2018 PokerStars EPT Prague

€1,100 EPT National
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000

Mik Doubles Through Reard

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Alexandre Reard opened to 40,000 and Marian Mik three-bet to 130,000. Reard then four-bet all in and Mik called and was all in for around 550,000.

Alexandre Reard: {a-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}
Marian Mik: {a-Spades}{j-Spades}

Mik was ahead, and stayed that way on the {8-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} with Reard missing his gutshot to eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Marian Mik ua
Marian Mik
Alexandre Reard fr
Alexandre Reard

Tags: Alexandre ReardMarian Mik

Meijer van Putten Versus Carrel

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Charlie Carrel
Charlie Carrel

Jasper Meijer van Putten and Charlie Carrel just played two hands against each other and Meijer van Putten got on top at the end.

In the first hand, Meijer van Putten opened from the hijack to 40,000 and Carrel three-bet from the button to 105,000. Both players in the blinds folded and so did Meijer van Putten and the first pot the two played went to Carrel.

In the next hand, Meijer van Putten opened to 40,000 again, but this time from middle position. Carrel did exactly the same thing as the hand before when he three-bet to 105,000 from the cutoff. This time Meijer van Putten moved all in when it folded to him and Carrel didn't even need a count when he called.

Carrel had the better hand with {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds} and Meijer van Putten had to come from behind with {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}. Mike Tokatlyan said to Meijer van Putten: ''Don't worry, you might hit your seven'' and Meijer van Putten went on to do exactly that.

The board was dealt {10-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} and Meijer van Putten doubled up through Carrel.

Player Chips Progress
Jasper Meijer Van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer Van Putten
Day 1C Chip Leader
Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel

Tags: Charlie CarrelJasper Meijer van Putten

Vasilev Sends Lomakin to the Rail in Huge Pot

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Ivan Vasilev from the hijack and Sergey Lomakin from the big blind were involved in what looked like a normal pot with nothing extraordinary going on. The flop was {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} and the pot had about 180,000 in it. Both players got in another 300,000 on that flop and the turn was the {8-Hearts} with suddenly 780,000 in the middle.

Lomakin then moved all in on the turn for about the size of the pot and Vasilev called quickly. Lomakin had {7-Spades}{7-Hearts} for a flopped set, but Vasilev was playing {K-Clubs}{10-Clubs} for a turned straight.

The river was the {Q-Diamonds} and that meant that Vasilev would win a huge 2,2 million pot and Lomakin is left with nothing.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Vasilev ru
Ivan Vasilev
Sergey Lomakin ru
Sergey Lomakin

Tags: Ivan VasilevSergey Lomakin

Thorel Forces Out Nurzynski

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Piotr Nurzynski opened to 40,000 and Jean-Noel Thorel called on the button. The big blind also called, and the three saw a flop of {j-Spades}{2-Clubs}{5-Clubs}. The big blind checked to Nurzynski who bet 50,000. Thorel was the only caller.

The turn was the {a-Diamonds} and Nurzynski checked. Thorel bet 100,000 and last year's PSC PRague Main Event winner just called.

The river was the {10-Hearts} and Nurzynski checked again. Thorel bet 150,000 and Nurzynski folded after a short thought.

Player Chips Progress
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Piotr Nurzynski pl
Piotr Nurzynski
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Piotr NurzynskiJean-Noel Thorel

Level: 23

Blinds: 10,000/25,000

Ante: 25,000

Sootla Doubles Through Calderone

Level 23 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Ranno Sootla saw Eros Calderone raise to 60,000. He decided to three-bet to 170,000 and Calderone his answer was four-betting all-in for effectively 780,000 as he covered Sootla. Sootla called quickly.

Ranno Sootla: {K-Hearts}{K-Clubs}
Eros Calderone: {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}

The board ran out {5-Spades}{8-Clubs}{8-Spades}{3-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and Sootla managed to fade a lot of outs to secure a double up to about 1,600,000 while Calderone is left with just 420,000.

Player Chips Progress
Ranno Sootla ee
Ranno Sootla
Eros Calderone it
Eros Calderone

Tags: Eros CalderoneRanno Sootla

Di Cicco Takes From Zaskodny; Vasilev Down from Peak

Level 23 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Ivan Vasilev had doubled up Lukas Zaskodny earlier in the level before Zaskodny opened to 55,000 and got calls from Massimo Di Cicco in the small blind and Vasilev in the big blind.

The flop and turn of {6-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} were checked by all three players before Di Cicco bet 75,000 on the {j-Clubs} river. Vasilev folded and Zaskodny tank-called.

Di Cicco showed {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades} for the second-nut flush and took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Vasilev ru
Ivan Vasilev
Lukas Zaskodny cz
Lukas Zaskodny
Massimo Di Cicco it
Massimo Di Cicco

Tags: Ivan VasilevLukas ZaskodnyMassimo Di Cicco

Tokatlyan Rivers a Flush to Double Through Van Putten

Level 23 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Jasper Meijer Van Putten opened to 50,000 and Mike Tokatlyan three-bet all in for 505,000. The remaining players folded before Van Putten called.

"F*ck," said Tokatlyan, turning over {j-Spades}{10-Spades} as he saw 2016 EPT Prague Main Event champion Van Putten show {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds}.

"Good luck," said Van Putten.

The flop was all Tokatlyan coming {7-Spades}{10-Hearts}{5-Spades} giving him a pair and a flush draw. The turn was the {6-Diamonds} and the river {a-Spades} completed his flush.

"Someone does not want me out of here yet!" said Tokatlyan as he sat back down.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Tokatlyan us
Mike Tokatlyan
Jasper Meijer Van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer Van Putten
Day 1C Chip Leader

Tags: Jasper Meijer van PuttenMike Tokatlyan

80 Players Remaining in the EPT National

Level 23 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Tournament Room
Tournament Room

Today there were 373 players at the start of the day, and with around half a level left until the 75-minute dinner break the tournament staff have broken a table and we are down to the last ten tables with 80 players left playing for the €382,750 first prize.

Howden Eliminated by Padda

Level 23 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Harpreet Padda just eliminated Christopher Howden. They got their chips in the middle without any community cards on the table.

Padda was playing {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} and needed to hit against the {K-Spades}{K-Hearts} of Howden.

The board ran out {5-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and Padda hit his flush to take down the sizeable pot.

Padda crossed the three million chip mark by winning that pot.

Player Chips Progress
Harpreet Padda ca
Harpreet Padda
Day 1B Chip Leader
Christopher Howden gb
Christopher Howden

Tags: Christopher HowdenHarpreet Padda