2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

€25,000 EPT High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Isaac Haxton Bubbles the €25,000 High Roller as Disaster Strikes

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Isaac Haxton
Isaac Haxton

Mikita Badziakouski raised to 20,000 from early position and short-stacked Isaac Haxton defended his big blind. The flop came 6J5 and all of Haxton's 80,000 remaining chips went in the middle, with a matching stack in front of Badziakouski.

After waiting several minutes for another hand to finish, showdown was finally ordered.

Isaac Haxton: KJ
Mikita Badziakouski: 32

Haxton brought out a ''prevent disaster bell'' for this very special occasion. Under the constant clinging of the bell, the clean 7 turn was dealt. The noise only stopped when the dealer put out the disastrous 4 on the river. Badziakouski had hit his gutshot straight draw to crack the top pair of Haxton.

''This thing does not work,'' Haxton concluded. He left the tournament area with an audible laugh underneath his mask but without any money. The rest of the field is now guaranteed at least a €43,550 cash as play continues for another 90 minutes on Day 2.

Player Chips Progress
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Isaac HaxtonMikita Badziakouski

Bedell Busts as the Deck Won't Listen

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Tom-Aksel Bedell
Tom-Aksel Bedell

Tom-Aksel Bedell made a raise to 23,000 from under the gun and Day 1 chip leader Marius Kudzmanas made a three-bet to 65,000 from the hijack. His fellow countryman, and current chip leader, Dominykas Mikolaitis was in the next seat over and put out a cold four-bet to 135,000.

The action folded back to Bedell, who went deep into the tank. After spending some time bank chips, he ultimately decided that it was time to go all in and five-bet jammed 438,000 chips in the middle. Kudzmanas quickly folded and Mikolaitis called just as quickly.

Tom-Aksel Bedell: QQ
Dominykas Mikolaitis: AK

''I'll take some queens!'' Bedell requested as the 4AJ flop was dealt. ''I'll take no diamonds!'' Bedell requested as the 9 turn was dealt. The requests ceased as the J river put the final nail in the coffin of Bedell's tournament.

Full of smiles, Bedell left the tournament area. He received the mincash of €43,550, as did Sam Grafton, who busted simultaneously on another table.

Player Chips Progress
Dominykas Mikolaitis lt
Dominykas Mikolaitis
Day 2 Chip Leader
Marius Kudzmanas lt
Marius Kudzmanas
Day 1 Chip Leader
Tom-Aksel Bedell no
Tom-Aksel Bedell
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton

Tags: Dominykas MikolaitisMarius KudzmanasSam GraftonTom-Aksel Bedell

"I'm Not Leaving"

Level 19 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Alejandro -Papo MC- Lococo
Alejandro -Papo MC- Lococo

Alejandro Lococo stood up from the table to get the attention of others before jokingly slamming down his stack of 35,000 in the middle from under the gun. Nacho Barbero elected on a raise to 60,000 next to act and action folded to Enrico Camosci in the cutoff who made it 150,000 to go. The rest of the table folded and Barbero released as well.

Alejandro Lococo: 109
Enrico Camosci: AQ

Camosci was slighly ahead preflop but would need to dodge the live cards for Lococo. The flop came a sweat when the dealer fanned out 532, giving Lococo even more outs with a flush draw. The 5 sealed the deal on the turn and the meaningless Q completed the runout.

"I'm f**king back!! I'm not leaving!!" shouted Lococo as he laughed and picked up the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Nacho Barbero ar
Nacho Barbero
$25K Fantasy
Enrico Camosci it
Enrico Camosci
Alejandro Lococo ar
Alejandro Lococo

Tags: Alejandro LococoEnrico CamosciNacho Barbero

Kisacikoglu Runs Into Cowboys To Hit The Rail

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Orpen Kisacikoglu
Orpen Kisacikoglu

All the chips hit the middle preflop between Steve O'Dwyer and Orpen Kisacikoglu, who was the player at risk for his last roughly 150,000.

Orpen Kisacikoglu: 1010
Steve O'Dwyer: KK

Kisacikoglu was in need of help against the cowboys for O'Dwyer, and when the board ran out 8774A, it was the kings that held up to send Kisacikoglu out in 28th place.

Player Chips Progress
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner
Orpen Kisacikoglu tr
Orpen Kisacikoglu

Tags: Orpen KisacikogluSteve O'Dwyer

Hirs Hits The Rail In Brutal Beat

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Aliaksandr Hirs
Aliaksandr Hirs

The action folded to Aliaksandr Hirs in the small blind who moved all in for close to 150,000 and was snap-called by the bigger stack of Markkos Ladev in the big blind.

Aliaksandr Hirs: KJ
Markkos Ladev: AJ

Hirs was in rough shape preflop against the better kicker for Ladev, but when the flop came KKQ, the tables turned on the hand with Hirs well in the lead. The turn came the 9 which was still safe, however, the river fell the 10 to give Ladev a straight and send Hirs out in 25th place.

Player Chips Progress
Markkos Ladev ee
Markkos Ladev
Aliaksandr Hirs by
Aliaksandr Hirs

Tags: Aliaksandr HirsMarkkos Ladev

Masashi Oya Eliminated in 24th Place (€50,150)

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Masashi Oya
Masashi Oya

Ben Heath limped his button and Masashi Oya went all-in for his last two big blinds. Daniel Dvoress was in the big blind and made the call, as did Heath.

The flop of K74 checked through, as did the 5 turn. On the 10 river, Dvoress finally fired a bet and garnered a fold from Heath. Oya and Dvvoress then showed down.

Masashi Oya: AK
Daniel Dvoress: K7

Top pair for Oya, but it was no match against the flopped two pair of Dvoress. Oya was the final Japanese player to leave the tournament, and the only one to cash. He can proudly take back €50,150 to his home country.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
Run It Once
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
Masashi Oya jp
Masashi Oya

Tags: Ben HeathDaniel DvoressMasashi Oya

Patrik Antonius Eliminated in 23rd Place (€57,600)

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Patrik Antonius
Patrik Antonius

Patrik Antonius raised to 24,000 from middle position and received a call from Markkos Ladev in the small blind. The pair saw a flop of 39J, which they both checked.

The turn then fell the A and Antonius now bet 25,000 after another check from Ladev. Ladev made the call and the 7 river was dealt.

Ladev checked for the third time and after a while Antonius decided to put his roughly 100,000 remaining chips at stake. He put them all in the middle and instantly got called by Ladev.

Antonius sighed, stood up and showed A10 for top pair. He felt it was no good and was correct, as his opponent had slowplayed his pocket aces and was sitting on top set with AA in his hand.

The Finnish poker legend took his leave and was the first to make the payjump to €57,600.

Player Chips Progress
Markkos Ladev ee
Markkos Ladev
Patrik Antonius fi
Patrik Antonius
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Markkos LadevPatrik Antonius

Barak Wisbrod Eliminated In 22nd Place (€57,600)

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Barak Wisbrod
Barak Wisbrod

The action folded around to Barak Wisbrod in the small blind who moved all in for 60,000 and was called by the bigger stack of Dominik Nitsche in the big blind.

Barak Wisbrod: 102
Dominik Nitsche: 87

The ten-deuce was slightly in the lead preflop, but when the board ran out AQ7810, it was the two pair for Nitsche that scored the pot to send Wisbrod to the exit in 22nd place.

Player Chips Progress
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Barak Wisbrod il
Barak Wisbrod

Tags: Barak WisbrodDominik Nitsche

Ketzer Catches a Double in the Final Minutes of Day 2

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Felipe Ketzer
Felipe Ketzer

As the clock winded down to the final five minutes of the day, Dominik Nitsche raised to 25,000 from the cutoff. Felipe Ketzer was in the small blind and made the three-bet to 90,000 before Nitsche four-bet shoved with the covering stack. Ketzer snap called and the players shared the final preflop showdown of the day.

Felipe Ketzer: AK
Dominik Nitsche: KJ

Ketzer was in a great spot to score a big double-up in the nick of time. He flopped two pair on 4A4 and Nitsche was nearly drawing dead. The 8 decided the pot in Ketzer's favor, and he let out a few ''Vamos!'' as the meaningless 7 river completed the board.

With that, Day 2 has come to a close. Stay tuned for full chip counts and a recap of this action-packed day.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ketzer br
Felipe Ketzer
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche

Tags: Dominik NitscheFelipe Ketzer

Lithuania Back on Top After Day 2 of the €25,000 EPT High Roller

Level 20 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Dominykas Mikolaitis
Dominykas Mikolaitis

After another 10 levels of play, Day 2 of the €25,000 High Roller at 2023 PokerStars European Poker Tour presented by Monte-Carlo Casino®️ is in the books. Leading the 21 remaining players is Lithuania’s Dominykas Mikolaitis, who tops the leaderboard with 1,525,000 chips. This number will amount to 102 big blinds at the start of Day 3.

Mikolaitis takes over the end-of-day chip lead from Day 1 Chip Leader and fellow countryman Marius Kudzmanas, who busted in 26th place for €50,150 on Day 2. Mikolaitis is no stranger to these buy-ins, most recently cashing for $90,350 when he finished ninth in a $25,000 buy-in event during the PCA 2023. Looking to best that score, he will have his eyes set on the final table and beyond with his chip lead in the bag.

Roman Samoylov sits second in chips and trails Mikolaitis by a fair margin, as he will bring 1,120,000 into the start of Day 3. Not much is known about the Israeli player, except that has already won a hyper turbo side event here in Monte Carlo for €36,160. High stakes phenomenon and recent runner-up in the EPT Monte Carlo €100,000 Super High Roller Mikita Badziakouski meanwhile, rounds out the top 3, bagging 1,055,000. The likes of Steve O'Dwyer and PokerStars Ambassador Alejandro Lococo also make the top ten chip counts, sitting in fourth and eighth place respectively

Day 2 Top Ten Chip Stacks

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Dominykas MikolaitisLithuania1,525,000102
2Roman SamoylovIsrael1,120,00075
3Mikita BadziakouskiBelarus1,055,00070
4Steve O'DwyerIreland705,00047
5Felipe KetzerBrazil690,00046
6Natan ChauskinBelarus675,00045
7Daniel DvoressCanada663,00044
8Alejandro LococoArgentina575,00038
9Enrico CamosciItaly480,00032
10Markkos LadevEstonia475,00032

95 players bagged back on Day 1. However, the late registration period only ended at the start of Day 2, resulting in a last-minute addition of 28 entries. Together, they brought the total field to a very respectable size of 211. Of the 123 that started Day 2, 31 would make the money for a guaranteed cut of €43,550 out of the €5,066,110 prize pool.

The bubble ended up lasting about an hour of playtime. Some pots were played and the players applied a lot of preflop pressure, but no all-in and calls occurred. Then, in the penultimate level of the day, Isaac Haxton became the unfortunate bubble boy when his ‘’disaster prevention bell’’ could not prevent Mikita Badziakouski from hitting his gutshot straight draw against the top pair of Haxton.

Isaac Haxton
Isaac Haxton During His Final hand

Recap of the Rest of Day 2

As mentioned, Day 2’s field grew significantly before the start of play. Many of the 28 players who decided to make use of the option to maximum late register were familiar faces. Among them were Martin Jacobson, Erik Seidel, and most recent €100,000 Super High Roller Champion Alex Kulev. However, only Conor Beresford and Markkos Ladev were able to cash in on their impulse to buy in at the latest moment, as both have made it to Day 3.

Throughout the day, famous names in the poker scene busted left and right. Among the carnage were Sam Greenwood, Artur Martirosian, Timothy Adams, Justin Bonomo, and Christoph Vogelsang. Seth Davies, Davidi Kitai, Juan Pardo and PokerStars Ambassador Ramon Colillas fell nearer to the money, but they too did not last long enough to experience bubble play.

After the bubble was done and over with, there were mincashes for Sam Grafton, Tom-Aksel Bedell, Romain Lewis, and Orpen Kisacikoglu (€43,550). Nick Petrangelo, Aliaksandr Hirs, and Masashi Oya made it one pay jump further, and cashed for €50,150. The final bust-outs of the night were Finnish powerhouse Patrik Antonius and Barak Wisbrod, who each cashed €57,600.

Among the ones who did make it to Day 3 but will return with a shorter stack are Adrian Mateos (275,000), Ben Heath (220,000), and Dominik Nitsche (150,000). They will each bring 20 big blinds or less into Day 3.

As mentioned before, when Day 2 had reached its completion after ten hours of play, only 21 players remained. Each of them is guaranteed €57,600 and will restart Day 3 Saturday, 6th of May at 12.30 p.m. local time. Blinds will restart in Level 21: 10,000/15,000 with a 15,000 big blind ante. A long and arduous day is ahead of the field as the €25,000 EPT High Roller will play down to a champion, who will take home the €1,070,260 top prize and, of course, the coveted trophy.

PokerNews will also be present to bring you the exciting grande finale of the last High Roller of what has been a wonderful EPT Monte Carlo stop, so stay tuned to this very page.

Tags: Adrian MateosAlejandro LococoAlex KulevAliaksandr HirsArtur MartirosianBarak WisbrodBen HeathChristoph VogelsangConor BeresfordDaniel DvoressDavidi KitaiDominik NitscheDominykas MikolaitisEnrico CamosciErik SeidelFelipe KetzerIsaac HaxtonJuan PardoJustin BonomoMarius KudzmanasMarkkos LadevMartin JacobsonMasashi OyaMikita BadziakouskiNatan ChauskinNick PetrangeloOrpen KisacokogluPatrik AntoniusRamon ColillasRomain LewisRoman SamoylovSam GraftonSam GreenwoodSeth DaviesSteve O'DwyerTimothy AdamsTom-Aksel Bedell