No Deal, Play Continues
The three players were interested in making a deal and the tournament director gave them the ICM numbers. Nick Petrangelo wanted to agree to the ICM numbers and be done with it, play for nothing, but Juha Helppi and Mike McDonald showed interest in setting some money aside to play for.
The three players negotiated a bit back and forth and for some time it looked like they settled to set €15,000 aside and chop up the rest according to ICM. Helppi wanted all three players to put in €5,000 for the €15,000 but Petrangelo wasn't too happy about that. Since he was the shorter stack he wanted to put in less.
Helppi then set a hard ultimatum; play or use ICM and all set aside €5,000. McDonald and Petrangelo then decided to just play because they found it somewhat unfair to all put in €5,000 while Helppi had way more chips. McDonald tried to make it €7,000 for Helppi and €4,000 for him and Petrangelo, but that didn't work out either.
The three agreed on playing it out, and the clock was started again.