2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

€5,300 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

The Eliminations Keep Coming

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
Player Chips Progress
Adrian Govea Quevedo
Adrian Govea Quevedo
Nancy Birnbaum us
Nancy Birnbaum
Gerald Karlic at
Gerald Karlic
Gert Zumkehr
Gert Zumkehr
Leo Nordin
Leo Nordin
Run It Once
Darrell Goh at
Darrell Goh
Eliyachu Barak il
Eliyachu Barak
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Michael Ho us
Michael Ho
Yaron Genut
Yaron Genut
Carlos Chadha us
Carlos Chadha
Kai Herold de
Kai Herold
Rui Sousa pt
Rui Sousa
Chantcev Sergei
Chantcev Sergei
Jaroslaw Kowalski
Jaroslaw Kowalski
Hugo Felix pt
Hugo Felix
Jonatan Hellman se
Jonatan Hellman
Petr Subik cz
Petr Subik
Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
$25K Fantasy
Ezequiel Kleinman ar
Ezequiel Kleinman
Robert Kokoska cz
Robert Kokoska
Tomasz Wrobel pl
Tomasz Wrobel
Gernot Enskat
Gernot Enskat
Andrew Leathem gb
Andrew Leathem
Igor Dubinskyy ua
Igor Dubinskyy

Read full

George Danzer Eliminated In Interesting Hand

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
George Danzer
George Danzer

George Danzer opened for 3,400 from under the gun plus one and Boghean Andrei Lucian on the button made the call. The big blind came along for the ride and the three of them took a flop of {7-Clubs}{6-Spades}{5-Hearts}. The big blind checked and Danzer checked as well. Lucian made a bet of 6,100 which made the big blind fold almost instantly. Danzer wasn't so willing to let go of his hand and even raised, making it 14,000. Lucian called in position.

The {K-Hearts} fell on the turn and Danzer shoved all in for 26,100. The camera's, who seconds ago were trying to catch Vanessa Selbst's bust out (post to follow), swooped one table over and closed in on the action. Focus on Danzer moving in, switch to Lucian who now had the decision. The camera's were buzzing, all attention was on Lucian.

The man from Romania eventually tossed in a chip to call. Danzer showed top set with {K-Spades}{K-Diamonds}. Lucian tabled {Q-Hearts}{9-Hearts} for a turned flush draw on top of his flopped gutshot.

The dealer didn't waste any time burning a card and placing the {8-Spades} on the river. With hanging shoulders Danzer made his exit. Boghean Andrei Lucian started stacking, he's up to almost 120,000 now.

Player Chips Progress
Andrei Boghean ro
Andrei Boghean
George Danzer de
George Danzer

Tags: George Danzer

Banicevic Four-Bets De Meulder

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

Team PokerStars Pro Matthias De Meulder has lost a little ground, but still has more than 100,000 chips.

Vlado Banicevic raised to 3,500 and the cutoff called. Matthias De Meulder squeezed to 9,300 from the button, only to face a four-bet to 18,700 from Banicevic. The cutoff folded, as did De Meulder.

De Meulder's fellow Team Pro, Johnny Lodden, is also at the table and has 51,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Matthias De Meulder be
Matthias De Meulder
Johnny Lodden no
Johnny Lodden

Tags: Matthias De MeulderJohnny LoddenVlado Banicevic

Birnbaum's First-Ever EPT Main Event Comes to an End

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
Nancy Birnbaum
Nancy Birnbaum

Yesterday we told you the story of American poker pro Nancy Birnbaum, who was playing in her first-ever EPT Main Event.

Birnbaum did well on Day 1b, but her journey took a turn for the worst on Day 2 as she only seemed to dwindle over the course of the last three levels.

We missed her elimination, but she was kind enough to fill us in on the details. According to her, she was down to just six big blinds when she got it in holding {3-}{3-} against the {k-Spades}{q-Spades} of an opponent. It was a flip, but the coin did not come down in Birnbaum's favor as the flop contained a king.

No three would appear, and Birnbaum was left no recourse but to go enjoy the city.

Tags: Nancy Birnbaum

Alexander Lakhov Eliminated

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

Benjamin Richardson made it 3,500 to go from middle position and Alexander Lakhov three bet to 10,200 from the hijack. Gavin O'Rourke on the button cold four bet to 22,000 and the small blind folded. Niall Farrell in the big blind tanked for a bit but folded in the end, as did Richardson. Lahov instantly moved all in and O'Rourke called just as quick.

Alexander Lakhov: {10-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Gavin O'Rourke: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

The board ran out {3-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{J-Hearts} and Lakhov hit the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Gavin O'Rourke ie
Gavin O'Rourke
Alexander Lakhov ru
Alexander Lakhov

Tags: Alexander LakhovGavin O'Rourke

Selbst Can't Get Past Andler

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
Vanessa Selbst
Vanessa Selbst

We just caught Team PokerStars Pro Vanessa Selbst all in for 100 chips, and we stuck around to find out the whole story of her demise in this year's EPT Prague Main Event. After the dust settled we caught up with Swede Christopher Andler, who recapped all the action for us.

"She raised to 3,300 and I three-bet to 8,100 from the button," Andler started, as he managed to win all of her chips in the end.

"She called the three-bet, and the flop came down {K-}{7-}{5-}," Andler continued.

Selbst checked to Andler who bet 6,600 and the three-time WSOP bracelet winner check-raised to 14,000, according to Andler. The Swede made the call, and on the turn another {K-} hit.

"She bet 25,000 with just 100 chips behind and I went all in," Andler said, "And she folded right away."

Andler, with a smile, repeated himself to emphasize that she folded with just 100 chips behind, and on the very next hand she was all in automatically

The action folded to Andler while Selbst was all in for less than an ante, and he raised to 3,500, getting the other players to fold.

Selbst: {J-Hearts}{J-Spades}
Andler: {A-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}

The board ran out {10-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades}{K-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} and Selbst nonupled up to 900 chips. After posting the ante of 200, Selbst was all in for 700 on the next hand, and once again she was up against Andler. Andler raised to 3,500 from the hijack and the player on the small blind three-bet to 9,000.

Andler called the three-bet in position, and the flop brought out {K-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{7-Clubs} on which the small blind bet 11,000. Andler called the bet and the turn was the {3-Spades}. The small blind fired out another 24,800 and Andler proceeded to move all in for 89,500.

After a while Andler's opponent folded, and he was once again heads up with Selbst.

Andler: {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}
Selbst: {A-Spades}{3-Diamonds}

The river brought the {7-Diamonds} and Selbst wished the players at her table good luck before leaving the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Andler se
Christopher Andler
Vanessa Selbst us
Vanessa Selbst

Tags: Christopher AndlerVanessa Selbst


Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

Play will resume in 20 minutes, after which just two more levels will be played before the day is done.

Remko Report Episode #27: JC Alvarado Talks MMA Fight with Olivier Busquet and More

Level 12 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

JC Alvarado has a big fight booked with Olivier Busquet. He and Remko Rinkema discuss the match, along with Alvarado's road to becoming a professional poker player, MMA, and more.

You can subscribe to the entire PokerNews Podcast Network on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here. The PokerNews family of podcasts is now available on Stitcher.

Tags: JC AlvaradoOlivier BusquetPokerNews PodcastRemko ReportRemko Rinkema

Level: 13

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 300