2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

€25,000 EPT High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

No Longer World Chess Champion, Magnus Carlsen Sets Sights On Poker

Level 5 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Magnus Carlsen
Magnus Carlsen

Five-time World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen shocked the public in July 2022 when he announced that he wouldn't be defending the title he had held for a decade. And while Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren were at St. Regis Hotel in Kazakhstan last month battling to take his place as supreme leader of the chess world, Carlsen was getting ready for a trip to the sunny Mediterranean coast.

Carlsen made a deep run extending into Day 3 in the EPT Monte Carlo €5,300 Main Event as part of 2023 PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) presented by Monte-Carlo Casino® before falling in 63th place €15,000.

In his first interview since giving up his World Chess Champion Title, Carlsen sat down with PokerNews and PokerStars for an exclusive look at what the future holds for the 32-year-old Norwegian chess prodigy.


Shimizu Calls the Cards

Level 5 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Nozomu Shimizu
Nozomu Shimizu

''Two-two'', Nozomu Shimizu said from under the gun, as he raised to 2,200. Emil Bise flatted the raise from the cutoff before Hirokazu Kobayashi three-bet from the big blind. Shimizu then four-bet jammed his starting stack in the middle, still exclaiming ''two-two''. Bise got out of the way, but Kobayashi, who was sitting on only 15,000 chips, made the call.

Hirokazu Kobayashi: QQ
Nozomu Shimizu: KK

Shimizu would be the victor in the Japanese showdown, as he almost immediately locked up the board when the flop came K28. The 2 threw out the possibility of runner-runner quads, and the 3 river was dealt as a formality.

Kobayashi kept laughing throughout the ordeal, while Felipe Ketzer pointed at the pair of ducks on the board and said: ''You called the cards! That's how you win tournaments.''

Player Chips Progress
Emil Bise ch
Emil Bise
Hirokazu Kobayashi jp
Hirokazu Kobayashi
Nozomu Shimizu jp
Nozomu Shimizu

Tags: Emil BiseFelipe KetzerHirokazu KobayashiNozomu Shimizu

High Stakes Legend Patrik Antonius Says Live Streams Should "Focus on the Poker"

Level 5 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Patrik Antonius
Patrik Antonius

While many of the biggest stars from poker's golden era of the mid-2000s are only mentioned in "Where Are They Now?" pieces, Patrik Antonius is not one of them. In fact, the Finland all-time money leader is as relevant as ever.

Not only is Antonius still regularly competing in the televised cash games that boosted his career early on, he is also a force to be reckoned with in on the current high roller tournament scene and even won his first Triton title last year. Additionally, Antonius recently signed on as an ambassador for the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Thrill Team, something he said he got involved in "accidentally" before adding that he was "happy to get invited to join the Thrill Team."

"It's nice," Antonius said. "WSOP is a big brand and they have a lot of influence in the industry. And it's nice that they have this app so a lot of new players can have an experience playing poker on an app like this for free. And if they like it they can start playing for real money and so on. So it's nice, it's nice that they have an app like this."

Antonius appeared as a guest on the most recent episode of the PokerNews Podcast and spoke about winning his first Triton title, how High Stakes Poker impacted his career and representing the WSOP Thrill Team in the upcoming Main Event. The full conversation with the Finnish poker legend can be heard here.


Kisacikoglu Makes Quads To Send Luhut To The Rail

Level 5 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Orpen Kisacikoglu
Orpen Kisacikoglu

Jean-Vincent Lehut opened to 900 from middle position and it folded to Orpen Kisacikoglu in the small blind who three-bet to 4,100. Lehut elected on a four-bet to 9,500 and Kisacikoglu made the call.

The flop came J92 and Kisacikoglu checked to Lehut who continued for 10,000. Kisacikoglu pondered for a moment before putting in a check-raise to 25,000. Lehut quickly moved all in for close to 55,000 and Kisacikoglu snap-called with a slightly bigger stack.

Jean-Vincent Lehut: AK
Orpen Kisacikoglu: 99

Lehut flopped the nut-flush draw while Kisacikoglu flopped a set. The turn fell the 9 to seal the deal for Kisacikoglu who made quads and the inconsequential 3 completed the runout, sending Lehut to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Orpen Kisacikoglu tr
Orpen Kisacikoglu
Jean-Vincent Lehut fr
Jean-Vincent Lehut

Tags: Jean-Vincent LehutOrpen Kisacikoglu

Vieira Triples Up

Level 6 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Joao Vieira
Joao Vieira

Joao Vieira raised to 1,000 from early position, sitting on a 20-big-blind stack. Andrew Leathem was in the hijack and made the three-bet to 3,000. Roman Samoylov was in the big blind and called cold before Vieira put in the four-bet all in for 11,500.

Leathem asked for a count and called and so did Samoylov. The two players then checked down the 98254 board before a showdown was had. No one could beat the AA of Vieira and he tripled up to a healthy stack.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Leathem gb
Andrew Leathem
Roman Samoylov il
Roman Samoylov
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy

Goryachev's Aces Cracked

Level 6 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Vyacheslav Goryachev
Vyacheslav Goryachev

Viacheslav Goryachev raised from under the gun and Milos Skrbic made it 3,500 to go from the button. Goryachev made the call and a J42 flop was dealt.

Goryachev checked again before he called a continuation-bet of 1,700 from his opponent. The turn fell the 6 and Goryachev checked again.

Skrbic used one time bank chip to extend his thinking time before he moved all in, covering Goryachev's remaining chips. Goryachev snap called and flipped his cards over.

Viacheslav Goryachev: AA
Milos Skrbic: AK

Goryachev just had to fade a diamond to secure a double-up, but he failed to do so when the 2 river arrived. He threw his arms up in frustration and left the felt. Goryachev went off to enjoy an early dinner break as he has not made use of his reentry as of yet.

Player Chips Progress
Milos Skrbic rs
Milos Skrbic
Viacheslav Goryachev ru
Viacheslav Goryachev

Tags: Milos SkrbicViacheslav Goryachev

Colillas Causes That Mustafov Must Go

Level 7 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Ramon Colillas
Ramon Colillas

Fahredin Mustafov and Ramon Colillas were heads up in a pot worth 45,000 chips. The board was dealt up to the turn and read 10Q66. At this point, Mustafov went all-in for his last 25,000 chips and Colillas instantly called with the covering stack.

Fahredin Mustafov: KQ
Ramon Colillas: AA

Mustafov had flopped top pair but it was no good against the overpair of Colillas. Colillas only needed to fade a few outs and he accomplished that when the 8 completed the board on the river.

Mustafov left the High Roller area while Colillas stacked up to over two starting stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Ramon Colillas es
Ramon Colillas
Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov

Tags: Fahredin MustafovRamon Colillas

Nitsche Binks A Double-Up

Level 7 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Dominik Nitsche
Dominik Nitsche

Dominik Nitsche was down to around 20 big blinds when he opened to 1,200. Johan Guilbert then three-bet to 3,200 and Nitsche made the call.

On the K10K flop, Guilbert bet 1,500 before Nitsche check-raised all in for 7,500. Guilbert readily called and the pair showed their hands.

Dominik Nitsche: QJ
Johan Guilbert: AK

Guilbert flopped trips but Nitsche was drawing very live with his open-ender and backdoor flush draw. Nitsche hit his straight on the 9 turn and the Q river gave him a bonus pair to go along with it.

Nitsche doubled up while Guilbert's camera crew documented his disappointment.

Player Chips Progress
Johan Guilbert fr
Johan Guilbert
Run It Once
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche

Tags: Dominik NitscheJohan Guilbert

Sammartino Shows the Nuts

Level 8 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Dario Sammartino
Dario Sammartino

Luis Faria and Dario Sammartino were trying to conquer a 20,000 pot. The completed board read Q10679 and Faria checked to Sammartino.

Sammartino then sent 18,000 chips to the middle, which puzzled Faria. After some time elapsed, he came up with the call, and immediately got the bad news that Sammartino was holding the nut straight with his KJ.

A swingy day for Sammartino so far, but he is now sitting comfortable on twice starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
$25K Fantasy
Luis Faria pt
Luis Faria

Tags: Dario SammartinoLuis Faria

Hissou Hands Haxton a Double

Level 9 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Isaac Haxton
Isaac Haxton

Sirzat Hissou and Isaac Haxton were on a flop of Q49. Hissou bet 4,000 in the pot of roughly 15,000. Haxton responded by three-betting all his chips in the middle, for a total of 33,200.

Hissou asked for a count and made the call before his shot clock ran out.

Isaac Haxton: AQ
Sirzat Hissou: J7

Top pair for Haxton and a flush draw for Hissou. Haxton faded clubs on the 67 runout and doubled up on his second and final bullet.

Player Chips Progress
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy
Sirzat Hissou de
Sirzat Hissou

Tags: Isaac HaxtonSirzat Hissou