2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Mateos Gets Paid with Rockets

Level 6 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

With two players seeing a board of K107 and about 85,000 already in the middle, Adrian Mateos checked from the small blind and called a 28,000 bet from Kayhan Mokri in the big blind.

Mateos check-called another bet from Mokri on the 3 turn, this time for 54,000.

Both players checked the 6 river.

Mateos tabled AA for the winner to take down another sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri

Tags: Adrian MateosKayhan Mokri

Mokri Knocks Out Grafton

Level 5 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Sam Grafton
Sam Grafton

Sam Grafton was all in for his last 21,000 and was called by Adrian Mateos in middle position and Kayhan Mokri in the hijack.

Both Mokri and Mateos checked the flop and turn leading to a final board of 434JK. Mateos checked, Mokri bet 25,000 and Mateos folded.

Grafton had QQ but Mokri revealed K8 for a rivered top pair to score the knockout and take down a decent pot.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton

Tags: Adrian MateosKayhan MokriSam Grafton

Ponakovs Bluffs Off His Second Stack

Level 5 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Aleksejs Ponakovs
Aleksejs Ponakovs

Aleksejs Ponakovs and Juan Pardo had put 49,000 chips in the middle when they saw a flop of 58J. Ponakovs bet out for 19,000 from the small blind and Pardo called from the cutoff.

Ponakovs spent a few time banks before putting in another 65,000 chips on the 8 turn and Pardo once again made the call. The 10 river then completed the board and Ponakovs used the rest of his time bank extensions before moving all in for 130,000, receiving an instant call from his opponent.

Ponakovs sighed as he could only table KQ for a bluff, while Pardo rivered a straight with 97 and sent his opponent out of the tournament room again.

Player Chips Progress
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Alexandre Vuilleumier ch
Alexandre Vuilleumier
Mikalai Vaskaboinikau by
Mikalai Vaskaboinikau
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs

Tags: Aleksejs PonakovsJuan Pardo

Vieira Claims Greenwood's Second Bullet

Level 5 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Joao Vieira and Sam Greenwood
Joao Vieira and Sam Greenwood

With two players seeing a board of 5J34, Sam Greenwood found himself all in and at risk against Joao Vieira, who slightly covered Greenwood.

Sam Greenwood: 55
Joao Vieira: 67

Greenwood had flopped a set only for Vieira to turn the nut-straight. The board failed to pair on the 6 river resulting in Greenwood's second elimination of the day, while Vieira picked up nearly a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
Run It Once

Tags: Joao VieiraSam Greenwood

Sturm Doubles in Huge Pot

Level 5 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Leon Sturm
Leon Sturm

Multiple raises went in preflop between Sam Grafton on the cutoff and Leon Sturm on the button, resulting in a pot of 95,000 chips sitting in the middle of the table when the 253 flop was dealt.

Grafton then bet out 24,000 and Sturm made the call. Grafton upped the ante to 65,000 on the 9 turn and Sturm still called. The 10 river then completed the board and Grafton spent some time in the tank before going all in, covering Sturm by a little bit. Sturm snap-called for his 87,000 stack and saw Grafton table K6 for a stone-cold bluff.

Sturm was sitting comfortably on top set with 1010 and he raked in the double-up while Grafton was left with just a few big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Leon Sturm de
Leon Sturm
Sam Grafton gb
Sam Grafton

Tags: Leon SturmSam Grafton

Ponakovs and Cheong Bow Out Before Second Break

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Kyle Cheong
Kyle Cheong

Aleksejs Ponakovs jammed his final 27,000 all in from the cutoff and the action folded to Maher Nouira, who quickly called.

Aleksejs Ponakovs: A2
Maher Nouira: 88.

Ponakovs paired his deuce on the 2Q3 flop, but no further help arrived on the 10Q runout, and he was thus forced to take his leave.

On an adjacent table, Kyle Cheong was also seen collecting his belongings and heading towards the exit of the tournament room after losing the last of his remaining chips.

Player Chips Progress
Maher Nouira tn
Maher Nouira
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs
Kyle Cheong au
Kyle Cheong

Tags: Aleksejs PonakovsKyle CheongMaher Nouira

Zhou Sends Mulder Out

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Teun Mulder
Teun Mulder

Teun Mulder found himself all in and at risk for approximately 50,000 versus Quan Zhou who had a covering stack.

Teun Mulder: 1010
Quan Zhou: 33

Mulder was in great shape to double up with the higher pocket pair but the Q73 flop gave Zhou a set leaving Mulder drawing to just two outs. Those outs never materialized on the 7 turn or Q river resulting in Mulder's elimination while Zhou scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Teun Mulder nl
Teun Mulder

Tags: Quan ZhouTeun Mulder

Vieira Victorious in Three-Way Clash

Level 4 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Joao Vieira
Joao Vieira

With 18,000 in the middle, Juan Pardo checked from the big blind on a board of 96J. Artur Martirosian, on his second bullet, then made a bet of 12,000 from under the gun and Joao Vieira made the call from the button. Pardo followed suit and a 5 turn was dealt.

Pardo checked once more and this time Martirosian opted for a pot-sized bet of 55,000. It did not deter Vieira from calling, but Pardo elected to fold.

Martirosian slowed down on the K river with a check, after which Vieira put forth 122,000 chips, only leaving himself 1,000 behind. Martirosian asked for a count, sighed, and forfeited the pot to Vieira when he tossed his cards to the muck pile.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
$25K Fantasy
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Artur MartirosianJoao VieiraJuan Pardo

Plausinaitis Knocks Out Martirosian

Level 3 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Artur Martirosian
Artur Martirosian

With two players seeing a board of 98K8J and slightly over 300,000 in the middle, Paulius Plausinaitis checked in the small blind and Artur Martirosian used a single time extension before moving all in for 211,500, sending Plausinaitis into the tank.

Plausinaitis used two time extensions before making the call.

Martirosian could only show A5 for a bluff while Plausinaitis tabled K10 for two pair, kings and eights to take down another sizable pot while Martirosian made his exit from the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Paulius Plausinaitis lt
Paulius Plausinaitis
Day 1 Chip Leader
Artur Martirosian ru
Artur Martirosian
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Artur MartirosianPaulius Plausinaitis

Iakobishvili Loses Big by Going Small

Level 3 : Blinds 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Gha Iakobishvili
Gha Iakobishvili

The very active Gha Iakobishvili got involved in the action once again when he raised to 3,500 from the hijack before Jules Dickerson put in the reraise to 13,000 from the button. The action folded back to Iakobishvili, who made the call.

The flop of 1095 saw Iakobishvili check-call a 14,000 bet from Dickerson before he took the lead on the 9 turn by firing a small bet of 6,500. Dickerson pondered his option but ended up making the call and the pair saw the 3 river roll off.

Iakobishvili now put in an even smaller bet of 5,000 and Dickerson went into the tank again. This time, he came out with a raise to 55,000, and now it was Iakobishvili's time to think the hand over.

Eventually, he made the call but swiftly mucked his hands when Dickerson showed AQ for the ace-high flush.

Player Chips Progress
Gha Iakobishvili il
Gha Iakobishvili
Jules Dickerson gb
Jules Dickerson

Tags: Gha IakobishviliJules Dickerson