2023 PokerStars EPT Paris

€50,000 EPT Paris Super High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Paris

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Auzoux Doubles Through Heath

Level 13 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Gregoire Auzoux
Gregoire Auzoux

Ben Heath raised to 54,000 from the small blind and was met with a three-bet to 140,000 from Gregoire Auzoux in the big blind.

Heath four-bet all in and Auzoux called off for his final 664,000.

Gregoire Auzoux: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}
Ben Heath: {a-Hearts}{j-Spades}

The board came {q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{7-Spades} bringing no help to Heath to send a healthy double up to Auzoux.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
Gregoire Auzoux fr
Gregoire Auzoux

Tags: Ben HeathGregoire Auzoux

Astedt Eliminated by Dickerson

Level 14 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Niklas Åstedt
Niklas Åstedt

Just a hand after Niklas Astedt doubled through Jules Dickerson with a pair of sixes versus ace-ten, the two clashed again with Dickerson getting another chance to end Astedt's day.

Dickerson raised under the gun to 40,000 and was called by Timothy Adams in the cutoff. Astedt then moved all in for 686,000 from the big blind. Dickerson called and Adams folded.

Niklas Astedt: {a-Diamonds}{q-Spades}
Jules Dickerson: {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}

Astedt was dominated and after the {k-Spades}{10-Hearts}{2-Clubs} flop, he would need a jack to fill his gutshot straight draw. The board however completed {4-Diamonds}{7-Spades}, ending Astedt's day.

Player Chips Progress
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt

Tags: Jules DickersonNiklas AstedtTimothy Adams

Brewer Loses Back-to-Back All-Ins

Level 15 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer

Chris Brewer raised to 55,000 in the hijack and Thomas Muehloecker called on the button. Sam Greenwood shoved all in for 490,000 in the big blind which led to Brewer reshoving over the top. Muehloecker folded and the two hands were tabled.

Sam Greenwood: {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}
Chris Brewer: {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}

The flop came {q-Hearts}{7-Spades}{7-Clubs} and Greenwood took the lead by hitting a queen. There was no help for Brewer on the {6-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} runout and he passed over a double-up.

Just two hands later, Muehloecker was all in for around 400,000 with {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts} against Brewer. The board ran out {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades}{j-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and Muehloecker made the nuts to land yet another blow to Brewer.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
$25K Fantasy
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
Run It Once
Thomas Muehloecker at
Thomas Muehloecker

Tags: Chris BrewerSam GreenwoodThomas Muehloecker

Hissou Gets Coolered

Level 15 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Sirzat Hissou
Sirzat Hissou

Dimitar Danchev opened to 55,000 in the hijack and Sirzat Hissou reraised to 150,000 in the cutoff. Danchev responded by shoving all in and Hissou called off his stack of around 400,000.

Sirzat Hissou: {q-Spades}{q-Clubs}
Dimitar Danchev: {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}

It was tough sledding for Hissou who was looking for one of the two remaining queens in the deck. The board ran out {j-Spades}{10-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{6-Spades} and Danchev's aces held up to eliminate Hissou.

Player Chips Progress
Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Sirzat Hissou de
Sirzat Hissou

Tags: Sirzat HissouDimitar Danchev

Dickerson Over Three Million

Level 16 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Jules Dickerson
Jules Dickerson

After Thomas Muehloecker limped his small blind, Jules Dickerson checked in the big blind.

They saw a flop of {q-Spades}{2-Spades}{9-Clubs}, and Muehloecker bet 30,000. Dickerson raised to 75,000 and Muehloecker called.

On the {5-Clubs} turn, Muehloecker checked and Dickerson bet 125,000, which Muehloecker again called.

The river brought the {4-Diamonds} and Muehloecker checked a final time. Dickerson now went for 250,000 and after a bit of thought, Muehloecker called.

Dickerson turned over {q-Clubs}{2-Hearts} for a flopped two pair which was good as Muehloecker peeked at his cards again before sending them to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Thomas Muehloecker at
Thomas Muehloecker

Tags: Jules DickersonThomas Muehloecker


Level 16 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Pedro Marques
Pedro Marques

Nick Petrangelo raised it up from under the gun and Pedro Marques shipped all in for 420,000 on the button. Once the blinds folded, Petrangelo instantly called to put Marques at risk.

Pedro Marques: {a-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Nick Petrangelo: {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

The flop came {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and Petrangelo was still comfortably in the lead. However, the {a-Clubs} hit the turn and Marques spiked a three-outer to jump out front.

"Yahtzee!" someone standing nearby shouted. The {5-Diamonds} completed the board and Marques survived elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
Pedro Marques pt
Pedro Marques

Tags: Nick PetrangeloPedro Marques

Kuznetsov Dusted by a Whole Lot of Deuces

Level 16 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Nikita Kuznetsov
Nikita Kuznetsov

With action folded to the blinds, Nikita Kuznetsov limped in the small blind but then faced a raise to 105,000 by Chris Brewer in the big blind. Kuznetsov opted to call and saw a flop of {2-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}.

The Russian checked and Brewer bet 60,000 which Kuznetsov called.

The turn brought the {4-Hearts} and Kuznetsov checked again. Brewer now sized up to 250,000 and got another call.

The river {2-Hearts} prompted Kuznetsov to check once more, then after using a time bank, Brewer bet 700,000 which was just enough to cover Kuznetsov.

After just a few seconds, Kuznetsov flicked in a calling chip, which would go to Brewer along with the rest of his chips, as Brewer turned over {q-Hearts}{2-Clubs} for quad deuces.

Kuznetsov showed his {a-Spades}{7-Hearts} before leaving the table and leaving the field with 14 players.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
$25K Fantasy
Nikita Kuznetsov ru
Nikita Kuznetsov

Tags: Chris BrewerNikita Kuznetsov

Dickerson Dumps De Souza

Level 17 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Belarmino De Souza
Belarmino De Souza

After Chris Brewer opened to 80,000 in early position, Belarmino De Souza moved all in for 285,000 from middle position. Jules Dickerson then cold four-bet to 485,000 from the cutoff and Brewer folded.

Belarmino De Souza: {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Jules Dickerson: {a-Spades}{q-Spades}

The {10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} flop was clean for De Souza, but the {q-Diamonds} on the turn gave Dickerson the lead.

The river was paint, but not the jack De Souza needed as the {k-Clubs} fell to eliminate the Brazilian and thin the field to 13 players.

Player Chips Progress
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson
Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
$25K Fantasy
Belarmino De Souza br
Belarmino De Souza

Tags: Belarmino De SouzaChris BrewerJules Dickerson

O'Dwyer Picks Off Vieira, Sending Him to the Rail

Level 17 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Joao Vieira
Joao Vieira

Joao Vieira raised to 80,000 in the hijack and was called by Steve O'Dwyer in the cutoff.

The duo checked the {4-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{8-Spades} flop, but on the {10-Clubs} turn business picked up in a big way.

Vieira checked and O'Dwyer bet 130,000. After using a time bank, Vieira moved all in for 925,000 which sent O'Dwyer deep into the tank.

He dropped his stack of time bank cards in front of his chips, took off his hat, undid his ponytail, then leaned back in his chair and began to think as he ran his fingers through his hair, stopping briefly only to tug at his beard while he pondered his decision.

The dealer peeled time bank cards away from him one by one until O'Dwyer finally called with his stack slightly covering Vieira's.

His call was a good one. He showed {k-Spades}{q-Spades} for a pair of queens, while Vieira showed {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts} for a flush draw with an overcard.

The dealer dropped the {9-Diamonds} on the river, sealing Vieira's fate and sending a large pot to O'Dwyer

Player Chips Progress
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Joao VieiraSteve O'Dwyer

Heath Runs Out of Steam

Level 17 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Sam Greenwood - Ben Heath
Sam Greenwood - Ben Heath

Sam Greenwood raised to 95,000 in the hijack and Ben Heath stuck in his last 50,000 in the cutoff. Thomas Muehloecker three-bet to 310,000 out of the big blind and Greenwood called to create a side pot.

The flop came {j-Clubs}{8-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and the action checked through to the {7-Clubs} on the turn and the {a-Spades} on the river. Muehloecker finally threw in a bet of 70,000 and Greenwood called. Muehloecker showed {a-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} but Greenwood had him out-kicked with {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. Heath could only muster {q-Spades}{j-Spades} for a pair of jacks and was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
Run It Once
Thomas Muehloecker at
Thomas Muehloecker
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath

Tags: Ben HeathSam GreenwoodThomas Muehloecker