2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

€10,300 High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Boeree Sad, Boeree Happy

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Liv Boeree
Liv Boeree

Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree was just caught in a pot from the under-the-gun position against Vladimir Troyanovskiy in the big blind. The flop showed {4-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} when the Russian pro check-called a bet of 5,500 and the turn brought the {9-Diamonds}.

Troyanovskiy checked again after which the former EPT San Remo champion bet 14,000.

After a while Troyanovskiy moved all in to put Boeree at risk, and she called immediately for a total of 37,000.

Boeree's face turned as she saw her opponent turn over {J-Spades}{9-Hearts} for two pair, and her {K-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} were in trouble.

On the river however, the {4-Spades} hit and Boeree let out the slightest squeal, followed by a big smile as she managed to double up. Boeree raked in the pot and she's now in great shape with about 90,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Liv Boeree gb
Liv Boeree

Tags: Liv BoereeVladimir Troyanovskiy

(A Minimum of) 152 Players Battle it Out on Day 2

152 players try to succeed last years champion Andrey Zaichenko
152 players try to succeed last years champion Andrey Zaichenko

After 10 levels of play its American poker pro Kenneth Smaron in the lead with 274,400 in chips in the 2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague €10,300 High Roller. For quite some time it looked like Polish pro Kacper Pyzara (who busted the Main Event earlier that day) would finish as the chip leader, but Smaron won a big pot late to grab the lead.

247 unique players entered the high roller yesterday and a total of 56 re-entries were made. That made for a total of 303 entries, just shy of last year's record of 309 entries. Late registration and single re-entry option stays open until the start of Day 2, so it just may become the biggest EPT Prague High Roller after all.

A total of 152 players survived the day, amongst them a battalion of familiar faces. Australian high roller Jeff Rossiter (252,400), Daniel Cates (211,400) didn't play the Main Event or earlier High Rollers but did show up for this last one, EPT and WSOPE champion Kevin MacPhee (178,200) survived the day and PokerStars Team Pro's Vanessa Selbst (119,700), Liv Boeree (47,800) and Eugene Katchalov (21,400) made it through.

The plan for Day 2 is to play 10 levels of 60 minutes each (dinner break around 7 pm, finish around 1 am) or down to a final table of 8 players, whichever comes faster. The first level to be played is 1,000/2,000 with a 300 ante. You can find the entire structure here (.pdf).

SeasonEntriesPrize PoolWinnerCountryPrize
726€254,800Nichlas MattsonSweden€127,000
850€490,000John AndressUnited States€176,400
9113€1,107,400Marvin RettenmaierGermany€365,300
10176€1,724,800Ivan SoshnikovRussia€382,050
11309€3,028,200Andrey ZaichenkoRussia€487,190

Tags: Dan CatesEugene KatchalovJeff RossiterKacper PyzaraKenneth SmaronKevin MacPheeLiv BoereeVanessa Selbst