2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

€2,200 FPS High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Takushi Shiratori Eliminated in 24th Place (€10,200)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Takushi Shiratori
Takushi Shiratori

Takushi Shiratori was all in for his last 450,000 chips versus Yiannis Liperis, who covered him.

Takushi Shiratori: AJ
Yiannis Liperis: AK

Liperis' Big Slick dominated Shiratori's ace-jack. The board of 7658 presented some split-pot outs, but the Q river decided the hand in Liperis' favor.

Shiratori was the first player to take his leave after the final three tables redraw and takes home €10,200 to Japan.

Player Chips Progress
Yiannis Liperis cy
Yiannis Liperis
Day 1A Chip Leader
Takushi Shiratori jp
Takushi Shiratori

Tags: Takushi ShiratoriYiannis Liperis

Wagner Ripper Eliminated in 23rd Place (€11,750)

Level 28 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Wagner Ripper
Wagner Ripper

Wagner Ripper open-jammed from middle position for 810,000 and Paolo Boi made the call in the hijack. The rest of the table folded their cards and a showdown was had.

Wagner Ripper: 99
Paolo Boi: AJ

The flop came down 8Q6. ''Always a sweat,'' commented someone at the table. The K turn increased the perspiration levels of this hand even more as Boi now had even more outs. He finally hit one when the J river hit the felt, turning his hand into a pair of jacks, beating Ripper's pair of nines.

Another deep run for Ripper, who could not best his third place in the €2,200 FPS High Roller during EPT Paris.

Player Chips Progress
Paolo Boi it
Paolo Boi
Wagner Ripper br
Wagner Ripper

Tags: Paolo BoiWagner Ripper

Alan Goasdoue Elminated in 20th Place (€13,950)

Level 28 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Alan Goasdoue
Alan Goasdoue

Samiyel Duzgun opened the action from under the gun with a raise to 160,000. It folded to Alan Goasdoue in the big blind. He was sitting on a short stack and decided to put it all at risk for 566,000. Duzgun asked for a count but called midway.

Alan Goasdoue: AQ
Samiyel Duzgun: A10

Goasdoue was a big favorite to double up, but the flop of 3A2 brought a sweat in the way of a flush draw. The turn completed that draw with the K and Goasdoue was confirmed to be eliminated. The useless 9 was dealt as a river card while Goasdoue said his goodbyes in good spirits.

Goasdoue was looking for his second FPS title after winning the Main Event during the 2023 EPT Paris, but came just a little short, finishing at the final three tables.

Player Chips Progress
Samiyel Duzgun ch
Samiyel Duzgun
Alan Goasdoue fr
Alan Goasdoue

Tags: Alan GoasdoueSamiyel Duzgun

Shiina Okamoto Eliminated in 19th Place (€13,950)

Level 28 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Shiina Okamoto
Shiina Okamoto

Shiina Okamoto shoved all of her 450,000 remaining chips in from under the gun and big blind Paolo Boi made the call once everyone else folded.

Shiina Okamoto: J10
Paolo Boi: 48

Boi flopped a pair of eights on 82K and that remained the best hand on the 7A runout.

Okamoto started today as chip leader and made a deep run, but fell just short of the real big payouts.

Player Chips Progress
Paolo Boi it
Paolo Boi
Shiina Okamoto jp
Shiina Okamoto
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Paolo BoiShiina Okamoto

Samiyel Duzgun Eliminated in 18th Place (€13,950)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Samiyel Duzgun
Samiyel Duzgun

Yiannis Liperis opened to 200,000 in the cutoff and Samiyel Duzgun announced all in on the button. The blinds folded and Liperis quickly called off his stack of 1,470,000.

Yiannis Liperis: KK
Samiyel Duzgun: A8

The board ran out J6298 and Liperis doubled up, leaving Duzgun on just 175,000 chips.

Two hands later, Duzgun moved all in from under the gun with 65 and Demosthenes Kiriopoulos isolated with KJ. There was no lightning in the bottle for Duzgun on the 882QA board and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Yiannis Liperis cy
Yiannis Liperis
Day 1A Chip Leader
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos ca
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos
Samiyel Duzgun ch
Samiyel Duzgun

Tags: Demosthenes KiriopoulosSamiyel DuzgunYiannis Liperis

Marton Czuczor Eliminated in 17th Place (€16,750)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Marton Czuczor
Marton Czuczor

Marton Czuczor jammed 930,000 chips from the cutoff. Sim Kok Wai was on the button and made the call for his own stack of 830,000. Tom Orpaz was in the big blind and squeezed his cards slowly. He called quickly after he saw ''two good ones.'' A three-way all-in situation on the final two tables bubble.

Sim Kok Wai: 55
Marton Czuczor: K7
Tom Orpaz: KQ

Wai's pocket pair stood tall on the 268610 board and he secured a triple up, while Czuczor was eliminated. Orpaz only won a small side pot of 200,000 and he could immediately put them in racks as the final two table redraw was happening.

Player Chips Progress
Sim Kok Wai my
Sim Kok Wai
Tom Orpaz il
Tom Orpaz
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor

Tags: Marton CzuczorSim Kok WaiTom Orpaz

Demosthenes Kiriopoulos Eliminated in 16th Place (€16,750)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos

Yiannis Liperis raised to 200,000 on the button and Demosthenes Kiriopoulos three-bet shoved all in for around 1,750,000 in the big blind. Liperis asked for a quick count and then called to put the Canadian at risk.

Demosthenes Kiriopoulos: 55
Yiannis Liperis: AQ

It was a coin flip but the flop of Q63 gave Liperis the lead with a pair of queens. The 4 on the turn gave Kiriopoulos some outs but the 10 on the river was not one of them.

Player Chips Progress
Yiannis Liperis cy
Yiannis Liperis
Day 1A Chip Leader
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos ca
Demosthenes Kiriopoulos

Tags: Demosthenes KiriopoulosYiannis Liperis

Sam Benoliel Eliminated in 15th Place (€20,100)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Sam Benoliel
Sam Benoliel

Marco Regonaschi had jammed his 1,400,000 stack all in from the cutoff and received a call from Sam Benoliel on the button. Benoliel played less as he had only 950,000 chips in his stack. The rest of the table got out of the way and their holdings were revealed.

Sam Benoliel: JJ
Marco Regonaschi: AQ

A very big flip for both players and Regonaschi took a commanding lead on the Q79 flop. Benoliel shook his head while the 8 and 6 were put out to complete the board, while Regonaschi let out a few cheers.

Benoliel had to leave the tournament room and Regonaschi almost doubled his stack at the final two tables of the €2,200 FPS High Roller.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Regonaschi it
Marco Regonaschi
Sam Benoliel fr
Sam Benoliel

Tags: Marco RegonaschiSam Benoliel

Gareth McMahon Eliminated in 14th Place (€20,100)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Gareth McMahon
Gareth McMahon

Garteh McMahon sat in the under the gun position and played a stack of 790,000. He counted out his stack before he put it all at risk by announcing his all in. Florian Guimond was in the next seat over and called after getting confirmation from the dealer that it was indeed the correct amount. The other players were not interested in this carnage and laid their hands down.

Gareth McMahon: A7
Florian Guimond: AQ

McMahon was dominated and held his hands in front of his face as the 410A flop came to be. The turn paired the board with the 4 and he begged for a king to come on the river. The river did come a picture card, but it was of the wrong kind for McMahon; the J completed the board.

McMahon gave Guimond a fistbump before leaving, afterwards stating that this hand ''was the worst mistake of his life.''

Player Chips Progress
Florian Guimond fr
Florian Guimond
Gareth McMahon ie
Gareth McMahon

Tags: Florian GuimondGareth McMahon

Antonio Calabro Eliminated in 13th Place (€24,100)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Antonio Calabro
Antonio Calabro

Antonio Calabro limped in from middle position before Marco Regonaschi made it 425,000 to go from the hijack. The other players folded quickly and Calabro went into the tank for several minutes. Eventually, he came up with a call and the two players saw a flop.

The 397 was fanned out and Calabro instantly went all in for 1,070,000. Regonaschi was just as quick with his single-chip call and there was a showdown.

Antonio Calabro: A9
Marco Regonaschi: KK

Calabro had flopped top pair and went with it, but Regonaschi was a big favorite with his overpair. No ace nor nine appeared on the 5 turn or Q river and Regonaschi slammed the table in ecstasy, shouting ''Yes, yes, yes!'' throughout the mostly empty tournament room.

Calabro, meanwhile, left the tournament dejectedly, though he did bag a nice sum of more than €24,000.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Regonaschi it
Marco Regonaschi
Antonio Calabro it
Antonio Calabro

Tags: Antonio CalabroMarco Regonaschi