2018 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo©Casino EPT

Feature Coverage
Day: 6

Payouts Set in €50K; Final 16 Seats and Stacks

Getting ready for the €50K
Getting ready for the €50K

The €50K Single-Day High Roller closed registration with 41 entries. While players had already redrawn for the final two tables, they had to repopulate another table after a last-minute entry pushed the number of live players back to 17. However, Timothy Adams quickly busted out and another redraw went down.

SeatTable 1Table 2
1Christoph Vogelsang (120,000)Justin Bonomo (290,000)
2Nick Petrangelo (440,000)Erik Seidel (249,000)
3Daniel Dvoress (172,000)Steve O'Dwyer (355,000)
4Behzad Ahadpour (50,000)Orpen Kisacikoglu (90,000)
5Mustapha Kanit (215,000)Ole Schemion (65,000)
6Rainer Kempe (390,000)Igor Kurganov (209,000
7Sam Greenwood (448,000)Patrik Antonius (137,000)
8Stephen Chidwick (160,000)Steffen Sontheimer (771,000)

The new blind level is 3,000/6,000/6,000. Right after the redraw, Orpen Kisacikoglu busted Ole Schemion to cut it to 15.

Payouts have been released. In the mean time, graves have been dug for Christoph Vogelsang and Behzad Ahadpour.
