2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€10,300 EPT High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Big Blind Special Nets Golenko a Massive Three-Way All In

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Yevgeneiy Golenko
Yevgeneiy Golenko

Marius Kudzmanas bet 15,000 from the cutoff on a flop of 442 and Salih Atac then raised to 40,000 in the small blind.

Yevgeneiy Golenko called in the big blind and Kudzmanas then moved all in for 130,000. Atac reshoved and Golenko threw in all his time bank chips as he began tanking. He eventually called for 134,000.

Marius Kudzmanas: QQ
Yevgeneiy Golenko: K4
Salih Atac: AA

Golenko had flopped trip fours as he was poised to crack the big pocket pairs of his two opponents. The board ran out J5 and Golenko scooped the pot, sending Kudzmanas to the rail while doubling up off Atac.

Player Chips Progress
Yevgeneiy Golenko kz
Yevgeneiy Golenko
Salih Atac ch
Salih Atac
Marius Kudzmanas lt
Marius Kudzmanas

Tags: Marius KudzmanasSalih AtacYevgeneiy Golenko

Volkmann Gets Kings Cracked

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Bruno Volkmann
Bruno Volkmann

Niklas Astedt open-raised from middle position, Fabian Schmidt called from the next seat across, then Bruno Volkmann reraised to 32,000 from the button. Astedt folded, Schmidt shoved all in, and Volkmann called. He was the player at risk as players turned their cards.

Bruno Volkmann: KK
Fabian Schmidt: 1010

"Wait for it," said Astedt as the board cards were revealed.

The board ran out 673102. The turn brought Schmidt the set of tens to give him the pot. Volkmann's kings were cracked and he was eliminated from the tournament.

"So sick!" said Astedt.

Player Chips Progress
Fabian Schmidt de
Fabian Schmidt
Bruno Volkmann br
Bruno Volkmann

Tags: Bruno VolkmannFabian SchmidtNiklas Astedt

Schmidt Spikes the River to Double

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Fabian Schmidt
Fabian Schmidt

Niklas Astedt raised to 8,000 in the hijack before Fabian Schmidt three-bet to 24,000 in the cutoff. Marcelo Bonanata called on the button, as did Astedt and they went three-handed to the 254 flop.

Action checked to Manfredini who bet 40,000. Astedt folded, but Schmidt burned through two time banks before shoving all in for 102,000. Bonanata snap-called.

Fabian Schmidt: 1010
Marcelo Bonanata: KK

Schmidt was far behind Bonanata's kings heading to the A turn as he was one card away from elimination. The river, though, was the 10 and Schmidt made a set to double up.

"What's up with these rivers today?" tablemate Viktor Jensen said.

Player Chips Progress
Marcelo Manfredini ar
Marcelo Manfredini
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Fabian Schmidt de
Fabian Schmidt

Tags: Fabian SchmidtMarcelo ManfrediniNiklas Astedt

Labat Hits the River on Sancak

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Antoine Labat
Antoine Labat

Antoine Labat raised to 8,000 under the gun and received calls from both Ersin Sancak in the cutoff and small blind Christopher Nguyen.

The flop came A4J and Labat bet 10,000. Sancak called, while Nguyen got out of the way.

The 2 fell on the turn and Labat checked. Sancak then bet 22,000 and Labat called to see the 7 river.

Labat led out for 28,000 and Sancak quickly called. Labat showed A9 for a rivered flush and Sancak flashed AQ before mucking.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Nguyen at
Christopher Nguyen
Antoine Labat fr
Antoine Labat
Ersin Sancak at
Ersin Sancak

Tags: Antoine LabatChristopher NguyenErsin Sancak

Manfredini Pairs Flop to Bust Dimov

Level 15 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Marcelo Bonanata
Marcelo Bonanata

Marcelo Manfredini raised to 10,000 from middle position and Ognyan Dimov moved all in for 76,000. Manfredini called with the bigger stack and players turned over their cards.

Ognyan Dimov: AJ
Marcelo Manfredini: A10

Dimov had Manfredini dominated, but the board ran out 351049 to give Manfredini a pair of tens on the flop. He held to win the pot and Dimov was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Marcelo Manfredini uy
Marcelo Manfredini
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Marcelo ManfrediniOgnyan Dimov

Atac Wins a Big Flip Off Mattsson

Level 14 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Simon Mattsson
Simon Mattsson

Jean-Vincent Lehut raised to 7,000 in the hijack and Salih Atac called in the cutoff. Simon Mattsson then three-bet to 35,000 in the small blind.

Lehut called, but Atac four-bet to 110,000. Mattsson then moved all in, Lehut folded, while Atac called for 246,000.

Salih Atac: JJ
Simon Mattsson: AK

The two players were racing with more than 500,000 at stake and watched as the board ran out 61055Q, keeping Atac's jacks in the lead and earning him a massive double up.

Player Chips Progress
Salih Atac ch
Salih Atac
Simon Mattsson se
Simon Mattsson
Jean-Vincent Lehut fr
Jean-Vincent Lehut

Tags: Jean-Vincent LehutSalih AtacSimon Mattsson

Pardo Wins a Monster Off Chan

Level 14 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Juan Pardo
Juan Pardo

Juan Pardo and Tsz Him Chan built a pot of around 50,000 as they went heads-up to the turn on a 7639 board.

Pardo then bet 45,000 from the cutoff and Chan called in middle position. The river was the K and Pardo bet 185,000.

Chan tanked for a minute before calling as Pardo showed 66 for a flopped set. Chan's cards quickly hit the muck and Pardo took the massive pot.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Day 2 Chip Leader
Tsz Him Chan hk
Tsz Him Chan

Tags: Juan PardoTsz Him Chan

Schwippert Shoves Into Tammel's Jacks

Level 14 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Tarmo Tammel
Tarmo Tammel

Jan-Eric Schwippert was all in for his last 57,000 from the cutoff as Tarmo Tammel put him at risk in the hijack.

Jan-Eric Schwippert: K10
Tarmo Tammel: JJ

Schwippert picked up a pair on the 3A10 flop and a flush draw on the A turn, but he missed the Q river as Tammel's jacks remained in front to send Schwippert to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Tarmo Tammel ee
Tarmo Tammel
Jan-Eric Schwippert de
Jan-Eric Schwippert

Tags: Jan-Eric SchwippertTarmo Tammel

Pardo Applies Maximum Pressure

Level 14 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Juan Pardo
Juan Pardo

Juan Pardo raised to 7,000 from early position, Marius Kudzmanas three-bet to 20,000 from the hijack and Pardo called.

Pardo played in flow on the J2K flop. Kudzmanas bet out 12,000 and Pardo check-raised to 38,000. Kudzmanas made the call.

The Q turn saw Pardo use a timebank before moving all in for 136,500. Kudzmanas thought for some time before finally making a frustrated fold.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Day 2 Chip Leader
Marius Kudzmanas lt
Marius Kudzmanas

Tags: Juan PardoMarius Kudzmanas

Eychenne and Hagstrom Face Off

Level 13 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Thomas Eychenne
Thomas Eychenne

Patrik Jaros raised to 5,000 from middle position, Oleg Vasylchenko called in the hijack and Thomas Eychenne three-bet to 20,000 from the cutoff. Jonas Hagstrom cold four-bet to 45,000 on the button and only Eychenne called.

Eychenne check-called a bet of 22,000 from Hagstrom on the 979 flop.

The K turn saw Eychenne again. Hagstrom bet out 38,000 and Eychenne used a time bank before tossing his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Jonas Hagstrom se
Jonas Hagstrom
Thomas Eychenne fr
Thomas Eychenne

Tags: Jonas HagstromOleg VasylchenkoPatrik JarosThomas Eychenne