2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Lopez Shows in Blind Battle

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Emmanuel Lopez
Emmanuel Lopez

Emmanuel Lopez raised to 80,000 in the small blind and Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz called in the big blind.

The {10-Spades}{7-Spades}{6-Spades} flop was checked to the {7-Clubs} turn. Lopez checked, Wyrzykiewicz bet 145,000, and Lopez called.

The {5-Spades} completed the board and Lopez led for 350,000, causing Wyrzykiewicz to send his cards into the muck. Lopez tabled {a-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} as he claimed the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Emmanuel Lopez ar
Emmanuel Lopez
Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz pl
Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz

Tags: Emmanuel LopezRemigiusz Wyrzykiewicz

Saccucci Applies Pressure to Birkmose

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Jordan Saccucci raised to 65,000 from under the gun and received a call from Daniel Birkmose on the button.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Saccucci checked. Birkmose bet out 60,000 and Saccucci came back with a raise to 170,000.

Birkmose used a time bank before calling as the {9-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Saccucci led out for 160,000 and Birkmose quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Saccucci ca
Jordan Saccucci
EPT 1X Winner
Daniel Birkmose dk
Daniel Birkmose

Tags: Daniel BirkmoseJordan Saccucci

Kovalski Adds to his Stack

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Jack Salter opened to 65,000 from middle position and Patrik Jaros called from the button along with Fabiano Kovalski in the big blind.

The flop was {q-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and was checked through to the {k-Clubs} turn. Action was checked to Salter who threw in a bet of 100,000. Jaros folded but Kovalski check-called.

The {5-Clubs} completed the board and both players checked. Kovalski turned over {4-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} for a flush and Salter mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Fabiano Kovalski br
Fabiano Kovalski

Tags: Fabiano KovalskiJack SalterPatrik Jaros

Moio, Karapanau Survive

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Ryan Yu raised to 60,000 from under the gun before Emmanuel Lopez reraised to 175,000 in the hijack. Guiseppe Moio in the big blind shoved all in for 530,000, Yu asked for a count before folding, while Lopez called.

Guiseppe Moio: {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}
Emmanuel Lopez: {k-Clubs}{10-Hearts}

"I had the best hand," Michael Pinto said.

"No, I had the best hand, guaranteed," Yu replied.

The board ran out {9-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{4-Spades}{6-Hearts} and Moio's two eights held up to secure him a double.

At the same time on an adjacent table, Ryhor Karapanau was all in for 425,000 from middle position and up against Paul Fischill in the hijack.

Ryhor Karapanau: {k-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}
Paul Fischill: {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}

Karapanau took the lead on the {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{4-Clubs} flop with top two pair, and the board ran out {6-Clubs}{8-Clubs} as he let out a fist pump before collecting the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Emmanuel Lopez ar
Emmanuel Lopez
Paul Fischill at
Paul Fischill
Ryan Yu ca
Ryan Yu
Guiseppe Moio it
Guiseppe Moio
Ryhor Karapanau by
Ryhor Karapanau

Tags: Emmanuel LopezGuiseppe MoioPaul FischillRyan YuRyhor Karapanau

Sow Keeps Building

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Kalidou Sow raised to 60,000 from the cutoff and was called by Ramiro Petrone on the button and Daniel Birkmose in the big blind.

Players saw a flop of {9-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and action was checked to Petrone who bet 75,000. Birkmose folded but Sow called.

The turn was the {7-Spades} and was checked through to the {2-Hearts} river. This time, Sow led out with a bet of 110,000 and Petrone gave it some thought, then called. Sow turned over {a-Hearts}{5-Spades} for fives and deuces and Petrone tossed his cards in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Kalidou Sow fr
Kalidou Sow
Ramiro Petrone ar
Ramiro Petrone

Tags: Daniel BirkmoseKalidou SowRamiro Petrone

Mosca Hits The Rail After Cooler Flop

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Enrico Mosca
Enrico Mosca

The action was picked up in a pot of roughly 300,000 on a flop of {a-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. After some back and forth raises, Enrico Mosca got his stack of around 600,000 in the middle and was called by Bruno Pega.

Enrico Mosca: {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Bruno Pega: {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}

Both players smashed the flop with two-pair versus a set. Mosca was in need of a queen or ace to stay alive, but when the board ran out {9-Clubs} {3-Clubs}, it was the end of the road for Mosca as he was eliminated in 37th place.

Player Chips Progress
Bruno Pega ar
Bruno Pega
Enrico Mosca it
Enrico Mosca

Tags: Bruno PegaEnrico Mosca

Chegdane Eliminated by Wyrzykiewicz

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Said Chegdane opened in the cutoff, Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz jammed in the small blind, and Chegdane called all in for his approximately 680,000 chips.

Said Chegdane: {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz: {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs}

Chegdane needed to improve, but the {k-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{7-Spades} flop left him drawing slim. The {10-Diamonds} turn gave the Italian player some outs and some hope, but the {2-Hearts} river quickly dashed those hopes and he made his way to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz pl
Remigiusz Wyrzykiewicz
Said Chegdane it
Said Chegdane

Tags: Remigiusz WyrzykiewiczSaid Chegdane

Pinto Busts Another as Ribeiro Runs Set Into Set

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Carlos Ribeiro
Carlos Ribeiro

Carlos Ribeiro raised to 65,000 from the cutoff before Michael Pinto reraised to 200,000 on the button. Ribeiro called and they went heads-up to a {a-Hearts}{7-Spades}{k-Diamonds} flop.

Both players checked to the {j-Spades} turn, when Pinto bet another 260,000. Ribeiro called and the {8-Clubs} fell on the river.

Ribeiro checked once more and Pinto pushed forward a massive tower of chips, a bet totaling 1,550,000. Ribeiro, with around 1,300,000 behind, went into the tank as he used three time bank cards.

"Call," he eventually announced, but he let out a loud groan and shot back in his seat when Pinto showed him {k-Spades}{k-Clubs} for a set of kings. Ribeiro turned over {j-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}.

"I knew you had jacks. That's why I shoved," Pinto said as Ribeiro made his exit.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Pinto nl
Michael Pinto
Day 4 Chip Leader
Carlos Ribeiro br
Carlos Ribeiro

Tags: Carlos RibeiroMichael Pinto

Sow's Preflop Aggression Takes It Down

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Kalidou Sow
Kalidou Sow

Kalidou Sow opened the action to 60,000 from the hijack and Daniel Birkmose tried to limp in from the small blind, not realizing Sow opened behind. Birkmose was forced to leave the 30,000 in or call the raise, which he did. Sebastian Toro saw an opportunity and three-bet to 295,000.

Action was back on Sow, who after a moment slid out a four-bet to 750,000. Birkmose quickly folded and Toro went in the tank. After a couple of time bank cards were used, Toro elected on a fold.

"Good spot for you," said Sow to Toro as he dragged in the pot.

"No no, I had a hand. Show, show," replied Toro.

"Give me one time bank card to show," joked Sow as he passed his cards to the dealer.

Player Chips Progress
Kalidou Sow fr
Kalidou Sow
Daniel Birkmose dk
Daniel Birkmose
Sebastian Toro co
Sebastian Toro

Tags: Daniel BirkmoseKalidou SowSebastian Toro

Sorensen Sends Horecki Out

Level 24 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Marcin Horecki
Marcin Horecki

Marcin Horecki shoved from the hijack for 425,000 and Torben Sorensen reshoved from the button.

Marcin Horecki: {a-Clubs}{j-Spades}
Torben Sorensen: {8-Clubs}{8-Spades}

The board came {q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{4-Hearts} and Sorensen won the pot with eights full of queens, sending Horecki to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Torben Sorensen dk
Torben Sorensen
Marcin Horecki pl
Marcin Horecki

Tags: Marcin HoreckiTorben Sorensen