2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€10,300 EPT High Roller
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Pascal Hartmann Eliminated in 15th Place (€40,250)

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Pascal Hartmann
Pascal Hartmann

Juan Pardo raised from late position, Pascal Hartmann reraised from the big blind and Pardo called.

The flop came 687. Hartmann made a continuation bet of 50,000, which Pardo called. The turn was the 2 and both players checked.

The river was the 4. Hartmann pushed all in for 225,000, less than a pot sized bet. Pardo quickly called and players turned their cards. Hartmann had AA for pocket aces. Pardo, however, turned over A7 for a flush.

For a moment, the dealer and players misread the situation and thought Hartmann's aces had won. "I'm with the dealer," joked Hartmann as he tapped the table and took his leave. He was eliminated from the tournament in 15th place for €40,250.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Day 2 Chip Leader
Pascal Hartmann de
Pascal Hartmann

Tags: Juan PardoPascal Hartmann

Level: 23

Blinds: 10,000/25,000

Ante: 25,000

Simon Mattsson Eliminated in 14th Place (€40,250)

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Simon Mattsson
Simon Mattsson

Antoine Saout raised to 50,000 from the cutoff and Simon Mattsson three-bet to 400,000 from the small blind; an effective all-in with just 25,000 behind. Kubanychbek Abakirov four-bet jammed himself for 825,000, from the big blind, Saout got out of the way and Mattsson called.

Simon Mattsson: JJ
Kubanychbek Abakirov: QQ

The board ran out 84AQ3; Abakirov turned a set and had Mattsson drawing dead.

Player Chips Progress
Kubanychbek Abakirov kg
Kubanychbek Abakirov
Antoine Saout fr
Antoine Saout
Simon Mattsson se
Simon Mattsson

Tags: Antoine SaoutKubanychbek AbakirovSimon Mattsson

Fabian Schmidt Eliminated in 13th Place (€46,350)

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Fabian Schmidt
Fabian Schmidt

Juan Pardo raised to 50,000 from the button and Fabian Schmidt called in the big blind.

The flop came 44J. Schmidt checked and Pardo bet 25,000. Schmidt check-raised to 60,000 and Pardo called.

The turn was the 5. Schmidt moved all in for around 170,000 and Pardo quickly made the call. Schmidt showed 98 for a flush draw and Pardo flipped over KJ for a pair of jacks.

The river came the A and Pardo held. Schmidt was eliminated from the tournament in 13th place for €46,350.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Day 2 Chip Leader
Fabian Schmidt de
Fabian Schmidt

Tags: Fabian SchmidtJuan Pardo

Manuel Fischer Eliminated in 12th Place (€46,350)

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Manuel Fischer
Manuel Fischer

Manuel Fischer raised to 200,000 from the hijack, leaving himself approximately 180,000 behind the line. Tarmo Tammel moved all in for approximately 720,000 from the button and Fischer called off the bet for his tournament life.

Manuel Fischer: A10
Tarmo Tammel: 77

The board ran out with no help for Fischer as it came K946J; Tammel's pocket pair held to eliminate Fischer.

Player Chips Progress
Tarmo Tammel ee
Tarmo Tammel
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer

Tags: Manuel FischerTarmo Tammel

Tobias Peters Eliminated in 11th Place (€53,300)

Level 23 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Tobias Peters
Tobias Peters

Juan Pardo raised to 50,000 and Tarmo Tammel reraised to 140,000. Tobias Peters then pushed all in from the big blind for 525,000. Pardo called and Tammel got out of the way, leaving the two players to flip their cards.

Tobias Peters: AK
Juan Pardo: AA

The board ran out 33975. Pardo held with his pocket aces to chip up to over 3,000,000, putting him way out in front as chip leader. Peters was eliminated from the tournament in 11th place for €53,300.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Day 2 Chip Leader
Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters

Tags: Juan PardoTarmo TammelTobias Peters

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 30,000

Atac Snaps Off Abakirov

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Salih Atac limped in from the small blind and Kubanychbek Abakirov checked his option in the big blind.

Atac check-called a bet of 30,000 from Abakirov on the 9K3 flop.

The 8 turn checked through to the J on the river. Atac checked again and Abakirov bet out for 60,000. Atac snap-called. Abakirov tabled J2, while Atac claimed this pot with QJ for a pair of jacks with a better kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Kubanychbek Abakirov kg
Kubanychbek Abakirov
Salih Atac ch
Salih Atac

Tags: Kubanychbek AbakirovSalih Atac

Margereson Gets Huge Double, Muratovic Left Short

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Following an open raise from the button, Nisad Muratovic three-bet to 175,000 from the small blind and then Scott Margereson moved all in from the big blind for 990,000. The original raiser folded and Muratovic made the call with a slightly bigger stack. Players turned over their cards.

Scott Margereson: JJ
Nisad Muratovic: AK

The board ran out 42647. Margereson held with his pocket jacks to win a huge pot and chip up to around 2,000,000, leaving Muratovic short with less than 100,000 left to play with.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Margereson gb
Scott Margereson
Nisad Muratovic ba
Nisad Muratovic

Tags: Nisad MuratovicScott Margereson