hijack and Tobias Peters four-bet jammed for 25,200 from the button. Zaffagnini moved all in himself and Delorme made a frustrated folded.

Tobias Peters: JJ
Umberto Zaffagnini: KK

The J in the window brought some hope for Peters until the 7K followed quickly behind. The A and 8 runout didn't improve Peters and he was sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Jean-Patrick Delorme fr
Jean-Patrick Delorme
Umberto Zaffagnini it
Umberto Zaffagnini
Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters

Tags: Jean-Patrick DelormeTobias PetersUmberto Zaffagnini

Kamel Rivers Ace to Bust Mihelsons

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Tamer Kamel raised from late position, Davis Mihelsons three-bet to 8,500 from the button and Kamel four-bet to 28,000. Mihelsons moved all in and Kamel called. Mihelsons was at risk as players flipped their cards.

Davis Mihelsons: 99
Tamer Kamel: AQ

The board ran out 810JJA. Mihelsons looked good on the flop, picking up a straight draw along with his pocket nines. Kamel, however, paired his ace on the river to win the pot and bring his stack up to around 200,000, while Mihelsons was left with nothing.

Player Chips Progress
Tamer Kamel gb
Tamer Kamel
Davis Mihelsons lv
Davis Mihelsons

Tags: Davis MihelsonsTamer Kamel

Kim Eliminated, Lee Quadruples

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Hwany Lee
Hwany Lee

De Han Kim kicked off the action by making a raise to 12,600 from under the gun, leaving only 600 chips behind. Petr Kubenka then called from middle position before Hwany Lee jammed his 13,900 stack in the middle from the button.

The chips were not done flying yet, as big blind Nuno Duarte fired in his stack of 115,000 chips as well. Kubenka, who played less than Duarte, thought about it for a bit before folding his hand, which he later claimed was ace-king. The other three players showed down.

De Han Kim: A3
Hwany Lee: QQ
Nuno Duarte: AK

The 9210 flop helped no one, but the A turn saw Duarte take a gigantic lead. Both Lee and Kim stood up to leave, but the Q river made Lee sit back down as he hit his set at the last moment.

He quadrupled up while Kim was sent to the exit just before the dinner break.

Player Chips Progress
Nuno Duarte pt
Nuno Duarte
Petr Kubenka cz
Petr Kubenka
Hwany Lee kr
Hwany Lee
De Han Kim kr
De Han Kim

Tags: De Han KimHwany LeeNuno DuartePetr Kubenka