2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€10,300 EPT High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Danchev Calls Off Against Mattsson

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev

Simon Mattsson raised to 16,000 in the hijack, Dimitar Danchev three-bet to 50,000 in the cutoff, and Mattsson moved all in. Danchev called for around another 50,000.

Dimitar Danchev: 88
Simon Mattsson: AA

Danchev had run right into aces and found no miracles on the 97KJ2 board as he was sent to the rail a few spots out of the money.

Player Chips Progress
Simon Mattsson se
Simon Mattsson
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Dimitar DanchevSimon Mattsson

Eychenne Eliminated by Peters

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Thomas Eychenne
Thomas Eychenne

After Henri Kasper doubled through him, Thomas Eychenne shoved for his last 62,000 chips from the blinds. Tobias Peters, who opened from middle position, made the call.

Thomas Eychenne: KQ
Tobias Peters: J10

Eychenne's hope of comeback came to an end when Peters hit a pair on a board of 2J638.

Player Chips Progress
Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters
Thomas Eychenne fr
Thomas Eychenne

Tags: Henri KasperThomas EychenneTobias Peters

Chauskin Fights Back Against Satubayev; Kasper Leaves Eychenne Short

Level 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Henri Kasper
Henri Kasper

Shyngis Satubayev raised to 16,000 in the cutoff and Natan Chauskin called in the big blind.

Satubayev continued for 11,000 on the 477 flop and Chauskin came back with a raise to 35,000. Satubayev called and the 4 fell on the turn.

Chauskin then bet 42,000 and Satubayev tanked for a minute before folding.

The next hand, Thomas Eychenne raised to 16,000 under the gun, Henri Kasper moved all in for 71,000 in the big blind, and Eychenne called.

Henri Kasper: AK
Thomas Eychenne: QJ

The flop came 7KK and Kasper made trips, while Eychenne picked up a flush draw. The 8 turn was no help to Eychenne, and neither was the Q river as Kasper doubled up to leave Eychenne on a short stack approaching the bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Shyngis Satubayev kz
Shyngis Satubayev
Natan Chauskin by
Natan Chauskin
Henri Kasper ee
Henri Kasper
Thomas Eychenne fr
Thomas Eychenne

Tags: Henri KasperNatan ChauskinShyngis SatubayevThomas Eychenne

Dimitrov Runs Into Satubayev's Aces

Level 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Shyngis Satubayev
Shyngis Satubayev

Shyngis Satubayev raised to 17,000 in middle position, Stefan Dimitrov moved all in for 155,000 in the hijack, and Satubayev snap-called.

Stefan Dimitrov: AK
Shyngis Satubayev: AA

The board ran out 5J665 and Satubayev helped bring the field one closer to the money while Dimitrov made his exit empty-handed.

Player Chips Progress
Shyngis Satubayev kz
Shyngis Satubayev
Stefan Dimitrov bg
Stefan Dimitrov

Tags: Shyngis SatubayevStefan Dimitrov

Coelho Gets Three Streets of Value

Level 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Diogo Coelho
Diogo Coelho

The pot stood at 42,000 with two players looking at a flop of 3QJ.

Nisad Muratovic, in the small blind, check-called a bet of 10,000 from Diogo Coelho, in early position.

The 2 turn saw a repeat of the action, this time Coelho sized up to 21,000.

The 9 river prompted Muratovic to check again. Coelho placed a bet of 68,000; an effective all in with just 5,000 chips behind. Muratovic eventually made the call. Coelho tabled QJ for a flopped two pair, while Muratovic frustratedly showed the 10 as he mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Nisad Muratovic ba
Nisad Muratovic
Diogo Coelho pt
Diogo Coelho

Tags: Diogo CoelhoNisad Muratovic

Selides Rivers Set to Crack Boika's Aces

Level 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Aliaksei Boika
Aliaksei Boika

Following an early position raise, Mathieu Selides moved all in from the small blind for 170,000. Aliasksei Boika called in the big blind with the shorter stack and the original raiser folded. Players turned their cards.

Aliaksei Boika: AA
Mathieu Selides: JJ

The board ran out Q385J. Boika was well ahead with his pocket aces and remained ahead on the flop and turn. Selides was getting ready to make his exit as the river brought the jack to give him a set. He won the pot and Boika was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Mathieu Selides fr
Mathieu Selides
Aliaksei Boika by
Aliaksei Boika
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Aliaksei BoikaMathieu Selides

Muratovic Flops the Nuts on Coelho

Level 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Nisad Muratovic
Nisad Muratovic

Nisad Muratovic and Diogo Coelho went to the turn on a board of 4Q5K where Muratovic bet 22,000 from the button. Coelho called in the big blind.

The river was the 3 and Coelho checked to Muratovic, who bet 75,000 this time. Coelho tanked for a minute before calling as Muratovic showed AJ for the flopped nut flush to win another big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Nisad Muratovic ba
Nisad Muratovic
Diogo Coelho pt
Diogo Coelho

Tags: Diogo CoelhoNisad Muratovic

Golenko Takes On Two

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Yevgeneiy Golenko
Yevgeneiy Golenko

Tarmo Tammel raised to 11,000 from the hijack, receiving calls from Salih Atac on the button and Yevgeneiy Golenko, in the small blind.

The action checked to Tammel, who bet out 12,000 on the 795. Both opponents called.

The Q saw the action, again, check to Tammel, who bet out 41,000. Atac called and Golenko raised to 100,000.

Tammel went deep into the tank, eventually deciding to fold. Atac snap-folded.

Player Chips Progress
Yevgeneiy Golenko kz
Yevgeneiy Golenko
Tarmo Tammel ee
Tarmo Tammel
Salih Atac ch
Salih Atac

Tags: Salih AtacTarmo TammelYevgeneiy Golenko

Sancak Three-Bets Light and Cracks Aces

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Ersin Sancak
Ersin Sancak

Diogo Coelhon raised to 10,000 from the button, Ersin Sancak three-bet to 35,000 from the big blind and Coelho called.

Sancak continued for 29,000 on the K93 flop. Coelho was undeterred.

Sancak moved all in for 83,000 on the 4 turn. Coelho snap-called.

Ersin Sancak: 93
Diogo Coelho: AA

The river landed the Q and Sancak's two pair cracked the aces of Coelho to ensure him the full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Ersin Sancak at
Ersin Sancak
Diogo Coelho pt
Diogo Coelho

Tags: Diogo CoelhoErsin Sancak

Astedt Loses Race, Busts to Suarez

Level 16 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Niklas Astedt
Niklas Astedt

Anton Suarez raised to 10,000 from middle position, Niklas Astedt three-bet to 30,000 from the button and Suarez four-bet to 85,000. Astedt moved all in and Suarez quickly called, putting Astedt at risk as players flipped their cards.

Niklas Astedt: QQ
Anton Suarez: AK

The board ran out 42A65. Suarez paired his ace on the flop and held to win the pot. Astedt was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Anton Suarez se
Anton Suarez
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt

Tags: Anton SuarezNiklas Astedt