2019 PokerStars EPT Sochi

₽77,000 EPT National
Day: 3
Event Info

2019 PokerStars EPT Sochi

Final Results
Winning Hand
9,317,000 RUB
Event Info
77,000 RUB
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000

₽77,000 EPT National

Day 3 Started

Eight Remain, But Who Will Win EPT National?

Yury Masliankou
Yury Masliankou

Yury Masliankou is just seven eliminations away from becoming the second non-Russian to win the EPT Sochi National. The Belarussian picked up the chip lead late on Day 2 after clashing with Georgiy Skhulukhiya, who is second in chips, and held onto it as he heads into the final day as the clear chip leader.

Twelve months since Czech player Matous Houzvicek clinched the title, Masliankou will be eyeing the RUB 9,137,000 ($139,755) payout for first prize but several players stand in his way.

Here's how the final eight players stack up:

SeatNameCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Yury MasliankouBelarus5,260,000105
2Kartik VedIndia1,385,00028
3Leonid BilokurRussia3,210,00064
4Daniil LukinRussia2,595,00052
5Andrey LukyanovRussia2,380,00048
6Sarkis KarabadzhakyanRussia670,00013
7Giorgiy SkhulukhiyaRussia4,145,00083
8Alexandr SergutinRussia1,985,00040

As you can see, there's clear water between Masliankou and Skhulukhiya at the top of the counts, with another gap back to former chip leader Leonid Bilokur (3,210,000).

Last year, Bilokur finished 55th in the EPT Sochi Main Event, and with over $3.5m in lifetime earnings, he would crack the Russian all-time top 10 list with a win today.

Then follows Daniil Lukin (2,595,000) and Day 1a chip leader Andrey Lukyanov (2,380,000). Lukyanov finished Day 1a with a shade of 544,000 and is positioned comfortably with an average stack in the middle of the pack.

After Lukyanov, Alexandr Sergutin sits with 40 big blinds and is by no means a short stack at this final table. The final two players are Indian Kartik Ved (1,385,000) and Sarkis Karabadzhakyan (670,000). With 28 and 13 big blinds respectively, these two will focus on good starts to get them back into contention as the blinds steadily increase.

Play will resume in Level 27 (30,000/60,000) and play down to a winner. Here's a reminder of the remaining payouts:

PositionPayout (CSU)Payout (RUB)Payout (USD)
1CSU 133,100RUB 9,317,000$139,755
2CSU 81,500RUB 5,705,000$85,575
3CSU 58,100RUB 4,067,000$61,005
4CSU 43,700RUB 3,059,000$45,885
5CSU 34,400RUB 2,408,000$36,120
6CSU 25,800RUB 1,806,000$27,090
7CSU 18,500RUB 1,295,000$19,425
8CSU 12,700RUB 889,000$13,335

Stay tuned to PokerNews.com as we crown the latest EPT National champion here at Casino Sochi

Tags: Alexandr SergutinAndrey LukyanovDaniil LukinKartik VedLeonid BilokurMatous HouzvicekSarkis KarabadzhakyanYury Masliankou

Level: 27

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 60,000

Skhulukhiya Chipping Up Early

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Giorgiy Skhulukhiya opened to 125,000 and Leonid Bilokur called. Daniil Lukin three-bet to 325,000 from the button both players called.

The trio checked the {j-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{8-Hearts} flop and turn and Skhulukhiya bet 525,000 on the flop. The two opponents folded and he took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya
Leonid Bilokur ru
Leonid Bilokur
Daniil Lukin ua
Daniil Lukin

Tags: Daniil LukinGiorgiy SkhulukhiyaLeonid Bilokur

Bilokur Slipping; Skhulukhiya into Chip Lead

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Leonid Bilokur
Leonid Bilokur

Leonid Bilokur opened pre-flop and Giorgiy Skhulukhiya defended his small blind. The pair checked a {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{2-Spades} flop and Skhulukhiya checked a {2-Diamonds} turn to Bilokur who bet 250,000.

Skhulukhiya then check-raised to 725,000 and Bilokur folded.Bilokur has lost over a million chips in barely 15 minutes.

Player Chips Progress
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhulukhiya
Leonid Bilokur ru
Leonid Bilokur

Tags: Giorgiy SkhulukhiyaLeonid Bilokur

Anyone Else Want to Play? Skhulukhiya and Bilokur Continue to Battle

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

All the major confrontations so far on Day 3 have been between Leonid Bilokur and Georgiy Skhulukhiya, apart from an early shove from Kartik Ved.

This time Skhulukhiya opened and Bilokur defended his small blind. The flop came {5-Clubs}{5-Spades}{9-Diamonds} and Bilokur check-called 100,000.

The turn {8-Diamonds} was checked by both players and the river was the {10-Diamonds}. Bilokur checked and Skhulukhiya bet 325,000. Bilokur snap-called.

Skhulukhiya turned over {a-Spades}{9-Clubs} but Bilokur had finally got some back having rivered top pair with {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}.

Tags: Kartik VedLeonid BilokurGeorgiy Skhulukhiya

Sarkis Karabadzhakyan Eliminated in 8th Place (RUB 889,000/$13,335)

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Sarkis Karabadzhakyan
Sarkis Karabadzhakyan

Sarkis Karabadzhakyan moved all in from under the gun for 520,000. Alexandr Sergutin moved all in over the top and the remaining players folded.

Sarkis Karabadzhakyan: {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}
Alexandr Sergutin: {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs}

The flop came {5-Clubs}{k-Spades}{7-Hearts} giving both players a set. The turn was the {4-Spades} and the river the {a-Clubs} meaning Karabadzhakyan, who came into the day as the short stack, became the first elimination of the final day.

The seven remaining players are all guaranteed RUB 1,295,000 ($19,425).

Sarkis Karabadzhakyan
Sarkis Karabadzhakyan
Player Chips Progress
Alexandr Sergutin ru
Alexandr Sergutin
Sarkis Karabadzhakyan ru
Sarkis Karabadzhakyan

Tags: Alexandr SergutinSarkis Karabadzhakyan

Masliankou Flexes His Muscles

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Yury Masliankou has been quiet so far today, even relinquishing his chip lead to Georgiy Skhulukhiya, but it didn't take much for him to utilise his big chip stack.

Leonid Bilokur opened to 125,000 and Alexandr Sergutin called in the small blind. Masliankou then made it 500,000 from the big blind and the two opponents quickly folded.

That puts Masliankou back into the chip lead with 5.8m.

Player Chips Progress
Yury Masliankou by
Yury Masliankou
Day 2 Chip Leader
Alexandr Sergutin ru
Alexandr Sergutin
Leonid Bilokur ru
Leonid Bilokur

Tags: Alexandr SergutinGeorgiy SkhulukhiyaLeonid BilokurYury Masliankou