2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

€5,300 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Mateos' Bluff Fails on Tjauw Foe

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

Clyde Tjauw Foe opened the button and EPT Grand Final champion Adrian Mateos made the call from the big blind. The flop came {3-Spades}{9-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Mateos checked. Tjauw Foe fired 14,000 into the middle and Mateos check raised to 46,000. Tjauw Foe called in position.

Both players checked the {J-Spades} on the turn and the {7-Spades} completed the board. Mateos bet 125,000 and Tjauw Foe shoved all in. Mateos instantly folded.

"I had the best hand anyway I think" Tjauw Foe said while he gathered the chips. He showed {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds} and started stacking. Ori Miller asked "Why did you shove?" and asked the table the same question when Tjauw Foe didn't reply. Miller will probably never know because no one joined in the discussion.

Player Chips Progress
Clyde Tjauw Foe nl
Clyde Tjauw Foe
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Clyde Tjauw FoeOri MillerAdrian Mateos

Former EPT Prague High Roller Champ Sent to the Rail

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Two years ago, Ivan Soshnikov topped a 176-entry field and defeated Olivier Busquet in heads-up to win the Season 10 European Poker Tour Prague €10,000 High Roller for €382,050. Soshnikov was back in Prague looking for another title, but his hopes of capturing one in the Main Event just came to an end.

Soshnikov shoved his last 63,000 from the cutoff and Tomas Pleticha looked him up from the button.

Soshnikov: {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Pleticha: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

It was another flip, and Soshnikov just needed to hold. He couldn't though as the {q-Hearts}{a-Hearts}{10-Spades} flop paired Pleticha. The {K-Clubs} turn put up a chop option, but it didn't come through as the {5-Hearts} blanked on the river. Soshnikov was officially eliminated in 89th place.

Player Chips Progress
Tomas Pleticha cz
Tomas Pleticha
Ivan Soshnikov ru
Ivan Soshnikov

Tags: Ivan SoshnikovTomas Pleticha

Big Slick Doesn't Do the Trick for Mederos

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Javier Rojas Mederos got his stack all in preflop and was flipping against Paul Michaelis.

Michaelis: {6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}
Mederos: {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

Mederos needed to improve to stay alive, but that didn't happen as the board ran out a lowly {4-}{3-}{5-}{5-}{j-}. Michaelis was pushed the pot while Mederos made his way to the payout desk in 88th place to collect €11,540.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Michaelis de
Paul Michaelis
Javier Rojas Mederos es
Javier Rojas Mederos

Tags: Javier Rojas MederosPaul Michaelis

Lakemeier Knocked Out

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Jens Lakemeier just moved all in after Onur Unsal had raised from the button, and Unsal tanked for a while before making the call for 108,000 chips.

Unsal: {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}
Lakemeier: {A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}

The board ran out {4-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds} and Lakemeier was knocked out while Unsal chipped up nicely as the level draws to a close.

Player Chips Progress
Onur Unsal tr
Onur Unsal
Jens Lakemeier at
Jens Lakemeier

Tags: Jens LakemeierOnur Unsal

Lightbourne Loses a Little Ground

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Alexander Reard made it 14,000 to play from his seat in the cutoff and his only customer was Iaron Lightbourn sat one seat away on the button. Reard checked the {Q-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}, but called when Lightbourne made a 19,000 bet.

The {6-Diamonds} was checked by both players, with the {6-Hearts} river completing a potential flush and pairing the board, meaning it wasn’t surprising to see Reard lead for 34,000. Lightbourne quickly folded, exposing the {K-Hearts} as he did so.

Player Chips Progress
Iaron Lightbourne gb
Iaron Lightbourne
Alexander Reard fr
Alexander Reard

Tags: Alexander ReardIaron Lightbourne

Chen Wins Some from Hakim

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Jeffrey Hakim opened the button for 13,000 and Andrew Chen called from the big blind. Both players checked on {A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{10-Spades} and the {10-Diamonds} hit the turn. Chen bet out 15,000 and Hakim called. The river came the {6-Clubs} and Chen bet 37,000 with just 50,000 behind. Hakim tanked for a long time but folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jeffrey Hakim lb
Jeffrey Hakim
Andrew Chen ca
Andrew Chen

Tags: Andrew ChenJeffrey Hakim

Nothing But Pain for Ainsworth

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Jude Ainsworth
Jude Ainsworth

"All in and a call," a dealer yelled.

By the time we made out way over, the hand was complete and Jude Ainsworth had been eliminated.

We're not sure when the chips went in (it appeared to be the turn), but we do know Ainsworth held the {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} on a board reading {a-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{4-Hearts}.

Unfortunately for him, Sebastian Gohr held two pair with the {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}.

Player Chips Progress
Sebastian Gohr gb
Sebastian Gohr
Jude Ainsworth ie
Jude Ainsworth

Tags: Jude AinsworthSebastian Gohr


Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

The last break of the day has just begun, play will resume in 20 minutes.

Level: 19

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 1,000

Deinum Catches a Miracle River

Level 19 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante

Iliodoros Kamatakis just raised from the button and Dutchman Foeke Deinum moved all in from the small blind for 128,000. Kamatakis snap-called after the big blind folded, and the showdown went as follows.

Kamatakis: {K-Diamonds}{K-Spades}
Deinum: {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}

The board ran out {2-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{4-Clubs}, as Kamatakis cried out, "No!" after the river hit. Deinum hit a set on the river to double up, and he's now right back in it.

"Prague is good for me," Deinum said to us with a big smile, "I didn't see that coming," he then added as he stacked up his newly won chips.

Player Chips Progress
Foeke Deinum nl
Foeke Deinum
Iliodoros Kamatakis gr
Iliodoros Kamatakis

Tags: Foeke DeinumIlios Kamatakis