2022 PokerStars EPT Prague

€1,100 Eureka Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,250,000 / 2,500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Dirlewanger Makes Hero Call, Dziubdziela Out

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Leandro Dirlewanger
Leandro Dirlewanger

Marcin Dziubdziela opened to 300,000 from middle position and was called by Marko Martinkovic in the hijack and Leandro Dirlewanger in the big blind.

The flop showed up {q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{k-Clubs}. Dirlewanger checked, Dziubdziela continued on the monotone board for 250,000. Martinkovic folded, but Dirlewanger check-called.

On the {8-Diamonds} turn, Dirlewanger checked again. Dziubdziela fired a second bullet for 500,000. Again Dirlewanger called.

The river brought the {9-Spades} and Dirlewanger checked one final time. Dziubdziela emptied the clip for 1,775,000 effective, barely having Dirlewanger covered. Dirlewanger went deep into the tank until the clock was called. Halfway through his 30-second countdown, he made the call.

Dziubdziela showed {a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} for the bluff with the nut blocker, Dirlewanger called with {q-Spades}{9-Clubs} for rivered two pair and the winner.


Dziubdziela got his last 175,000 in shortly after against Marko Martinkovic.

Marcin Dziubdziela: {a-Spades}{k-Spades}
Marko Martinkovic: {a-Hearts}{10-Clubs}

Ahead to try and claw back, Dziubdziela fell behind on the {10-Spades}{q-Spades}{a-Clubs} flop, but still had plenty of outs with a royal draw. The turn and river were the {7-Clubs} and {9-Hearts}, so he couldn't get there and was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Leandro Dirlewanger ch
Leandro Dirlewanger
Marko Martinkovic hr
Marko Martinkovic
Marcin Dziubdziela pl
Marcin Dziubdziela

Tags: Leandro DirlewangerMarcin DziubdzielaMarko Martinkovic

Bart Fergiatakis Eliminated in 24th Place (€12,260)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Bart Fergiatakis
Bart Fergiatakis

In a heads-up pot on the turn, Bart Fergiatakis led for 800,000 from the big blind into a pot of about 1,600,000. The board showed {2-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{5-Spades}{8-Clubs}.

Silius Moll moved all in for the 3,300,000 effective in Fergiatakis' stack. Fergiatakis gave it some thought but decided to go with his hand.

Bart Fergiatakis: {4-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}
Silius Moll: {a-Spades}{8-Diamonds}

Moll had hit top pair on the turn, Fergiatakis had a pair and straight draw. The river landed a {j-Clubs}, which changed nothing and Fergiatakis was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Silius Moll no
Silius Moll
Bart Fergiatakis nl
Bart Fergiatakis
Day 1C Chip Leader

Tags: Bart FergiatakisSilius Moll

Hans Holst Eliminated in 23rd Place (€14,080)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Hans Holst
Hans Holst

Hans Holst moved all in for around 1,600,000 and was called by the bigger-stacked Alejandro Lococo.

Hans Holst: {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}
Alejandro Lococo: {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

Lococo took a big lead on the flop of {j-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{10-Hearts} with a pair of tens and held to eliminate Holst as the board ran out {3-Spades}{j-Spades}.

Player Chips Progress
Alejandro Lococo ar
Alejandro Lococo
Hans Holst se
Hans Holst

Tags: Alejandro LococoHans Holst

Marcus Krzymyk Eliminated in 22nd Place (€14,080)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Marcus Krzymyk
Marcus Krzymyk

Leandro Dirlewanger opened to 400,000 under the gun. Directly on his left, Damir Savio flatted the raise. Action folded to Marcus Krzymyk in the big blind who called to head to the flop three ways.

The dealer put out {4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{7-Spades}. Krzymyk led with a jam for 2,425,000. Dirlewanger folded, but after getting a count, Savio made the call to put Krzymyk at risk.

Marcus Krzymyk: {6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}
Damir Savio: {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}

Krzymyk flopped a big combo draw, but Savio held the overpair. The turn was a {10-Spades} and river the {k-Spades}, so Krzymyk bricked everything and was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Damir Savio mt
Damir Savio
Day 1A Chip Leader
Leandro Dirlewanger ch
Leandro Dirlewanger
Marcus Krzymyk de
Marcus Krzymyk

Tags: Damir SavioLeandro DirlewangerMarcus Krzymyk

Alejandro Lococo Eliminated in 21st Place (€14,080)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Alejandro Lococo
Alejandro Lococo

Action began on the river in a heads-up pot between Alejandro Lococo and Leonardo Romeo. With about 3,500,000 in the pot, the board showed {6-Spades}{j-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{9-Spades}.

Romeo checked from the big blind. On the button, Lococo moved all in for 2,700,000 and put his head in his arms in trademark fashion. Nearly a minute went by while Romeo studied the board. Eventually, he landed on a call.

"GG," said Lococo as he turned over {q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} for a busted straight draw and queen high.

Romeo showed {a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} for top pair. He tapped the table firmly and celebrated his call. He jumps into top spot on the leaderboard while Lococo heads home.

Player Chips Progress
Leonardo Romeo it
Leonardo Romeo
Alejandro Lococo ar
Alejandro Lococo

Tags: Alejandro LococoLeonardo Romeo

Georgios Kostakis Eliminated in 20th Place (€16,770)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Georgios Kostakis
Georgios Kostakis

Georgios Kostakis completed in the small blind and Silius Moll raised to 700,000 in the big blind. Kostakis three-bet jammed a stack of around 3,000,000 and Moll called with a bigger stack.

Georgios Kostakis: {j-Clubs}{j-Spades}
Silius Moll: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}

The flop of {q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} looked good for Kostakis, but the {a-Spades} then rolled off on the turn to give Moll the lead before the {4-Hearts} river marked Kostakis' elimination in 20th place for €16,770.

Player Chips Progress
Silius Moll no
Silius Moll
Georgios Kostakis gr
Georgios Kostakis

Tags: Georgios KostakisSilius Moll

Andreas Vlachos Eliminated in 19th Place (€16,770)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Andreas Vlachos
Andreas Vlachos

Andreas Vlachos moved all in from the cutoff for 1,450,000. He was called by Silius Moll in the big blind and the two headed to a runout with Vlachos at risk.

Andreas Vlachos: {q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Silius Moll: {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts}

His suit dominated, Vlachos was looking for help. Only Moll would find a pair on the {9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{5-Spades}{3-Hearts}, though, so Vlachos was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Silius Moll no
Silius Moll
Andreas Vlachos gr
Andreas Vlachos

Tags: Andreas VlachosSilius Moll

Martin Stoyanov Eliminated in 18th Place (€16,770)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Martin Stoyanov
Martin Stoyanov

Action picked up on the flop in a heads-up pot between Martin Stoyanov and Robert Heidorn. The board showed {2-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{9-Spades}.

Robert Heidorn had just moved all in on the flop from the big blind and was called by Robert Heidorn in early position as the players were turning their cards over.

Martin Stoyanov: {k-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Robert Heidorn: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}

Stoyanov's flopped top pair was no good against Heidorn's overpair. The runout came {2-Spades} turn and {a-Diamonds} river to keep Heidorn ahead so Stoyanov was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn
Martin Stoyanov bg
Martin Stoyanov

Tags: Martin StoyanovRobert Heidorn

Danut Chisu Eliminated in 17th Place (€20,170)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Danut Chisu
Danut Chisu

Pieter Theelen moved all in from the small blind and was called by Danut Chisu who was the effective stack with about 1,500,000.

Danut Chisu: {k-Spades}{10-Clubs}
Pieter Theelen: {a-Spades}{3-Diamonds}

The board ran out {8-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{8-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}, both players made a pair, but Theelen's aces sent Chisu out the door.

Player Chips Progress
Pieter Theelen nl
Pieter Theelen
Danut Chisu ro
Danut Chisu

Tags: Danut ChisuPieter Theelen

Guivarch Finds an Ace and a Double

Level 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Quentin Erwan Guivarch
Quentin Erwan Guivarch

Quentin Erwan Guivarch moved all in from early position for 2,575,000. On the button, Silius Moll made the call, everyone else folded, and the chip leader at the start of the day was at risk.

Quentin Guivarch: {a-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Silius Moll: {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

Guivarch was ace hunting, and he found what he was looking for on the {a-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{5-Hearts} runout, so he secured a much needed double to get healthy.

Player Chips Progress
Silius Moll no
Silius Moll
Quentin Guivarch fr
Quentin Guivarch
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Quentin Erwan GuivarchQuentin GuivarchSilius Moll