2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€10,600 Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Help Yourself to a Free $20 Thanks to PokerNews and Skrill

Level 8 : 300/600, 75 ante

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Tags: Skrill

Level: 8

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 75

Tough Crowd

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier

Team PokerStars Pro Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier opened for 1,050 from first position. Fellow Team Pro Vanessa Selbst raised from the small blind to 3,100 and in the big blind Michele Bianchi called Slebst’s raise. Grospellier put in the extra and they went three way to the flop.

{j-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} and Selbst checked. Bianchi bet 3,500 and Grospellier made the call. Selbst didn’t want any more of that and folded.
The turn card was the {q-Spades} and when Bianchi now checked Grospellier continued the story with a bet of 6,600. Bianchi shook his head and looked back at his cards one more time before folding them.

Tags: Bertrand GrospellierVanessa SelbstMichele Bianchi

Maimone Runs Into Aces

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Antonio Buonanno had raised and Nick Maimone had raised him back to 18,000. “We getting it in?” asked Maimone. Indeed they were as Buonanno shoved and as Maimone slammed down the chips to call he asked his opponent, “Queens? Ace king?” and tabled {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}.

He was a bit off as Buonanno tabled {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}.

The cards ran out {9-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} and Buonanno doubled up his stack of 49,200

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Nick Maimone us
Nick Maimone

Tags: Nick Maimone

Jacobson Suffers Three-Outer

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
Martin Jacobson
Martin Jacobson

On an {A-Spades}{10-}{3-Spades} flop, Paul Vas Nunes bet 2,000 and Martin Jacobson made the call to see the {4-} on the turn. Vas Nunes now checked and Jacobson bet 2,500 but Vas Nunes check-raised to 9,500. Jacobson made the call.

The river was the {J-Diamonds} and Vas Nunes shoved for 25,000. Jacobson called off with {A-}{J-} but found his opponent had rivered a three-outer with {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} to knock out the Swede.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Vas Nunes gb
Paul Vas Nunes
Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson

Tags: Martin JacobsonPaul vas Nunes

Amirov’s Promise

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

The board read {j-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} and Rhys Jones had bet 21,700. The man facing the bet was Ilkin Amirov and he did not like it one bit.

Jones sat stock still while Amirov looked like he was being tortured. It was a pot sized bet and represented the vast majority of his remaining chips. He shook his head and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. At last he made the fold and asked Jones, “Show one? Tell me later?” but got no response.

Instead he turned to Timothy Adams, “What do you think? Did he have it? Good bet anyway.”

Amirov explained that he had made a bad call to bust an earlier tournament today and had promised that he would not make any more calls like that. If it hadn’t been that way he would have called.

Tags: Rhys Jones

Maimone Makes Angry River Call

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
Nick Maimone
Nick Maimone

Carlos Chadha opened for 1,100 from middle position and got raised by Nick Maimone in the small blind to 2,200. Chadha made the call and the two players saw a flop of {6-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{5-Hearts}.

Maimone bet 2,600 and got called.

The turn card was the {j-Spades}. Maimone bet 6,000 and got called.

The river card was a nasty looking {10-Hearts} and Maimone checked. Chadha counted out a bet and made it 7,000. Maimone picked up the calling chips and angrily threw them on the table.

Chada tabled {7-Clubs}{4-Clubs} having been up and down on the flop and bluffing the river so Maimone was pushed the pot as his {a-Clubs}{a-Spades} was good.

Tags: Carlos ChadhaNick Maimone

No Sweat for Reilly

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante
Tim Reilly
Tim Reilly

The chips went flying in between Tim Reilly and Team PokerStars Pro George Danzer on a {9-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{J-Hearts} flop.

Reilly: {J-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}
Danzer: {9-Hearts}{6-Hearts}

Any thought of a sweat was quickly dismissed when Reilly made quads on the {J-Spades} turn. Danzer made his flush on the {K-Hearts} river but it was already too late. Reilly was down to just 7,500 earlier today, he now has ten times that amount.

Player Chips Progress
Tim Reilly us
Tim Reilly
George Danzer de
George Danzer

Tags: George DanzerTim Reilly

Who Had Jacks?

Level 7 : 250/500, 50 ante

Jason Duval opened the pot and Alec Torelli called in the small blind. Dominik Nitsche in the big blind raised it up to 4,750 and after Duval had established that Nitsche had 30k behind he made the call as did Torelli.

The flop was {3-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{a-Hearts} and it checked around. The turn card was the {9-Hearts} and when Torelli checked, a bet of 6,500 from Nitsche took it down.

The discussion after the hand was who had the jacks. Nitsche said that maybe he and Torelli had them.

Player Chips Progress
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche

Tags: Alec TorelliDominik NitscheJason Duval