2023 PokerStars EPT Paris

€50,000 EPT Paris Super High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Paris

Final Results
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Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
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Adams Leads 33 Returnees With More to Come in €50,000 Super High Roller

Timothy Adams
Timothy Adams

Nearly half the field may have been thinned on Sunday, but with registration and reentry still available until the start of the play on Day 2 Monday, the field of 33 in the PokerStars European Poker Tour Paris €50,000 Super High Roller is certain to grow significantly.

Anybody wishing to pony up €50,000 to join the previous 58 entries before play begins at 12:30 p.m. local time will receive 250,000 chips (41 big blinds) to take their shot at chasing down a huge seven-figure first prize, which along with the rest of the payouts will be announced once registration is closed. Thus far, €2,728,320 has already been collected in the prizepool.

The chip leader entering the day is two-time EPT Super High Roller title-holder Timothy Adams. The Canadian brings 1,184,000 chips into play Monday. He, along with just four other players will bring more than 100 big blinds to their table from Day 1. Former PCA champion Dimitar Danchev comes in second in chips (1,112,000), while Nikita Kuznetsov also brings over a million to the table (1,017,000).

€50,000 Super High Roller Top Ten Chip Counts Entering Day 2

RankNameCountryChipsBig Blinds
1Timothy AdamsCanada1,184,000197
2Dimitar DanchevBulgaria1,112,000185
3Nikita KuznetsovRussia1,017,000169
4Jules DickersonUnited Kingdom821,000136
5Alex KulevBulgaria642,000107
6Conor BeresfordUnited Kingdom500,00083
7Sam GreenwoodCanada489,00081
8Joao VieiraPortugal473,00078
9Ben HeathUnited Kingdom460,00076
10Nick PetrangeloUnited States433,00072

Plenty of recent EPT High Roller champions are among the many other superstars still in the mix for Day 2 including EPT Barcelona 2022 €50,000 Single-Day High Roller winner Mike Watson (399,000), EPT London 2022 £25,000 High Roller winner Daniel Dvoress (343,000), EPT Paris 2023 €25,000 High Roller champ Chris Brewer (185,000), and EPT Monte Carlo 2022 €100,000 High Roller champ Adrian Mateos (143,000).

Play resumes with Level 9 and blinds of 3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 big blind ante. The money will be reached on Monday with the top 15% of the field earning a payday. 60-minute levels will be played through the day with 20-minute breaks at the completion of every second level, and a 75-minute dinner break scheduled following Level 14.

Keep your browsers locked on PokerNews as our live reporting team will be there to cover all the action as the brightest stars in poker continue their chase of a prestigious EPT Paris 2023 Super High Roller title here at the Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile.

Tags: Adrian MateosAlex KulevBen HeathChris BrewerConor BeresfordDaniel DvoressDimitar DanchevJoao VieiraJules DickersonMike WatsonNick PetrangeloNikita KuznetsovSam GreenwoodTimothy Adams

Dickerson Climbs Into Seven Figures

Level 9 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Jules Dickerson
Jules Dickerson

Timothy Adams raised to 13,000 in middle position and was called by Mike Watson on the button. Jules Dickerson reraised to 60,000 in the big blind which got Adams to fold but Watson called.

The flop fell {9-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and Dickerson started with a check. Watson bet 35,000 and Dickerson called to see the {a-Diamonds} on the turn.

Dickerson led out with a bet of 40,000 this time and Watson called. The {5-Hearts} hit the river and both players tapped the table. Dickerson turned over {a-Clubs}{q-Spades} and Watson was unable to beat it.

Player Chips Progress
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner

Tags: Timothy AdamsMike WatsonJules Dickerson

Grafton Finishes Off Thanarattrakul

Level 10 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Kannapong Thanarattrakul
Kannapong Thanarattrakul

Sam Grafton raised it up in middle position and Kannapong Thanarattrakul shoved his last 24,000 in the middle from the cutoff. Grafton wasted little time before calling and the cards were on their backs.

Kannapong Thanarattrakul: {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Sam Grafton: {a-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}

Despite being dominated, Grafton flopped the best hand on the {k-Hearts}{9-Spades}{8-Spades} flop. The last two aces in the deck completed the board and Grafton's full house sent Thanarattrakul on his way.

Player Chips Progress
Nikita Kuznetsov ru
Nikita Kuznetsov
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton
Kannapong Thanarattrakul th
Kannapong Thanarattrakul

Tags: Kannapong ThanarattrakulSam Grafton

Pingray Gets Zapped

Level 11 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Hugo Pingray
Hugo Pingray

Seth Davies opened to 20,000 from under the gun and Hugo Pingray pushed all in for around 165,000 in middle position. The action folded back to Davies who quickly stuck in some chips to call.

Hugo Pingray: {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}
Seth Davies: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

Davies held a dominating lead and the flop of {a-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} put him even further ahead. The {9-Diamonds} on the turn left Pingray drawing dead to the {10-Clubs} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
$25K Fantasy
Hugo Pingray fr
Hugo Pingray

Tags: Hugo PingraySeth Davies

De Souza Wins a Classic Flip Versus Adams

Level 11 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Belarmino De Souza
Belarmino De Souza

Jules Dickerson raised to 22,000 in middle position and Timothy Adams three-bet to 75,000 on the button. Belarmino De Souza got involved with a four-bet to 145,000 in the small blind and Dickerson got out of the way. Adams five-bet ripped all in and De Souza quickly called off his stack of 496,000.

Belarmino De Souza: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Timothy Adams: {q-Spades}{q-Clubs}

It was a classic flip scenario and the flop of {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{10-Spades} gave De Souza the lead for the time being. Adams still had plenty of equity but was unable to improve on the {8-Hearts}, {7-Hearts} runout.

Player Chips Progress
Belarmino De Souza br
Belarmino De Souza
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri

Tags: Timothy AdamsJules DickersonBelarmino De Souza

Petrangelo Starting to Catch Fire

Level 11 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

Nick Petrangelo opened to 22,000 in early position and Igor Yaroshevskyy three-bet to 68,000 on his left. Felipe Ketzer was in the small blind and four-bet jammed all in for 488,000. Petrangelo asked for a count and then re-shoved, forcing a fold from Yaroshevskyy.

Felipe Ketzer: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Nick Petrangelo: {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

It was a coin flip but it quickly turned into a runaway on the {k-Spades}{j-Spades}{8-Spades} flop. Petrangelo flopped top pair with the nut-flush draw to leave Ketzer drawing slim. The {j-Clubs} and {2-Spades} runout secured Ketzer's fate as he headed for the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
Igor Yaroshevskyy ua
Igor Yaroshevskyy
Felipe Ketzer br
Felipe Ketzer

Tags: Nick PetrangeloIgor YaroshevskyyFelipe Ketzer

Pardo Wins a Big One From Mulder

Level 12 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Juan Pardo
Juan Pardo

With a meaty pot of over 250,000 built by the turn with the board reading {2-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}, Teun Mulder checked in the hijack to Juan Pardo in the cutoff.

Pardo bet 42,000, and was met with an all in bet from Mulder. Pardo counted down his roughly 230,000 chip stack and moved it in.

Juan Pardo: {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}
Teun Mulder: {a-Spades}{j-Spades}

Mulder only had one live overcard after his move, and once the {q-Hearts} had fallen on the river, Pardo had won himself a large pot, leaving Mulder just over a starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Juan PardoTeun Mulder

Pardo Takes Out Mulder

Level 12 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Teun Mulder
Teun Mulder

Juan Pardo raised to 25,000 from under the gun and was called by Joao Vieira a couple of seats over. Teun Mulder was in the big blind and shipped all in for 250,000. Pardo asked for a count but just called while Vieira got out of the way.

Teun Mulder: {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}
Juan Pardo: {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The board ran out {j-Clubs}{6-Spades}{4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and Mulder was unable to hit that coveted ace in order to keep his tournament hopes alive.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Teun MulderJuan PardoJoao Vieira

Heath Gets a Full Bang for His Buck

Level 13 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Ben Heath
Ben Heath

Just before the break, Ben Heath and Nikita Kuznetsov were heads-up on the turn with the board reading {k-Clubs}{7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{a-Clubs} and a little over 200,000 in the middle. Kuznetsov checked from the big blind and Heath made a bet of 165,000 on the button. Kuznetsov called and the {5-Diamonds} completed the board.

Kuznetsov checked again and Heath shipped all in for 717,000. Kuznetsov dipped hard into the tank, using all of his remaining time banks as some of the players left for their break. With his last seconds being counted down, Kuznetsov finally threw in a chip to call.

Heath rolled over {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} for top two pair and Kuznetsov sent his cards flying into the muck. Heath scored a massive double up to become one of the chip leaders in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
Nikita Kuznetsov ru
Nikita Kuznetsov

Tags: Nikita KuznetsovBen Heath

Grafton Fails to Spin It Up

Level 13 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Sam Grafton
Sam Grafton

The action folded around to Sam Grafton on the button who pushed all in for around 150,000. Ben Heath reraised from the small blind to force Gregoire Auzoux out of the big blind.

Sam Grafton: {a-Clubs}{10-Spades}
Ben Heath: {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

The flop came {q-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} to give both players a pair, Heath's being the better of the two. The {7-Clubs} on the turn got Grafton slightly excited. "Bingo, bango, bongo!" he cheered, but the {j-Spades} on the river spelled the end for the PokerStars ambassador.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton

Tags: Ben HeathGregoire AuzouxSam Grafton