2022 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

€1,100 FPS Main Event
Day: 1ab
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 1ab
Players Left

Level: 5

Blinds: 200/500

Ante: 500

Boukrouma Flips vs Kessas

Level 5 : 200/500, 500 ante

Nicolas Bouquin opened to 1,000 in early position and was called by Eliott Kessas on his left. Salim Boukrouma re-raised to 6,000 on the button which got the blinds and Bouquin to fold. Kessas deliberated for a moment before shoving all in. Boukrouma quickly called off his stack of 24,500 and the cards were on their backs.

Salim Boukrouma: {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}
Eliott Kessas: {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

It was a coin flip and the flop of {8-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} left Boukrouma in the lead with his pocket tens. The {3-Hearts} on the turn and the {6-Diamonds} on the river changed nothing as Boukrouma scored a double-up through Kessas.

Player Chips Progress
Salim Boukrouma dz
Salim Boukrouma
Eliott Kessas fr
Eliott Kessas

Tags: Eliott KessasSalim Boukrouma

Kolev Calls Pietrotti's Over-Bet

Level 5 : 200/500, 500 ante

Boris Kolev raised it up from early position and Jean-Clode Pietrotti three-bet from the big blind. Kolev called and they went heads-up to a flop of {j-Clubs}{2-Spades}{2-Clubs}. With around 7,500 in the middle, Pietrotti open-shipped all in with the larger of the two stacks. Kolev thought for a moment and then flicked in a chip to signify a call for his stack of 22,000.

Boris Kolev: {3-Spades}{3-Diamonds}
Jean-Clode Pietrotti: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}

Kolev made the correct call with his pocket threes but still needed them to hold up. The {5-Diamonds} on the turn and the {5-Spades} on the river were no help to Pietrotti who sent over a double up.

Player Chips Progress
Boris Kolev bg
Boris Kolev
Jean-Clode Pietrotti fr
Jean-Clode Pietrotti

Tags: Boris Kolev

Level: 6

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Fast Scoops a Three-Bet Pot

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante

The cutoff raised it up to 1,400 and was called by the button. Dietrich Fast was in the small blind and squeezed to 5,500 but wound up getting called by just the big blind.

The flop fell {6-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs} and Fast led out with a bet of 6,500. His opponent in the big blind thought for a minute before reluctantly laying his hand down while Fast scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Dietrich Fast de
Dietrich Fast

Tags: Dietrich Fast

Colillas Sends Panetti to the Rail

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante
Ramon Colillas
Ramon Colillas

There was a raise to 1,200 in early position and Ramon Colillas re-raised to 3,500 from the hijack. The cutoff called along with Christophe Panetti in the big blind. The three players saw a flop of {a-Spades}{3-Hearts}{2-Hearts} which stirred up some action.

Colillas continued with a bet of 4,000 and the cutoff min-raised to 8,000. Panetti just called and Colillas countered with a three-bet to 24,000. The cutoff laid his hand down and Panetti stuck in the last of his 19,000 chips.

Christophe Panetti: {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
Ramon Colillas: {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}

The {9-Clubs} on the turn gave Panetti some more outs with a pair and a flush draw but the {2-Clubs} on the river was a brick as Colillas collected the last of Panetti's chips.

Player Chips Progress
Ramon Colillas es
Ramon Colillas
Christophe Panetti ch
Christophe Panetti

Tags: Christophe PanettiRamon Colillas

Paris Doubles Up

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante

With 14,100 in the pot, while the flop read {2-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}, Bryan Paris had called from the small blind for the 22,800 he had behind as his opponent in the big blind put him all-in.

Bryan Paris: {a-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}
Big Blind: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

Paris had flopped the nut flush draw but his opponent was ahead with the higher kicker.

The turn was the {4-Hearts} for Paris to pick up some extra outs to double up with the wheel draw and the dealer gave him what he was hoping for as the {3-Hearts} completed the board.

Player Chips Progress
Bryan Paris us
Bryan Paris

Tags: Bryan Paris

Break Time

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante

Another three levels have passed and the players are heading on another 15-minute break. The field has quickly grown to 310 entries with 220 players still remaining.