2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$3,000 Mystery Bounty
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Hossien Taki Eliminated in 10th Place ($21,250)

Level 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Hossien Taki
Hossien Taki

Manuel Fischer raised to 240,000 from the button. Hossien Taki, in the big blind, was short and chose to call the bet blind.

Taki still hadn't looked at his cards as he moved all in for 85,000 on the K104. Fischer called.

Hossien Taki: 65
Manuel Fischer: Q10

The turn and river fell the 8 and Q respectively. Fischer's two pair was more than good enough to send Taki to the rail. The remaining nine players are now on the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer
Hossien Taki gb
Hossien Taki

Tags: Hossien TakiManuel Fischer

Nikolay Ponomarev Eliminated in 11th Place ($21,250)

Level 29 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Nikolay Ponomarev
Nikolay Ponomarev

Manuel Fischer open raised to 160,000 from late position and Nikolay Ponomarev three-bet from the button to 240,000. Fischer moved all in and Ponomarev called for the rest of his stack. The cards were turned.

Nikolay Ponomarev: K10
Manuel Fischer: A10

The board ran out 851097. Fischer had Ponomarev dominated. Both players hit a pair of tens on the flop and Fischer held with his ace kicker.

Ponomarev was eliminated from the tournament in 11th place for $21,250.

Player Chips Progress
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer
Nikolay Ponomarev gb
Nikolay Ponomarev

Tags: Manuel FischerNikolay Ponomarev

Deividas Daubaris Eliminated in 12th Place ($17,700)

Level 29 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Deividas Daubaris
Deividas Daubaris

Walid Bou Habib raised from under the gun and Deividas Daubaris moved all in from the small blind with a short stack of around 300,000. Habib called and players flipped their cards.

Deividas Daubaris: KJ
Walid Bou Habib: 98

Daubaris was ahead until the board ran out 65954 to give Habib a pair of nines on the flop, two pair on the turn with the fives on board. He won the pot and chipped up to around 3,500,000.

Daubaris was eliminated from the tournament in 12th place for $17,700.

Player Chips Progress
Walid Bou Habib lb
Walid Bou Habib
Deividas Daubaris lt
Deividas Daubaris

Tags: Deividas DaubarisWalid Bou Habib

Milos Petakovic Eliminated in 13th Place ($17,700)

Level 29 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Milos Petakovic
Milos Petakovic

Dmitrii Nazarov raised from the cutoff, Milos Petakovic three-bet jammed from the big blind and Nazarov called.

Milos Petakovic: AQ
Dmitrii Nazarov: QQ

The dealer spread the AJ6 flop to have Petakovic take the lead. The 7 turned and the Q landed on the river. Nazarov found the last queen in the deck to make a set and send Petakovic to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov
Day 2 Chip Leader
Milos Petakovic rs
Milos Petakovic

Tags: Dmitrii NazarovMilos Petakovic

Farid Jattin Eliminated in 14th Place ($14,750)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Farid Jattin
Farid Jattin

Action folded around to Farid Jattin, who moved all in from the button for around 800,000. Deividas Daubaris made the call in the small blind with the bigger stack and players turned their cards.

Farid Jattin: KJ
Deividas Daubaris: A9

The board ran out 62795. Daubaris made a pair of nines and held to win the pot. Jattin was eliminated from the tournament in 14th place for $14,750.

Player Chips Progress
Deividas Daubaris lt
Deividas Daubaris
Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin

Tags: Deividas DaubarisFarid Jattin

Ekrem Sanioglu Eliminated in 15th Place ($14,750)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Ekrem Sanioglu
Ekrem Sanioglu

Action was on the turn on a board of 3K67. Ekrem Sanioglu led out for 410,000 and Dmitrii Nazarov moved all in. Sanioglu called and players turned their cards, with Sanioglu at risk.

Ekrem Sanioglu: KQ
Dmitrii Nazarov: 77

Sanioglu had a pair of kings, but Nazarov had made a set of sevens on the turn. The river came the J and Nazarov won the pot. He now has around 7,800,000 chips.

Sanioglu was eliminated from the tournament in 15th place for $14,750.

Player Chips Progress
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ekrem Sanioglu fr
Ekrem Sanioglu

Tags: Dmitrii NazarovEkrem Sanioglu

Damir Gabdullin Eliminated in 16th Place ($12,300)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Damir Gabdullin
Damir Gabdullin

Dmitrii Nazarov raised to 150,000 and Damir Gabdullin moved all in from the button for just 215,000. Milos Petakovic called in the small blind, Kemal Aslan called in the big blind, and Nazarov also called.

Players opted to check down on a board of 743. The turn came the K and all three players checked again. The river was the Q and again players checked to showdown. Hands were revealed.

Damir Gabdullin: J10
Milos Petakovic: A8
Kemal Aslan: AJ
Dmitrii Nazarov: JQ

Nazarov showed the winning hand with a pair of queens. Gabdullin was eliminated in 16th place for $12,300.

Player Chips Progress
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov
Day 2 Chip Leader
Damir Gabdullin ru
Damir Gabdullin

Tags: Damir GabdullinDmitrii NazarovKemal AslanMilos Petakovic

[Removed:432] Eliminated in 17th Place ($12,300)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Ekrem Sanioglu raised to 135,000, from under the gun and [Removed:432] moved all in for 990,000, to his direct left. Walid Bou Habib made the call in the big blind and Sanioglu got out of the way.

[Removed:432]: JJ
Walid Bou Habib: 99

The board ran out 93K94. Habib's flopped set was upgraded to quads on the turn, sealing [Removed:433]'s fate and sending him home in 17th place.

Player Chips Progress
Walid Bou Habib lb
Walid Bou Habib
[Removed:432] fr

Tags: Ekrem SaniogluWalid Bou Habib

Silius Moll Eliminated in 18th Place ($10,650)

Level 28 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Silius Moll
Silius Moll

Action folded around to Silius Moll, who pushed all in from the button for 470,000, less than 10 big blinds. Milos Petakovic called in the big blind with the bigger stack and players flipped their cards.

Silius Moll: Q8
Milos Petakovic: K3

The board ran out 534107. Petakovic hit a pair of threes and held to win the pot. Moll was eliminated from the tournament in 18th place for $10,650.

Player Chips Progress
Milos Petakovic rs
Milos Petakovic
Silius Moll no
Silius Moll

Tags: Milos PetakovicSilius Moll

$3,000 Mystery Bounty Event Plays Down to Winner Today

Dumitru Pora
Dumitru Pora

It's time for the Final Day of the $3,000 Mystery Bounty, running as part of the PokerStars European Poker Tour Cyprus at the luxurious Merit Royal Diamond Hotel Casino & Spa. The event gets back underway at 12 p.m. local time.

There were a total of 981 entries made to the event, which gave a total prize pool of $2,664,396. This broke down to $1,683,396 in the regular prize pool and $981,000 in the bounty prize pool.

With those who made it through Day 1, as well as fresh entries before the end of late registration, 352 players came back for Day 2. That field has now been whittled down to just 18 players who are left in contention for the top prize of $298,496.

Dmitrii Nazarov of Russia currently holds the chip lead with 2,895,000. He's followed closely by Dumitru Pora of Romania in second, then Ekrem Sanioglu in third place.

Top Ten Chip Counts

PositionPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Dmitrii NazarovRussia2,895,00048
2Dumitru PoraRomania2,785,00046
3Ekrem SaniogluTurkey2,500,00042
4Walid Bou HabibLebanon2,450,00041
5Farid JattinColombia2,375,00040
6Damir ZhugralinKazakhstan2,125,00035
7Kemal AslanTurkey1,805,00030
8Milos PetakovicSerbia1,785,00030
9Quan ZhouHong Kong1,780,00030
10Dylan DestefanoUSA1,575,00026

The biggest bounty prizes have already been pulled, but there's still $10,000 bounties up for grabs as action approaches the final table.

The structure will recommence on Level 28 at blinds of 30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 big blind ante.

The PokerNews live reporting team will bring you live updates straight from the tournament floor, catching every bustout along the way as the event plays down to a winner.

Tags: Damir ZhugralinDmitrii NazarovDumitru PoraDylan DestefanoEkrem SaniogluFarid JattinKemal AslanMilos PetakovicQuan ZhouWalid Bou Habib