2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$3,000 Mystery Bounty
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Unusual End as Split Agreed - Walid Bou Habib Eliminated in 2nd Place ($242,623)

Level 37 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Walid Bou Habib
Walid Bou Habib

A deal had already been made, leaving $25,000 and the trophy aside for the winner. After some back and forth heads-up, players then agreed to split the $25,000.

Walid Bou Habib agreed that Quan Zhou could have the trophy.

However, the tournament director stated that play must continue for the trophy, so once the money was chopped Habib decided to dump his chips to Zhou so that he would end up with the PokerStars Spade.

Over the course of three hands, Habib proceeded to dump his stack to Zhou until he had just one big blind remaining. Players then went all in for Habib's last big blind.

Walid Bou Habib: 65
Quan Zhou: 102

The board ran out 2QAQ8. Zhou held with a pair of deuces to win the tournament and take the trophy - as agreed prior to the outcome.

Tags: Quan ZhouWalid Bou Habib

Dmitrii Nazarov Eliminated in 3rd Place ($133,400)

Level 36 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Dmitrii Nazarov
Dmitrii Nazarov

Dmitrii Nazarov moved all in for 4,350,000 from the small blind. Walid Bou Habib made the call in the big blind.

Dmitrii Nazarov: Q3
Walid Bou Habib: A4

The board ran out 10894A. Habib's two pair was enough to send the start of Day 2 chip leader, Nazarov, home in third place.

Player Chips Progress
Walid Bou Habib lb
Walid Bou Habib
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Dmitrii NazarovWalid Bou Habib

Dumitru Pora Eliminated in 4th Place ($102,600)

Level 34 : 100,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Dumitru Pora
Dumitru Pora

Dumitru Pora raised to 1,200,000 from the button, which was more than half of his stack. Quan Zhou reraised from the small blind and players got their chips in the middle, with Pora at risk.

Dumitru Pora: A4
Quan Zhou: AQ

Pora was dominated and the board ran out 310Q49 to give Zhou a pair of queens on the flop. He chipped up to over 10,000,000.

Pora was eliminated from the tournament in fourth place for $102,600.

Player Chips Progress
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Dumitru Pora ro
Dumitru Pora

Tags: Dumitru PoraQuan Zhou

Manuel Fischer Eliminated in 5th Place ($78,950)

Level 34 : 100,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Manuel Fischer
Manuel Fischer

Dmitrii Nazarov raised to 500,000, from under the gun. Manuel Fischer three-bet to 1,000,000, from the small blind, and Nazarov moved all in. Fischer called.

Manuel Fischer: KK
Dmitrii Nazarov: AQ

Fischer got his money in good, but the flop reversed their fates as the dealer spread A48. The 9 and 8 runout couldn't save Nazarov and he was eliminated in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov
Day 2 Chip Leader
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer

Tags: Dmitrii NazarovManuel Fischer

Dylan DeStefano Eliminated in 6th Place ($60,700)

Level 33 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Dylan DeStefano
Dylan DeStefano

Quan Zhou raised to 420,000, from under the gun. Dylan DeStefano three-bet to 850,000, on the button, and Zhou moved all in for 4,620,000. DeStefano called off the bet for his remaining 4,315,000.

Dylan DeStefano: JJ
Quan Zhou: AQ

The board ran out 3Q682. Zhou paired his queen on the flop to win the biggest flip of his tournament so far, sending DeStefano to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Dylan Destefano us
Dylan Destefano
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Dylan DeStefanoQuan Zhou

Jacques Der Megreditchian Eliminated in 7th Place ($60,700)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Jacques Der Megreditchian
Jacques Der Megreditchian

Walid Bou Habib opened jammed for 2,500,000, from the button. Jacques Der Megreditchian, in the small blind, called off the bet for his last 1,100,000.

Jacques Der Megreditchian: A6
Walid Bou Habib: KQ

The board ran out K2109Q to give Habib two pair, sending home Der Megreditchian.

Der Megreditchian came into the day short and managed to consistently ladder up to seventh place for a healthy $60,700.

Player Chips Progress
Walid Bou Habib lb
Walid Bou Habib
Jacques Der Megreditchian fr
Jacques Der Megreditchian

Tags: Der MegreditchianWalid Bou Habib

Kemal Aslan Eliminated in 8th Place ($35,900)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Kemal Aslan
Kemal Aslan

Kemal Aslan moved all in for 1,125,000, from the cutoff. Dumitru Pora called, on the button.

Kemal Aslan: A10
Dumitru Pora: KK

The dealer brought some hope as the window card came the A. Unfortunately for Aslan, the K10 followed quickly behind. The 2 turn and 6 river landed; Pora's set of kings sent Aslan to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Dumitru Pora ro
Dumitru Pora
Kemal Aslan tr
Kemal Aslan

Tags: Dumitru PoraKemal Aslan

Damir Zhugralin Eliminated in 9th Place ($27,600)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Damir Zhugralin
Damir Zhugralin

Action folded around to Damir Zhugralin, who shoved all in from the small blind. Dylan DeStefano called in the big blind with slightly less chips and players flipped their cards.

Dylan DeStefano: KQ
Damir Zhugralin: A3

The board ran out J1034Q. The flop gave Zhugralin a pair of threes and brought DeStefano a straight draw along with his overcards. DeStefano then hit a pair of queens on the river to win the pot, leaving Zhugralin with just over one big blind left behind.

The next hand, Dumitru Pora raised to 250,000 and Dmitrii Nazarov three-bet to 600,000 from late position. Zhugralin called all in for 115,000 and Pora moved all in over the top. Nazarov folded and two players turned over their cards.

Damir Zhugralin: 72
Dumitru Pora: AQ

The board ran out 9J68A. Zhugralin picked up a straight draw on the turn, but Pora paired his ace on the river to win the pot.

Zhugralin was eliminated from the tournament in ninth place for $27,600.

Player Chips Progress
Dumitru Pora ro
Dumitru Pora
Dylan Destefano us
Dylan Destefano
$25K Fantasy
Damir Zhugralin kz
Damir Zhugralin

Tags: Damir ZhugralinDmitrii NazarovDumitru PoraDylan DeStefano

Hossien Taki Eliminated in 10th Place ($21,250)

Level 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Hossien Taki
Hossien Taki

Manuel Fischer raised to 240,000 from the button. Hossien Taki, in the big blind, was short and chose to call the bet blind.

Taki still hadn't looked at his cards as he moved all in for 85,000 on the K104. Fischer called.

Hossien Taki: 65
Manuel Fischer: Q10

The turn and river fell the 8 and Q respectively. Fischer's two pair was more than good enough to send Taki to the rail. The remaining nine players are now on the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer
Hossien Taki
Hossien Taki

Tags: Hossien TakiManuel Fischer

Nikolay Ponomarev Eliminated in 11th Place ($21,250)

Level 29 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Nikolay Ponomarev
Nikolay Ponomarev

Manuel Fischer open raised to 160,000 from late position and Nikolay Ponomarev three-bet from the button to 240,000. Fischer moved all in and Ponomarev called for the rest of his stack. The cards were turned.

Nikolay Ponomarev: K10
Manuel Fischer: A10

The board ran out 851097. Fischer had Ponomarev dominated. Both players hit a pair of tens on the flop and Fischer held with his ace kicker.

Ponomarev was eliminated from the tournament in 11th place for $21,250.

Player Chips Progress
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer
Nikolay Ponomarev gb
Nikolay Ponomarev

Tags: Manuel FischerNikolay Ponomarev