2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Mokri Shoves the River on Guerrero

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Kayhan Mokri - Jimmy Guerrero
Kayhan Mokri - Jimmy Guerrero

Action folded to Kayhan Mokri in the small blind who limped in. Jimmy Guerrero in the big blind made it 200,000 and Mokri called.

The flop came {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{2-Spades} and Mokri checked to Guerrero, who bet 210,000. Mokri put in a raise to 450,000 and Guerrero quickly called.

Mokri bet again on the {6-Clubs} turn, this time for 515,000. Guerrero called as the {8-Diamonds} fell on the river.

Mokri threw in all five of his time bank cards but only used one before announcing he was all in. Now it was Guerrero's turn to tank as he was faced with a decision for his last 1,450,000.

Guerrero used two of his own time banks, leaving just one behind, and right before he was forced to use his last he slid his cards into the muck.

Jimmy Guerrero
Jimmy Guerrero
Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 2 Chip Leader
Jimmy Guerrero fr
Jimmy Guerrero

Tags: Jimmy GuerreroKayhan Mokri

PN Pod: Phil Galfond Gives "Galfond Challenge" Update; He's Ready for High Stakes Duel

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
PN Podcast
PN Podcast

In the latest edition of the PokerNews Podcast, Sarah Herring, Chad Holloway, and Jesse Fullen welcome guest Phil Galfond to the show. The poker legend gives more details on his summer match against the poker dealer who stepped up to play him at some high-stakes online pot-limit Omaha (PLO) action, shares an update on the status of "The Galfond Challenge," and talks about the possibility of playing on PokerGO's High Stakes Duel, maybe against Phil Hellmuth or a PLO edition. He also talks about his recently-released PLO course.

Speaking of Hellmuth, the crew discusses Scott Seiver backing out of High Stakes Duel III and Jason Koon stepping up to fill his spot, as well as recap all the big stories coming out of the record-breaking PokerStars and Barcelona© Casino European Poker Tour including Michael Addamo claiming his first-ever EPT title and Giada Fang shipping a $30K Platinum Pass.

They also highlight Bobby Tieu's victory in the bestbet Jacksonville Summer Heater Event #1: $400 NLH, and launch the brand new PokerNews Bad Beat Hotline where listeners can call in (+1 702-625-0166) and share their bad beats, which may be featured on a future episode of the show.

Click here to listen to the new PN Podcast!

Nouira Check-Shoves on Fischill

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Paul Fischill opened to 125,000 on the button and Maher Nouira defended the big blind.

The dealer spread the {k-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{2-Clubs} flop and Nouira check-called for 95,000, while both players checked the {3-Spades} turn.

The {9-Clubs} completed the board, Nouira checked, and Fischill bet 275,000. Nouira then moved all in, and Fischill folded fairly quickly. Nouira tabled {j-Clubs}{9-Hearts} as he scooped the pot.

"That beats me," noted Fischill.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Fischill at
Paul Fischill
Maher Nouira tn
Maher Nouira

Tags: Maher NouiraPaul Fischill

Eights Are Good for Bendinelli

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Giuliano Bendinelli opened to 120,000 from the button and Michael Pinto defended from the big blind.

The dealer spread a flop of {5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{3-Hearts} that was checked through to the {q-Hearts} turn. This time, Pinto threw in a bet of 130,000 that Bendinelli called.

The {q-Spades} completed the board and Pinto continued with another bet of 400,000. Bendinelli snap-called. Pinto turned over {9-Hearts}{6-Clubs} for a bluff and Bendinelli revealed {8-Clubs}{8-Spades} to win the pot with queens and eights.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Pinto nl
Michael Pinto
Day 4 Chip Leader
Giuliano Bendinelli it
Giuliano Bendinelli
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Giuliano BendinelliMichael Pinto

Machado Takes Four-Bet Pot

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Patrik Jaros opened to 120,000 from under the gun and it folded to Kalidou Sow in the small blind who three-bet to 500,000. Peterson Machado was next to act in the big blind and four-bet shoved for 2,565,000.

Jaros quickly folded and Sow went deep in the tank. After several minutes of thought, Sow elected to fold and the chips were sent to Machado without contest.

Player Chips Progress
Patrik Jaros cz
Patrik Jaros
Day 5 Chip Leader
Peterson Machado br
Peterson Machado
Day 3 Chip Leader
Kalidou Sow fr
Kalidou Sow

Tags: Kalidou SowPatrik JarosPeterson Machado

Martin Olali Eliminated in 18th Place (€56,460)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Martin Olali
Martin Olali

Martin Olali shoved for 1,185,000 from under the gun. Jimmy Guerrero, next to act, asked for a count before eventually folding.

"Call," big blind Kayhan Mokri said emphatically as he showed {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades}. Olali turned over {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} and needed help to stay alive.

Both players hit an ace on the {7-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{a-Spades} flop, while the {7-Spades} on the turn opened the possibility of a chop. The river came the {k-Clubs} and Mokri made two pair to bust Olali in 18th place.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 2 Chip Leader
Martin Olali ie
Martin Olali

Tags: Kayhan MokriMartin Olali

Guerrero Triples, Nouira Doubles, Fischill Pays Everyone Off

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Jimmy Guerrero
Jimmy Guerrero

Jimmy Guerrero shoved all in for 750,000 in the cutoff and Paul Fischill called on the button. In the big blind, Maher Nouira reshoved for 1,300,000 and Fischill called.

Jimmy Guerrero: {10-Spades}{9-Spades}
Maher Nouira: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}
Paul Fischill: {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

The {2-Hearts}{j-Spades}{5-Spades} flop was safe for Nouira, but Guerrero spiked the {10-Diamonds} on the turn to leap into the lead as tablemate Scott Margereson put his head into his hands.

The river was the {3-Spades} and Guerrero tripled up, while Nouira nearly doubled off Fischill.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Fischill at
Paul Fischill
Jimmy Guerrero fr
Jimmy Guerrero
Maher Nouira tn
Maher Nouira

Tags: Jimmy GuerreroMaher NouiraPaul Fischill

Sebastian Toro Eliminated in 19th Place (€56,460)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Sebastian Toro
Sebastian Toro

Sebastian Toro raised to 325,000 under the gun and action folded to Michael Pinto in the big blind who three-bet jammed. Toro called for less, with a total of 540,000.

Sebastian Toro: {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}
Michael Pinto: {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}

The runout was {5-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Spades}{10-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Pinto stayed ahead, eliminating Toro in 19th place for a €56,460 payday.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Pinto nl
Michael Pinto
Day 4 Chip Leader
Sebastian Toro co
Sebastian Toro

Tags: Michael PintoSebastian Toro

Fischill Calls Down Triple Barrel

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Paul Fischill
Paul Fischill

Kayhan Mokri opened to 130,000 from under the gun, Paul Fischill flatted on the button, and Maher Nouira defended the big blind.

The dealer fanned out the {k-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} flop and action checked to Mokri who bet 110,000. Only Fischill continued.

The {8-Spades} landed on the turn, Mokri bet 430,000, and Fischill called. On the {2-Hearts} river, Mokri bet 1,275,000, and Fischill called again.

Mokri could only show {q-Clubs}{j-Clubs}, while Fischill tabled {k-Clubs}{8-Clubs} to take the pot with two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Kayhan Mokri no
Kayhan Mokri
Day 2 Chip Leader
Paul Fischill at
Paul Fischill
Maher Nouira tn
Maher Nouira

Tags: Kayhan MokriPaul Fischill